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I am not pointing specifically at you. Just for the record.
I thought otherwise since you quoted me. But yeah you're right. Mac OS X was pretty feature lacking and had poor third-party app support. I found myself dual booting between Mac OS X and Mac OS 9 all the time.

Regarding your post, I am surprised you didn't get good performance from early versions of OS X. I had a Titanium PowerBook G4, I thought it ran pretty well, kept that machine going for 6 years! Now that's a machine to get nostalgic about but, I digress, off topic.
I wouldn't say the performance was bad, but there was this constant lag everywhere in the system. Loading a preference pane would have a delay, scrolling wasn't smooth, launching even smaller build-in applications took a few bounces, etc. Mind you this was on an iMac G3 and eMac respectively. Once I got my first Intel iMac running Mac OS X Tiger I was blown away by how smooth and fast everything was. All those apps that took three bounces to launch, now started in less than a bounce. The delay when loading preference panes was almost completely gone. Scrolling became smooth.

Things like that. :)
Hmm let me see...

- After Mac OS X 10.0 Puma was first introduced
- After Mac OS X 10.3 Panther was first introduced*
- After Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard was first introduced
- After OS X Lion was first introduced

So basically after the introduction of every (Mac) OS X version featuring major changes to the Aqua interface. :rolleyes:

*During the Mac OS X Panther Developer Previews I vividly remember people crying, kicking and screaming they would never upgrade beyond Mac OS X 10.2 Jaguar. How Apple completely lost their minds for removing most of Aqua's transparency (mind you, this was before video cards were powerful enough to do the blur effect). People were outraged the harsh pinstripes and bright white tints were toned down. Saying they would never buy a Mac that came pre-installed with Mac OS X 10.3 Panther as long as Apple didn't restore original Aqua, bla bla bla. Sounds familiar doesn't it?

Ironic how people here are celebrating Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger's interface introduced by Mac OS X 10.3 Panther (short of the unified title/toolbar look). In 2003 it was every bit as controversial among the same type of people as OS X Yosemite is today.

It's hilarious to read clueless comments about how this supposedly never happened before in the history of OS X.

Not to mention the outrage after OS X 10.0 was released. (Platinum to Aqua). A MUCH bigger change than 10.0 to 10.10!


I was also a beta tester for OS X Cheetah, and a user of Mac OS 6 through 9.

Functionality was probably the biggest concern during the transition from Classic OS to OS X, but I don't think it was the biggest complaint. People knew that transitioning to a whole new system architecture was going to have a fair amount of growing pains; they may not have been thrilled about it, but most people understood.

As far as complaints go, there were a ton of people who absolutely hated the Aqua UI. Many people thought it was garish compared to Classic and that it made the Mac OS into something that looked like a child's toy. I think this belief was particularly touchy for some users since a similar sentiment had been applied to the original Macintosh by some of its detractors and it made some original Mac users a bit defensive.

At any rate, I definitely remember a lot of people swearing that they would never transition to OS X and would simply use their Classic machines until they were no longer supported/functional at which point they would switch to Windows or Linux.

And I bet 99% of those users are now using..... OS X!


I've never seen so many complaints before in my life. When Lion came out there were a lot of complaints, but nothing this rampant, and that was after the OS's release.

Too many people just don't like Yosemite. Way too many, IMHO.

You obviously weren't around in 2001 when Mac OS X 10.0 was released...

The complaints then make this seem like a storm in a teacup.
And I bet 99% of those users are now using..... OS X!

I'm sure they are, and if not, well I suppose that's their prerogative. Personally I was quite glad having a new OS where Force Quit actually did something other than confirming that my Mac was indeed frozen. :D
It's hilarious to read clueless comments about how this supposedly never happened before in the history of OS X.

The fact you call people's opinions "clueless" and laugh at them tells me NOTHING you have to say is worth reading.

What a coincidence...!

OS X 10.9 Mavericks was a free upgrade because Lion and Mountain Lion are sluggish and have lots of bugs... :eek:

OS X 10.10 Yosemite is going to be a free upgrade because Mavericks is sluggish and has lots of bugs... :eek:

OS X 10.11 Ferengi will be a free upgrade because Yosemite has terrible UI and has lots of bugs... :eek:


Can you substantiate those claims or are you just making stuff up off the top of your head? :rolleyes:

I honestly don't see the point of these types of "defenses" of Yosemite. What are you hoping to accomplish? Do you seriously think you can convince someone who thinks it's UGLY that it's NOT ugly by saying other people have thought so about previous versions in the past??? There's ZERO logic there. I'm sure those people wouldn't have been appeased by such illogical arguments either. It's GREAT that you just LOVE Yosemite (and possibly every single thing Apple does based on most fans emotional defensive reactions on here that never seem to end). Go enjoy it. Spend all day worshiping it if that's what appeals to you. But don't think you'll suddenly make the world appear all rose-tinted to those that can plainly see for themselves that Johnny Ive has ZERO talent when it comes to making and/or directing ART.

Frankly, I've seen better interface artwork in the 1980s, which quite honestly is what Yosemite's GUI reminds me of, a 1980's flat, boring interface. Back then it was due to limited colors and CPU power being available. I'm going to guess that Yosemite won't save me any CPU cycles, though. Apple has had a way of bloating most OS X releases since Tiger (and yes Snow Leopard measured slower here than Leopard on my Macbook Pro also; some improvement that "optimization release" was. The only thing it saved was disk space by wiping out PPC code and support (Thanks to Apple for artificially shortening the life of the last PPC Mac Pros. A lot of people appreciated that as well). I'm not a big fan of most things Apple does. It is only the fact that Windows has been historically a messy register-based disaster of crashes and malware that I've stuck with Apple. It's certainly not been for the outstanding gaming support Apple has provided gaming developers and the top notch GPUs and drivers they've provided us with, that's for certain. :rolleyes:
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Typography is still lacking

I just wish they would fix the quality issues. It's not a matter of taste for me, its a matter of legibility. These examples express my complaint. In all the arguments about OS X, or OS 9 for that fact, I don't ever recall people complaining about poor typography on any Mac until Yosemite.

On the left is Mavericks, Yosemite on the right. No one can convince me Yosemite is easier to read. I think that lack of contrast and pixelation (if you look close) is what causes the eye strain complaints.

Have I submitted this to Apple? Repeatedly, during all these Betas, sadly they are locked down now. Best we can hope is .1 sanity will prevail.


  • Mavericks-Dock.png
    190.7 KB · Views: 1,431
  • Yosemite-Dock.png
    280 KB · Views: 1,402
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The fact you call people's opinions "clueless" and laugh at them tells me NOTHING you have to say is worth reading.
I would never call a mere opinion clueless. I totally respect the fact that OS X Yosemite's new interface design might not be everyone's cup of tea. However if someone's hinting at "X or Y never happening before" as fact when it clearly has, it's clear said person has little or no knowledge about the subject. That's the meaning of the word "clueless" you know.
I would never call an mere opinion clueless. I totally respect the fact that OS X Yosemite's new interface design might not be everyone's cup of tea. However if someone's hinting at "X or Y never happening before" as fact when it clearly has...

Perhaps they were referring to the extent of the complaints? It would be rather absurd to assume that no one has ever had a single complaint about an OS X release prior to Yosemite Betas, after all. Your "clueless" comments seem entirely dependent upon that assumption, however given the word "never" that you use above.

..., it's clear said person has little or no knowledge about the subject. That's the meaning of the word "clueless" you know.

Really? I've gotten warnings for using the word "clueless" in my posts referring to specific posters before, so I'd be careful about your words choices, if I were you. I think they're simply making an observation in that they've never see SO MANY complaints purely about the aesthetics of the GUI and icons in general. We saw similar complaints about iOS7. It's clear to me that some people simply don't like the "Johnny Ive Flat Wireframe Vision" for OS X and iOS. Given all the "beautiful" type postings for Yosemite that feature BACKGROUND PICTURES and NOT the GUI, I'm not even sure your average fan of Yosemite on here knows what a GUI is or why people don't care for the changes to begin with.
On the left is Mavericks, Yosemite on the right. No one can convince me Yosemite is easier to read. I think that lack of contrast and pixelation (if you look close) is what causes the eye strain complaints.
The Dock labels in OS X Mavericks show heavy pixelation as well though. Kinda hated that ever since Apple introduced the feature with Mac OS X Leopard. :confused:
The Dock labels in OS X Mavericks show heavy pixelation as well though. Kinda hated that ever since Apple introduced the feature with Mac OS X Leopard. :confused:

Mavericks is legible, and the pixelation is very small in comparison. You have to admit the Yosemite font fading and background makes it so much worse.

Even the Apple web site is doing a lot of that, faded fonts and bright white background, hurts my head by the end of the day.:mad:
Perhaps they were referring to the extent of the complaints? It would be rather absurd to assume that no one has ever had a single complaint about an OS X release prior to Yosemite Betas, after all. Your "clueless" comments seem entirely dependent upon that assumption, however given the word "never" that you use above.

Really? I've gotten warnings for using the word "clueless" in my posts referring to specific posters before, so I'd be careful about your words choices, if I were you. I think they're simply making an observation in that they've never see SO MANY complaints purely about the aesthetics of the GUI and icons in general. We saw similar complaints about iOS7. It's clear to me that some people simply don't like the "Johnny Ive Flat Wireframe Vision" for OS X and iOS. Given all the "beautiful" type postings for Yosemite that feature BACKGROUND PICTURES and NOT the GUI, I'm not even sure your average fan of Yosemite on here knows what a GUI is or why people don't care for the changes to begin with.
Saying the extent is bigger now is like kicking in a door that's already wide-open. OS X has more users than ever nowadays and it's the first time Apple offered a public beta for their upcoming release. Obviously more people will have a say about things. However I can tell you right now that the complaints, outrage and negative opinions about OS X Yosemite in general aren't any different than they were back during Mac OS X 10.3 Panther Developer Previews. More? Yes, but that's logical for reasons already stated. Putting things in perspective nothing is really different compared to 2003. It's history repeating itself. So saying it did't happen before or it would never have happened under Steve's watch is just nonsense.

Love the fact you're continuing to read my posts and taking the time to respond to them, after venting that earlier sentiment. Cheers! ;)


Mavericks is legible, and the pixelation is very small in comparison. You have to admit the Yosemite font fading and background makes it so much worse.

Even the Apple web site is doing a lot of that, faded fonts and bright white background, hurts my head by the end of the day.:mad:
OS X Yosemite doesn't make it any better, no. But in my opinion those Fan labels look like crap since the beginning and it's best not to look at them too long.
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OS X Yosemite doesn't make it any better, no. But in my opinion those Fan labels look like crap since the beginning and it's best not to look at them too long.

Actually, truth be told I like fan mode :eek:, but that's purely opinion.

Regardless, Apple needs to make every combination work so I try all sorts of things, don't even get me started on dark menus, that needs some serious work.

With regard to the last few threads I think after Apple releases they'll fix any thing remotely resembling a legibility issue, mostly because the user base is huge and noisy.

Has anyone noticed they reintroduced some old tricks, for example using a thin line around your object tends to make it stand out, Mavericks is full of them. The Yosemite traffic lights in the early Betas blurred into the background, looked awful, but now they have a dark thin line, same color red/red, green/green etc to clean up the object.

So I guess I am saying not all is not lost, it'll get cleaned up. (Of course that's purely opinion too)
Saying the extent is bigger now is like kicking in a door that's already wide-open. OS X has more users than ever nowadays and it's the first time Apple offered a public beta for their upcoming release. Obviously more people will have a say about things. However I can tell you right now that the complaints, outrage and negative opinions about OS X Yosemite in general aren't any different than they were back during Mac OS X 10.3 Panther Developer Previews. More? Yes, but that's logical for reasons already stated.

An informal poll points to numbers of dissatisfaction with looks alone at around 30% (with around 20% actively despising it). How can you 'assure' me that the percentages were just as high back in Jaguar days? Don't confuse absolute numbers with percentages of users. 1 out of 3 thinking Yosemite is not an improvement or worse are not good numbers, IMO. They could have improved the underpinnings of OS X and left Mavericks' appearance alone. Change for change's sake is pointless, IMO.
I'm sure they are, and if not, well I suppose that's their prerogative. Personally I was quite glad having a new OS where Force Quit actually did something other than confirming that my Mac was indeed frozen. :D

Yes indeed, such a difference over OS 9
An informal poll points to numbers of dissatisfaction with looks alone at around 30% (with around 20% actively despising it). How can you 'assure' me that the percentages were just as high back in Jaguar days? Don't confuse absolute numbers with percentages of users. 1 out of 3 thinking Yosemite is not an improvement or worse are not good numbers, IMO. They could have improved the underpinnings of OS X and left Mavericks' appearance alone. Change for change's sake is pointless, IMO.

No reason to manipulate the results of your own polls :p Its not even close to '1 out of 3'. The worst case, 1 out of 6 users dislike Yosemite's UI, the reality is probably closer to 1 out of 8 or even 1 out of 10. Which is quite a good result for a major UI redesign to be frank. (your poll) - out of all people that made a statement about Yosemite looks, 22% have answered 'not the prettiest OS X' , and only 13% have answered 'the ugliest OS X' - out of all people that made a statement about Yosemite, 18% have answered 'hate it'

Not exactly just UI, but a more general poll: Here, over 85% of respondents have a positive impression of Yosemite
If you don't like the look of it use apps like "flavour" this app is used to change the hole look of the OS, you can find the app here.

You can change your icons by your self or with apps like "LiteIcon" witch can be found here.

You can also change the way the dock looks with software like "DockMod" witch can be found here.

I hope this helps make the OS the way you want it to.
An informal poll points to numbers of dissatisfaction with looks alone at around 30% (with around 20% actively despising it). How can you 'assure' me that the percentages were just as high back in Jaguar days? Don't confuse absolute numbers with percentages of users. 1 out of 3 thinking Yosemite is not an improvement or worse are not good numbers, IMO. They could have improved the underpinnings of OS X and left Mavericks' appearance alone. Change for change's sake is pointless, IMO.
Not sure I feel a real need to assure you of anything really beyond what I already told you. We'd just be going in circles. If you don't want to take my word for it that's fine too. On top of that those numbers you're mentioning are anything but representative. It's known that a much higher percentage of people will come to complain online compared to those who are statisfied with a product. While it might seem like a relatively high percentage of users hate something, it could very well be a small, but highly vocal, minority. It's something you see happening a lot really. Especially in the tech world.

EDIT: FYI, looking at your own poll the number of people who dislike OS X Yosemite's new look is closer to only 1 in 5-ish.
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I must say I'm quite surprised by the large amount of people who bash the new OS look. Also I can't understand what people have against the iOS 7/8 look? I think it's beautifully designed and I love the minimalistic approach. When I look at iOS 6 now I don't like it. On my Mac Pro, am still on mountain lion and wasn't interested in upgrading untill I saw some of the new features of yosemite as well as how beautiful it looks. The whole finder app look complaints are also so weird to me? I like its friendly new smile and I can't see this reference people make to the OS looking like it was designed by a child. I guess we are all different and have our own view on things. First OS release in a while that has me excited again. Now let's all hold thumbs it's not gonna be a lag fest :)
I've never seen so many complaints before in my life. When Lion came out there were a lot of complaints, but nothing this rampant, and that was after the OS's release.

Too many people just don't like Yosemite. Way too many, IMHO.

Did you actually log each and every complaint and tally them up in a spreadsheet? If so, please post it for us.
I genuinely don't understand any of these complaints.

Using the developer beta of Yosemite on day one, there were serious design flaws.

Using the latest GM release, the only complaints about design have to do with the ugly icons in the favorites dropdown on Safari (which isn't even a problem Apple can fix).

It's definitely different from previous versions of OSX, but everything feels much less excessive. I feel like most of these complaints are coming from people who haven't actually used it for more than 15 minutes or potentially even at all.

Open your minds and give it a shot. If you still absolutely despise it after a few weeks of usage, I'm sure there'll be 3rd party customization applications to resolve all of your woes.
… the only complaints about design have to do with the ugly icons in the favorites dropdown on Safari …

Genuinely, it's good that you have so few complaints.

It'll be interesting to discover whether the change of font pleases all users of the released build, 14A389.
Genuinely, it's good that you have so few complaints.

It'll be interesting to discover whether the change of font pleases all users of the released build, 14A389.

I agree.

The fonts they used on DP1 were awful and warranted a negative reaction.

The fonts they use on the current GM are perfectly fine, and after having used Yosemite for so long, I don't even remember what the old font looked like.
Well like it or not apparently they're releasing it today.

Personally it doesn't bug me as much appearance wise as it obviously does others, but I don't think I'd call it an improvement either.

I'll likely download to play with it but I doubt it will be my base OS for some time, if ever. Why? Because a lot of the old "i" apps that I use don't work anymore. Most notably iPhoto.

It should be interesting to see in a few months how well this thing is adopted by other users.
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