Yosemite has surpassed Mavericks in usage.
whether you like it or not
Well the stripping down continues... no icons at all! From 10.10.2 Beta (14C81h)
You sir, are 100% correct!I got to see Yosemite yesterday on a guy's machine while waiting at the airport. I don't know if it was a developers preview or a bootleg of one of the DP sets. I suppose it doesn't matter.
My conclusion was that some of the new features, once they get them working OK are good, in fact probably an asset.
....but then there are the changes to the user interface. Jonathon Ive said he was going to "pound it down" (the user interface, that is) and he did so...with a sledge hammer.
This is the worst looking version of MacOS I've ever seen in my life. The folder icons are an obnoxious deep turquoise. The Red, yellow, and green window control buttons have no 3D effects and look more like some cheap drawing. Most 3d effects are gone from the title bars of apps. They're all flat and unsophisticated looking. It reminded me of an early version of Linux or maybe something more like Windows 1.0. Many of the icons have been "simplified"...appaarently they were too complicated for us, so now they're being dumbed down with obnoxious, high contrast colors and simpleton diagrams.
I've been a loyal fan of Apple for years, but face the facts guys, Steve Jobs is gone and the new head of the company and his "designer" are pretty clueless. The "good 'ol days" of Apple, as in during the '80's are over, and now it's rebirth and re-incarnation of the company by Jobs in the 2000's are over. All the stuff Jobs liked, like the skeuomorphic design of the recently fired Scott Forstall, was what made the early versions of iOS and OS X look great, but Ive apparently got Forstall fired and has been "correcting" first iOS and now OS X.
FYI, CNET did a user rating of Ive's "greatly improved" iOS 7 and it got a 1.5 out 5 stars....all previous versions of iOS (from Jobs/Forstall) had ratings between 4.5 and 5. We obviously won't hear a bad word about Apple from anyone that stands to profit from advertising revenue but I'm afraid user rating tell the real story.
Unless they change Yosemite to appear more like its predecessors, I would give Yosemite a rating of 0.5 out of 5 stars. You really have to see it to get the feel for how butt-ugly and stupid looking it is.
I believe when my current generation of Apple hardware starts going south, the replacements will be non-Apple.
Any ideas for non-Windows alternates? I'm thinking Linux, FreeBSD, etc.
Well the stripping down continues... no icons at all! From 10.10.2 Beta (14C81h)
Like making all icons monochrome didn't hurt the usability enough... I hope everyone test-driving the beta will send feedback on this. It might just be a bug, though I doubt it.
You really shouldn't make posts like that. As a beta tester I doubt that you're an employee of the company but it sort of sounds like you're trying to tie your relation to that company to a disliking of Yosemite. Sort of like your trying to convince everyone that even companies don't like Yosemite, and I doubt that's true. That company has pictures of their products running on Yosemite all over the place on their web site.
Ladies and Gentlemen, whether you like it or not, Yosemite has surpassed Mavericks in usage. If it levels off in the low 40% range an issue may be able to be made that it's not really accepted, since more than half of Apple's users would be on older OSes, but the curves imply, at least to me, that it will likely completely displace Mavericks.
If Apple starts losing customers because of Ive's stupid and infantile designs, trust me, small software development companies will get hit a lot harder than a mega corporation like Apple will.
I've gone and done it. I've purchased my first non-Apple computer in nearly 15 years.
When iOS 7 came out, I just could not understand how everything could regress so much. The new features didn't make up for the very poor design. A few months after iOS 7 came out, I purchased a Nexus 7, to give Android a try. I never liked Android before. It was always slow and clunky, but KitKat was actually rather good.
When it came time to upgrade my iPhone 5, the next iPhone just wasn't on the cards for me. I tried using iOS 8 a few days ago when restoring my iPhone 5 to factory settings. The usability was thrown out along with the textures and graphic that contained depth. The Shift key is really, really, really poorly designed. The word "Amateur" is not something I thought I'd ever associate with Apple, but, wow...
I ended up with an LG G3, and you know what, it's great. I still run iOS 6 on my 3rd generation iPad, which I prefer to the Nexus 7, but Android has overtaken iOS, not just with features, but also with the UI, its interactivity, and its look and feel.
So, I've been using Yosemite on a spare Mac since the first developer preview. At first, I thought we'd been spared the disastrous UI changes that plague iOS... many of the items that were not up to the usual standards. I thought these "unfinished" items were going to be updated and improved. But no, they kept them in there. Who would have thought something so ugly, and so in your face, would be used. Many items, such as the toolbar elements look like outline placeholders in a design document. Not a finished product.
The OS runs flawlessly for me and has some nice looking UIs, but it's got some really ugly warts. It keeps getting in my way with overly bright colors. It doesn't get out of the way and let me concentrate on my content, but I suppose OS X has been moving away from a productivity powerhouse for some time now.
The blurry translucency is an effect that some designers at Apple like. They've added the effect, and then come up with a reason for it retroactively. Not only is it pretentious, but it's completely wrong. The translucent in the side bar is different to that in the toolbars. One shows the desktop picture, the other shows a portion of the document behind it.
They say the translucency gives a sense of context. No Apple, scrollbars give a sense of context. (remember those?)
So, after all this time, I've ordered a Microsoft Surface Pro 3... to see how I like it. I never, and I mean NEVER, would have thought I'd purchase a Windows based computer.
The world has gone mad.
… purchased my first non-Apple computer in nearly 15 years. … Surface Pro 3... to see how I like it. I never, and I mean NEVER, would have thought I'd purchase a Windows based computer. …
… an honest to goodness Mac vs PC thread! …
… you drama queens …
Losing customers? What, all 10 of you drama queens? That will definitively make a dent![]()
Seriously? 10?
This is probably one of the most read posts on this site. Is that because people like Yosemite????
I've gone and done it. I've purchased my first non-Apple computer in nearly 15 years.<snip>
Now if you run Windows you've gone to the dark side. Go figure.
Its funny, if you're around long enough you get lambasted no matter what you choose. I used to get laughed at for being on Apple, because "there was no software", anyone remember that? Now if you run Windows you've gone to the dark side. Go figure.
Seriously? 10?
This is probably one of the most read posts on this site. Is that because people like Yosemite????
I've gone and done it. I've purchased my first non-Apple computer in nearly 15 years.
looks like it could potentially solve the GUI looks problems since it provides theming.
Yosemite title bar visibility
There's the notion of hacking or patching, I don't imagine that it will be easy.
Yesterday I asked whether there will be a private beta or public beta for Flavours 2.
I'd like to support Interacto Labs Inc. developers of Flavours.
These will be fixed over the time.
Emotional attachment to tools is misplaced.
opinion about the new windows and the Surface Pro.
...These will be fixed over the time....
I still can't believe people are switching because the UI is too flat...
... The UI is the most important feature. It's the interface between the human and the machine...
I would like and tend to be an optimist myself.
Nevertheless, realism prevails. Just the other day I had a chat with Apple Support. I was interested whether they have an answer, how they treat the problem etc. Overall the result was what I expected. No solution was provided, though I was unfair as what I have mentioned have not been solved for years. And it is a very simple issue, like the rest.
It might seem trivial, but think about it. The UI is the most important feature. It's the interface between the human and the machine. If it isn't efficient to use or to visually parse, the whole process of manipulating the computer and it's data becomes slower and frustrating.
Oh, there are tons of bugs in OS X that have been dragged on for years or more and never have been fixed. E.g. the inability of copy-paste files from Mail to Finder, which drives me insane at times. But the critical bugs are much more likely to be fixed promptly thats why they are critical...
Beautiful or ugly woman... if the "UI" is not suitable you won't even approach.![]()