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macrumors member
Feb 24, 2019
Display response times are practically identical to those in FHD panel of XPS 7590 and very similar to those in Lenovo X1. Seems many "high end" laptops suffers from those slow panels
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macrumors member
Feb 27, 2016
Well I returned mine because of this. Everything was perfect with the machine (I didn't try to use it with an external monitor) but all the displays I tested had better response times in the house. Even my 150 usd phone shows less smearing than the Macbook Pro 16". I went to a local Apple store to try out the display models there. The latest 13" inch was the same as the 16". The Air was better and I saw very little ghosting on the iMac's display. Since the latest mobile chips were just released, I will wait for this year's model. If the display remains the same I will learn to live with it since I'm not interested in a windows based laptop.
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macrumors 6502a
Jul 28, 2011
I was seriously unable to comprehend why others were having so much issues with the MacBook Pro 16" display, until my recent purchase of an iPad Pro 11".

Coming back to the MacBook Pro 16" after being acclimatised to the 120Hz ProMotion display, requires a significant period of re-adjustment.

Scrolling is noticeably less smooth on the MacBook Pro when compared to the iPad Pro. Almost nauseatingly jittery in comparison. Took me close to an hour to get over the disparity between the two.

While it is bearable for me and I am still delighted with my MacBook Pro 16", I am now able to imagine how difficult it must be for those coming from super high refresh rate/fast response timing displays.

So I would like to apologise for my previous insistence, I did not have the required experience to make a call on this subject.
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macrumors 6502
Dec 1, 2017
I was seriously unable to comprehend why others were having so much issues with the MacBook Pro 16" display, until my recent purchase of an iPad Pro 11".

Coming back to the MacBook Pro 16" after being acclimatised to the 120Hz ProMotion display, requires a significant period of re-adjustment.

Scrolling is noticeably less smooth on the MacBook Pro when compared to the iPad Pro. Almost nauseatingly jittery in comparison. Took me close to an hour to get over the disparity between the two.

While it is bearable for me and I am still delighted with my MacBook Pro 16", I am now able to imagine how difficult it must be for those coming from super high refresh rate/fast response timing displays.

So I would like to apologise for my previous insistence, I did not have the required experience to make a call on this subject.

thank you dude thank you for being fair and understand what i want to say. I bought my mbp 16 with the 3 times of my salary and look at the device which Apple promotes as premium product. The 60hz display with ultra slow pixel response time is just like hell.

Yesterday i have tried a 150 dollar basic level monitor with 90hz and noticed how terrible display mbp 16 has again and again.
I want to ask this forum members again:
How do you deal with the jittering smearing display which texts and images get crazy during scroll. Is this kind of display which a Pro device deserve? How do you get used to this terrible display after looking a 90 or 120hz display.....

Why a brand does not improve its display after years and years? How the latest display still has antique 60 hz display and worse pixel response time? How an expensive product like this jitter and smear during a basic scroll on a basic website or document like old and cheap devices?

I am not a gamer, the only thing that i wish from a so expensive “Pro” device is not to jitter or smear during a basic scroll.I feel like my money went to trash.ın the future if i have so much money to buy a MacBook Pro, I am not going to buy a it before i look its review about display. I am not going to buy a MacBook if its panel has antique 60 hz

@ocnitsa @Philllllip @AlanShutko @SpitUK @klagermkii @James Norwood @jdiamond @Alicia1 @Camarillo Brillo @richinaus @MacGizmo @MikeVera @BigMcGuire @badsimian @am2am @MistrSynistr @Useless Touchbar @XNorth @sennomulo
@jbachandouris @DieBeachballDie @Steve686 @recoil80 @Meuti @iKrivetko
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macrumors G3
Sep 22, 2012
Andover, UK
Can anyone else check if the refresh rate option has completely disappeared in 10.15.5 beta 3?
It's not there on mine, and the usual change resolution fix doesn't work.



macrumors 6502
Dec 1, 2017
Can anyone else check if the refresh rate option has completely disappeared in 10.15.5 beta 3?
It's not there on mine, and the usual change resolution fix doesn't work.


did you hold option button before click scale?

by the way i do not understand that hz change option because the maximum is already 60 hz.... ı think Apple gives chance to select worse hz values...
The year is 2020 and Apple has no computer display more than 60 hz including iMac Pro, MacBook Pro and Pro Display XDR and pixel response times of MacBook pros getting worse ?
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macrumors 6502
Dec 1, 2017
Display response times are practically identical to those in FHD panel of XPS 7590 and very similar to those in Lenovo X1. Seems many "high end" laptops suffers from those slow panels

Apple had more than 1 year to release this model and could easily detect the issue and report to the panel manufacturer. But none of in thousands Apple engineers detect this or May be it was detected by someone in company but due to battery concerns, it did not make any improvements.

this is strange why a brand implement some performance and quality limitations for battery life in a “Pro” device... if it was iPad iPhone or MacBook Air, i could understand this but the device we talk about is MacBook PRO. Quality and performance is coded in its genetic. But in real life after these limitations we suffer because of a smearing, jittering, vibrating display with antique 60 hz and oneof worst pixel response time...


macrumors 68040
Nov 17, 2016
The response time isn't a bug to be detected and repaired. It's the spec that goes with the screen, not much different than it has been since 2016. Most pros are happy with it that way, which is one reason it's not mentioned in most reviews even by pros. This has been gone over many times in this thread.


macrumors 6502
Dec 1, 2017
Possibly stupid question, but why didn't you return it then? You had 2 weeks

this question doen not change the truth about terrible smearing/ jittering display of mbp 16. If you buy so expensive PRO labeled product, its display should not smear or jitter during scroll. max resolution and colour accuracy is important but this is not a printer. We are talking about a MONITOR which has to be view dynamic/changing frames.

and the worst thing is all these kind of bad outputs happen because of battery life concern. To promote the battery life on WWDC show, users suffer these kind of quality drops or choices.

oh mbp 16 has x hour battery life but also terrible dynamic view display.
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macrumors G3
Sep 22, 2012
Andover, UK
this question doen not change the truth about terrible smearing/ jittering display of mbp 16. If you buy so expensive PRO labeled product, its display should not smear or jitter during scroll. max resolution and colour accuracy is important but this is not a printer. We are talking about a MONITOR which has to be view dynamic/changing frames.

and the worst thing is all these kind of bad outputs happen because of battery life concern. To promote the battery life on WWDC show, users suffer these kind of quality drops or choices.

oh mbp 16 has x hour battery life but also terrible dynamic view display.

OK, but still, why didn't you return it if it's such a big deal to you? You did't have to keep such a "faulty" device.


macrumors 6502
Dec 1, 2017
OK, but still, why didn't you return it if it's such a big deal to you? You did't have to keep such a "faulty" device.

for me, it was too late because i was focused on other issues on device like Sound popping Extra loud fans And coil whine
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Alex W.

macrumors 6502
Apr 18, 2020
14 days is hardly enough time to make the decision and compare and figure everything out. Apple turned their 30 days to 14 for a reason. if this had a high quality 60hz display id be happy, but its in the bottom 10% for motion on a laptop.
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macrumors G3
Sep 22, 2012
Andover, UK
14 days is hardly enough time to make the decision and compare and figure everything out. Apple turned their 30 days to 14 for a reason. if this had a high quality 60hz display id be happy, but its in the bottom 10% for motion on a laptop.

This thread has been around since launch in Nov 2019, and if I recall you got your device in April? I assume you joined here after the return period expired?


macrumors 603
Jul 20, 2006
Munich, Germany
here you can find a good analysis of the 16" display:
The reviewer thinks it is an excellent display that has slow response rates though, which is an issue for gamers. For me this is not an issue at all. I enjoy the great image quality and do not see any ghosting when I am using my laptop normally. I use the default resolution with True Tone off.


macrumors regular
Sep 29, 2011
The display ghosts yeah, but you only see it if you look for it. Day to day use, you never notice.


macrumors 68040
Nov 17, 2016
I find it an issue with just scrolling and reading, a major use for Laptops
Pretty sure everyone scrolls. It's been well established in this thread that the response time terribly bothers some people and that others don't notice it at all. It appears that it may take a couple weeks for its terribleness to be noticed.

Alex W.

macrumors 6502
Apr 18, 2020
I mean its hard to ignore when something I reading goes unreadable due to a little movement -- hard not to ignore.
But ill give this another two weeks to a month before figuring out my next course of action
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macrumors 6502
Dec 1, 2017
I get angry every time when i open and notice the terrible pixel response time display. I really hate it. I bought it with hope because Apple is a dream since my childhood.

But this smearing blurry display during scroll or dynamic image view drive me crazy.

In technology; the functions improve by time, this is a trend. But when you evaluate this laptop pixel response time gets worse. According to this notebook has worse values than %90 of all devices they tested. I can not accept this.

If have right to criticise and complain about some truthts so i request admins to be objective about this topic, not to close it
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macrumors 68000
Oct 17, 2016
Alright. What are you doing on your computer that having a low pixel response time is so important? This single metric seems very important to you, initially I'm wondering if you brought a MacBook to game on or something?
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Camarillo Brillo

macrumors 6502a
Dec 6, 2019
Emraha has been complaining about this for like 6 months so I doubt he’s in his return window

I say sell it and stop complaining about it on the internet. You’re going to end up wasting a year of your life complaining about this stupid display. Don’t you have work to do on the computer or something? Or did you just buy it to see what text looks like when scrolling?

I think the display on mine is fine and there is no issue by the way.
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