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Which is the best iPad Pro ?

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I just went to the store and exchanged my 12.9” for the 11. At the end of the day I needed something more portable.
I really loved the 12 inch but it was not much different in size from my 13 MBP.

Ergonomics are the main reason to get the 11”.
i love how the 11” is when holding etc but I love the extra screen space on the 13. Still can’t decide. I’ve initiated returns on both devices so now I got an extra week with both before dropping them off to return points. It’s ridiculous doing all this.

One thing I have decided is I’m keeping one.

Ps, both are best used naked (...folio less) feel much better holding than 2017 easy.
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According to Google Translate:

Brother, I sympathize with you. I feel that you have to paint but I am in Hong Kong. Laugh Out Loud!

Google Translate can be so funny at times, I wonder if in Real Life I use it to talk to someone and if I want to say something and reading the translate if I say something else or if it means something else. I can be in such an awkward position ! lol !!
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Had to change my vote. Purchased the 12.9 and used it for a couple weeks. It wasn’t for me. The 11” if more natural for my eyes to view at closer distances in bed, much easier to hand hold and still use, lighter weight so I don’t feel like I am constantly going to drop it, balances on pillows, blankets etc easier. Just a lot more functional in the traditional tablet sense of things. If I was using it at a desk or table with the keyboard the 12.9 would have been fine.
First post, how do U do. I was looking to do some digital doodling but never liked the charging of the Pencil, nor the footprint of the previous Pro’s. In comes the new generation and I took the bait. I’m coming from an iPad Air fwiw. Anywho, as an aspiring artist myself, I saw many artists use the 12,9 so I opted for this size.

They don’t sell the 2018 Pro line yet in the country where I currently reside, but a friend was traveling and brought one from abroad. She brought it sans box, as to not have to possibly pay the import tax. When she pulled out the iPad out of her backpack, it was bent like a banana. And yes I am joking, she was careful with the device and both the pencil and the IPad are straight. However, I did wonder at first glance if she didn’t mistakenly brought me the 11 incher. After hearing on the forums that for some people the 12’9 was unwieldy I started imagining this behemoth to be revealed to me.

Upon arriving home and consequently presenting the device to my wife, she too was convinced that it had to be larger if it indeed was the 12’9 sized iPad. I did of course preluded the presentation with me telling that our friend mistakenly bought the 11 inch version, which she heartily believed, further proving that this size is not the juggernaut of screen estate one might believe it to be, going solely by pictures and word of mouth.

What I am trying to say is that context indeed does matter and that for me, without ever having laid eyes on the 11 inch iPad, the 12’9 inch one didn’t seem all that daunting, keeping in mind that I am coming from an Air (1st gen). I’m honestly very pleased with this size. It’s still early to say of course, but I am convinced that in the coming days this sentiment will be cemented.

Thank U for reading.
This is where I feel stuck... I have a iPhone Max and it is a great portable device, so I find myself battling if the benefits of the 11” really make sense... but I also have a 15” MacBook Pro that feels too close to the ergonomics of the 12.9 iPad.

Perhaps the real dilemma is whether the majority of us even need an iPad at all? :) I don’t allow myself to go to that space though.
This is where I feel stuck... I have a iPhone Max and it is a great portable device, so I find myself battling if the benefits of the 11” really make sense... but I also have a 15” MacBook Pro that feels too close to the ergonomics of the 12.9 iPad.

Perhaps the real dilemma is whether the majority of us even need an iPad at all? :) I don’t allow myself to go to that space though.
I am in exactly same boat :) , let me know what u ended up doing
I can’t even believe I’m considering this... I bought both IPP sizes, completely settled on the 12.9, and returned the 11”. Still absolutely love and am keeping the 12.9”. I didn’t find a hugely noticeable advantage, size/weight-wise, to the 11”.

And yet... I was in the Apple store the other day for something else, and picked up another 11”, to take advantage of the longer holiday return period. There’s definitely enough to make it really compelling, too. I find the experience surprisingly different—I love the 12.9 for work (I can type easily on the onscreen keyboard, since it’s basically full-sized) and I can’t give up the immersive experience it provides for reading magazines, editing photos, video, etc. I find it very comfortable and unobtrusive for taking handwritten notes in work meetings. I also love it for editing/marking up PDFs and other work documents. And I’m excited about the forthcoming version of Photoshop. I’m keeping the 12.9”, for sure—it’s really a fantastic experience that’s unlike anything else I’ve used.

There are still two sites (website building/editing) I can’t use on the iPad, but otherwise I can pretty much use the IPP insead of my Macbook, for a majority of my work. And I absolutely prefer it.

And I like the 11” for reading books, web surfing, informal writing/emails, and an overall—totally different and equally appealing—feel. Someone described it as more intimate, and I totally agree. It’s as compelling as the 12.9” in its own unique way.

I know this is completely insane, I do... but I’m thinking of keeping the 11” in addition to the 12.9”. I really think they’re different enough that I’d use each for different (as well as some of the same) things.

I realize this isn’t helpful at all in helping anyone decide between the two! Couple of great devices, IMO.
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I can’t even believe I’m considering this... I bought both IPP sizes, completely settled on the 12.9, and returned the 11”. Still absolutely love and am keeping the 12.9”. I didn’t find a hugely noticeable advantage, size/weight-wise, to the 11”.

And yet... I was in the Apple store the other day for something else, and picked up another 11”, to take advantage of the longer holiday return period. There’s definitely enough to make it really compelling, too. I find the experience surprisingly different—I love the 12.9 for work (I can type easily on the onscreen keyboard, since it’s basically full-sized) and I can’t give up the immersive experience it provides for reading magazines, editing photos, video, etc. I find it very comfortable and unobtrusive for taking handwritten notes in work meetings. I also love it for editing/marking up PDFs and other work documents. And I’m excited about the forthcoming version of Photoshop. I’m keeping the 12.9”, for sure—it’s really a fantastic experience that’s unlike anything else I’ve used.

There are still two sites (website building/editing) I can’t use on the iPad, but otherwise I can pretty much use the IPP insead of my Macbook, for a majority of my work. And I absolutely prefer it.

And I like the 11” for reading books, web surfing, informal writing/emails, and an overall—totally different and equally appealing—feel. Someone described it as more intimate, and I totally agree. It’s as compelling as the 12.9” in its own unique way.

I know this is completely insane, I do... but I’m thinking of keeping the 11” in addition to the 12.9”. I really think they’re different enough that I’d use each for different (as well as some of the same) things.

I realize this isn’t helpful at all in helping anyone decide between the two! Couple of great devices, IMO.

I dont have the 2018 iPP, but I love my 2nd gen 12.9. The real estate of 12.9” is always really nice. And it probably has better app compatibility than the new size 11” right now.

I like having my 9.7 pro too for when looking for more traditional tablet use (portrait, no ASK attached) so I can understand these painful 11 vs 12.9 dilemmas you guys are faced with r

12.9 shines in landscape imo

I’d be torn which to get this go round, but maybe trading up 9.7 pro to 11 would be the way to go if I were to do anything? Idk

Very well might sit this one out because of my reservations (no home button/jack, FaceID both on tablet could be deal breakers, and price) and being pretty happy already but the 9.7 pro not having ProMotion makes it look longer in the tooth
I’m a little over 24 hours into my 12.9 experiment, as I returned my 11 yesterday. At the moment, I’m finding it rather large and unwieldy, though I see the merits in some situations. Right now, I’m missing my 11, but I don’t know if that’s because I don’t have an ASK for this iPP yet. It should be here Monday.

How long does it take to get used to handling the bigger screen? For the rest of you, did the ASK make a huge difference? I’ll give it a few more days, as I know the Apple store will be crazy busy over the next few days. I’m hoping I acclimate, but typing this is a little difficult!
I’m a little over 24 hours into my 12.9 experiment, as I returned my 11 yesterday. At the moment, I’m finding it rather large and unwieldy, though I see the merits in some situations. Right now, I’m missing my 11, but I don’t know if that’s because I don’t have an ASK for this iPP yet. It should be here Monday.

How long does it take to get used to handling the bigger screen? For the rest of you, did the ASK make a huge difference? I’ll give it a few more days, as I know the Apple store will be crazy busy over the next few days. I’m hoping I acclimate, but typing this is a little difficult!

If you want to use it as a laptop / fast typing and stuff, ASK is the way to go. Having it always attached makes it feel like more of a faux laptop than just wielding a tablet

I think 11 undoubtedly will be better as a hand-able tablet
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If you want to use it as a laptop / fast typing and stuff, ASK is the way to go. Having it always attached makes it feel like more of a faux laptop than just wielding a tablet

I think 11 undoubtedly will be better as a hand-able tablet

That’s what I’m coming to realize, but I don’t regret trying it out. Otherwise, I’d always wonder.

I’ll have the ASK with whichever version I get, but I have a laptop already. The iPP is more for quick business tasks and for recreation. Still, another few days won’t hurt.
That’s what I’m coming to realize, but I don’t regret trying it out. Otherwise, I’d always wonder.

I’ll have the ASK with whichever version I get, but I have a laptop already. The iPP is more for quick business tasks and for recreation. Still, another few days won’t hurt.

Are you thinking of swapping it again? Have to confess I did the 11” to 12.9 to and back to the 11” swap. Have to say Apple was good about it. I have no doubt it was the right choice for me but trying them both was critical to figuring it out.
Are you saying typing is difficult on the 12.9" ? How can that be possible ? It has a more spaced out keyboard than the 11" so more room !

I find it impossible to hold the 12.9” and type on it at the same time. Even in portrait mode it’s too wide for my thumbs to reach the width of the keyboard. Placing it on a surface and touch typing like you would on a real keyboard may be easier, but if I can’t set it down it’s way worse.

With the 11” I can do either (it’s how I’m typing this post right now, in fact)
And I like the 11” for reading books, web surfing, informal writing/emails, and an overall—totally different and equally appealing—feel. Someone described it as more intimate, and I totally agree. It’s as compelling as the 12.9” in its own unique way.

Aren't you saying the exact opposite ?? Reading, Web Surfing, Emails would be better on the 12.9" the more the bigger the screen is the more comfortable it is to do everything ! isn't it ? It is like having a Hatchback car versus a Sedan !
Aren't you saying the exact opposite ?? Reading, Web Surfing, Emails would be better on the 12.9" the more the bigger the screen is the more comfortable it is to do everything ! isn't it ? It is like having a Hatchback car versus a Sedan !

No, I’m actually really liking the smaller size for doing those things casually. Not because the 12.9” is subpar for those things (it’s great for them, too), but I find myself using the 11” more for those. Maybe because I do those things more on the move, or in bed. The smaller size is a little more natural/comfortable for those particular tasks, for me, it’s turned out.
Guys, can you think of any website which I can visit on the 11" and at the same time the 12.9" which gives a better idea on how website appear on both the devices ? Something which has a lot of Pictures and Content like a Complexed Website ?
Guys, can you think of any website which I can visit on the 11" and at the same time the 12.9" which gives a better idea on how website appear on both the devices ? Something which has a lot of Pictures and Content like a Complexed Website ?

You could try bbc news, loads of content.

If I remember correctly this website has larger white spaces but the same size font. And this is the only website that matters ;)
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