I can’t even believe I’m considering this... I bought both IPP sizes, completely settled on the 12.9, and returned the 11”. Still absolutely love and am keeping the 12.9”. I didn’t find a hugely noticeable advantage, size/weight-wise, to the 11”.
And yet... I was in the Apple store the other day for something else, and picked up another 11”, to take advantage of the longer holiday return period. There’s definitely enough to make it really compelling, too. I find the experience surprisingly different—I love the 12.9 for work (I can type easily on the onscreen keyboard, since it’s basically full-sized) and I can’t give up the immersive experience it provides for reading magazines, editing photos, video, etc. I find it very comfortable and unobtrusive for taking handwritten notes in work meetings. I also love it for editing/marking up PDFs and other work documents. And I’m excited about the forthcoming version of Photoshop. I’m keeping the 12.9”, for sure—it’s really a fantastic experience that’s unlike anything else I’ve used.
There are still two sites (website building/editing) I can’t use on the iPad, but otherwise I can pretty much use the IPP insead of my Macbook, for a majority of my work. And I absolutely prefer it.
And I like the 11” for reading books, web surfing, informal writing/emails, and an overall—totally different and equally appealing—feel. Someone described it as more intimate, and I totally agree. It’s as compelling as the 12.9” in its own unique way.
I know this is completely insane, I do... but I’m thinking of keeping the 11” in addition to the 12.9”. I really think they’re different enough that I’d use each for different (as well as some of the same) things.
I realize this isn’t helpful at all in helping anyone decide between the two! Couple of great devices, IMO.