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macrumors 6502
Nov 9, 2012
Yeah, like I said, just don't upgrade if nothing excites you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ A lot of people are in that same boat. If Apple wants to do a minor update every year it's no skin off my back, and just means that if I was upgrading from an older phone, I'd have for the same price a better option today (iPhone 16) than I would have had two days ago (iPhone 15).

Sure, it's true, the smartphone hasn't really changed a lot in a while. It's a display with a bunch of sensors inside, some speakers and a camera. Some people want the little incremental upgrades like extra buttons or a slightly better camera, some don't care. But talking about this all like it's some kind of conspiracy or you're gonna stage some kind of protest... life's too short man.
Who said I was staging a protest? All I said was if we want them to change we (ie their customers) need to stop buying it in order for them to change otherwise it’s just status quo.
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macrumors newbie
Oct 28, 2020
Vancouver, BC
I mean... people who bought last year iphone because the main selling point was USB-C.. that had to be a poor decision as you know the following year will be more of an upgrade... for example... it will be equivalent to this year buying the Ultra 2 black.. thats it.. just a color and a new band... foreshadowing the Ultra 3 next year will be fire..
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macrumors regular
Jan 31, 2023
Yeah sadly it’s the way it is now. It used to be about the customer, now it’s about the shareholders.
I think that you’re missing the reality that APPL is satisfying MOST costumers as indicated by its strong EPS.

Maybe not you, maybe not me, but MOST.

I was severely slapped upside my dumb head when someone said that worldwide, a person’s smartphone is his/her only gadget. Yeah that. Since then, I’ve noticed how many Mexicans (where I live) have giant Android phones.

My desire for a mini PRO and other’s desire for a leap forward aren’t shared by most consumers worldwide.

And Tim is delivering on Steve’s vision of humanity having access to elegant vs ugly. 😊


macrumors newbie
Sep 10, 2024
I think that you’re missing the reality that APPL is satisfying MOST costumers as indicated by its strong EPS.

Maybe not you, maybe not me, but MOST.

I was severely slapped upside my dumb head when someone said that worldwide, a person’s smartphone is his/her only gadget. Yeah that. Since then, I’ve noticed how many Mexicans (where I live) have giant Android phones.

My desire for a mini PRO and other’s desire for a leap forward aren’t shared by most consumers worldwide.

And Tim is delivering on Steve’s vision of humanity having access to elegant vs ugly. 😊
Mini pro would be the dream for me. I’m only just now going to be upgrading my 12 mini

Sir Ruben

macrumors 68000
Jul 3, 2010
I honestly struggled to stay awake through the keynote. No reason to upgrade from my Ultra 2 or iPhone 15 Pro for the foreseeable future. I do like the new capture button, but Im not shelling out 1k for that.
I was more impressed by the hearing test/aid functionality in the AirPods Pro 2. Genuinely impressive.

The Apple Intelligence fluff is all a bit boring too. I have been running the Beta and the only thing I have found really good is the way it summarizes messages, and emails. I don't like there way its being incrementally rolled out and using different sources such as Chat GPT etc just feels like Apple have cobbled it all together.


macrumors regular
Nov 7, 2016
They introduced 3rd generation of iPhone with Dynamic Island, now with bigger screen, different aspect ratio and they STILL didn't fix the way Dynamic Island cuts into videos? This is just... embarrassing and I can't and don't want to believe that they're not able to fix that
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macrumors 6502a
Sep 18, 2019
The Apple Intelligence fluff is all a bit boring too. I have been running the Beta and the only thing I have found really good is the way it summarizes messages, and emails. I don't like there way its being incrementally rolled out and using different sources such as Chat GPT etc just feels like Apple have cobbled it all together.
Apple Intelligence isn't in beta release yet. The iOS 18 betas have no Apple Intelligence features.
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macrumors 68030
Jul 21, 2009
All I can think of is Apple must be spending a lot of lobbying money to keep Chinese phones out of America.

It’s like our slow 100 year old jalopy trains versus their space age high speed floaty ones. I don’t think American companies will ever catch up to the rest of the world.

How do I get a Huawei phone?
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macrumors 68000
Oct 21, 2005
All I can think of is Apple must be spending a lot of lobbying money to keep Chinese phones out of America.

It’s like our slow 100 year old jalopy trains versus their space age high speed floaty ones. I don’t think American companies will ever catch up to the rest of the world.

How do I get a Huawei phone?

Y’all are funny. Want a Huawei phone? Probably not that hard to import. That’s all on you to do. It breaks? No Huawei store for repair. No express replacements. No App Store that’s US based. Peripherals? Scarce. And why go international? The Pixels look solid, iPhone like but from google. And you have a fold as an option. Solid in many ways, the crease ruins it for me and the cameras are not top tier. The regular Pixel 9 pro? Seems like an iPhone, which is great! But not sure where the drama about Apple being uninnovative is. Gemini isn’t stellar either. Spend some time on a google pixel forum, you’ll see. ChatGPT and Anthropic best it in many ways. And if Apple can get a plug in system working with different LLMs? Solid!


macrumors member
Jan 10, 2024
I really hoped they would drop the price of the iPhone 15 by $200 instead of the normal $100 since it doesn't support AI. Since Apple didn't I will wait another year and then get a base 16.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 14, 2014
It’s obvious why Apple releases a phone every year, even if it isn’t the biggest upgrade over the prior year. Apple has never focused on the annual upgrader. Few people do that. They will grab plenty of people on older devices with diminishing battery life and a slowing OS who are waiting for the newest device. Here it is.

If you bought a phone under 12 months ago, boycott them or whatever. This isn’t really for you.


macrumors regular
Jan 31, 2023
All I can think of is Apple must be spending a lot of lobbying money to keep Chinese phones out of America.

It’s like our slow 100 year old jalopy trains versus their space age high speed floaty ones. I don’t think American companies will ever catch up to the rest of the world.

How do I get a Huawei phone?
Since I live in Mexico, l‘ve looked at Huawei phones. Meh.

If you have an iPhone, you have a white zebra with black stripes. Everything else is a black zebra with white stripes.

Love it or loath it, but the Apple ecosystem is a thing. I like that my cell, my watch, my pad, and my laptop play together, albeit a tad imperfectly. Do I want to incorporate a zebra from another paddock?

I have a friend with an iPhone Pro but a Windows desktop and a Surface pad. We end up emailing because he can’t easily move from here to there.

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macrumors regular
Jul 15, 2012
Absolutely nothing special about the Pro models this year, and they don't even keep up with the competition. Even last year's Watch Ultra 2 got the new feature tile board - but the 16 Pro is so boring they couldn't fill one. Half of the presentation spent on contrived movie and music video shoots that don't represent anyone's actual usage - I mean, you can't get those images without at least $100k in outboard gear, but who is spending that on a shoot and using an iPhone?

Still limping along on a 12 Pro, and upgrades to the camera are the one feature that will motivate me to spend on a new iPhone. Despite the rumors, I was desperately hoping Apple would come through and deliver a camera that meets my needs and goes toe to toe with the competition. Alas, we suffer once again at the hands of Apple's bean counters. It's one thing for products to plateau as technology development slows - but this is something else.

Google just released their Pixel 9, with 48mp available at each sensor for increased image quality all around. Yet here we are now with Apple's flagship phone still offering only an aging 12mp sensor for the telephoto lens. What gives?

I use the telephoto all the time, so I was hoping for a significant upgrade to finally justify the cost of a new phone. Google can now deliver a real step up in image quality, so why can't Apple?

I would love to get better pictures out of my wide and ultra-wide cameras, along with stabilization, but I can't justify the cost of a new phone that will continue to leave me disappointed with half the pictures I take. If I want the best image quality available to me right now, it looks like I will have to switch to Google. I don't want that, but I also don't want an expensive new phone that barely improves on my old one.

There is no reason Apple couldn't offer something competitive with Google except for their greed and arrogance - assuming that people will continue buying iPhones regardless of what they actually offer, even if that means missing out on features they could have if Apple was not deliberating withholding. Probably they are correct. But not with me. 12 Pro will soldier on for another year - unless I give my money to Google instead.
I agree with what your saying, as a 15 pro max owner that wanted to stay on a 2 year upgrade cycle, Apple made that decision very easy, even the possible AI advantages aren’t available yet, hopefully the 17 pro will be a super cycle upgrade.


macrumors 65816
Dec 28, 2009
Since I live in Mexico, l‘ve looked at Huawei phones. Meh.

If you have an iPhone, you have a white zebra with black stripes. Everything else is a black zebra with white stripes.

Love it or loath it, but the Apple ecosystem is a thing. I like that my cell, my watch, my pad, and my laptop play together, albeit a tad imperfectly. Do I want to incorporate a zebra from another paddock?

I have a friend with an iPhone Pro but a Windows desktop and a Surface pad. We end up emailing because he can’t easily move from here to there.

My wish is to get a Pixel Fold. However, staying in the Apple ecosystem is what keeps me back.

I will probably get an iPhone 16 simply because my iPhone 12 is broken in many ways; doesn't pay off to try to repair. But I feel no excitement about it, more like buying a new refrigerator when the old one broke.
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macrumors 6502a
Sep 18, 2019
But not sure where the drama about Apple being uninnovative is.
People who don't have technical expertise.

Apple Intelligence's private cloud compute is indeed novel. And it's the reason I'll willingly use Apple's Intelligence features, but I would not use an Android phone or standard off-the-shelf AI products.

My friends that work in defense are very happy (and their job security high) due to the fact that hostile foreign actors may be using Huawei and other Android devices.
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macrumors member
Nov 18, 2019
Apple runs hotter and battery degrades faster in recent iterations (12,13,14,15). But if you are not like my wife (playing from a phone while on charger), then the battery will last you 3 years on Pro Max models and 2 years on regular models until you see any visible hit on quality of life. At that 2/3 year mark, changing battery for $100 is still cheaper than $550 trade-in upgrade for a new phone.
Thank you the very quick reply. That’s a very helpful perspective. It will be interesting to see, in due course, the the supposedly improved battery in the 16 Pro lasts longer. I am impressed by the fact that my iPhone X — with the original battery — is still perfectly okay (and works fine for what I use it for). I don’t suppose I have stressed it much, though.


macrumors 6502
Jul 22, 2002
Funny all the disappointment because the real product matched the rumours.

I like the new camera button. Touch and slide to access most of the features seems pretty good to me. Smartphones are good cameras (often better than real ones) for daily life where you're shooting indoors and need a wide lens more often than a zoom. Outdoors I'm often frustrated with phones and my rugged adventure camera because it only goes to 100mm. So instead of a new iPhone I'm going to be spending my money on a "real" camera with a 600mm lens. Unlike a phone it should last 15-20 years too.

I'm seeing people give hints on maintaining good battery health (don't fully charge and definitely never let it run dry), but also whining about not getting faster charging. Guess what? fast charging is terrible for battery health.


macrumors member
Nov 18, 2019
No it's not true. It's hyperbole and FUD. My 13 Pro is 3 years old and my battery is at 79%. iOS still shows it at "Peak Performance Capability" and I can still easily get a full day's use out of it.

I've owned iPhones since the 3G and have never once had one "degrade to the point of unusability by year end", and the cost to replace the battery is nowhere near the cost to replace/trade in. A battery replacement for any iPhone still supported by Apple is from $89-$99.

All batteries degrade with use/charging, in phones and in anything else that uses batteries. Sometimes I think that putting "Battery Health" in the Settings menu was a huge mistake on Apple's part, because people get obsessive and neurotic about the battery in their phone.
Thank you taking the trouble to reply. I am pleased to hear that. Although, in many respects, I would be happy to stick with my iPhone X, I am beginning to feel that it would be prudent to have some of the security features that are in the more recent iOS releases (and there are quite a few things that, although I don’t need them, certainly fall into the ‘nice to have’ category).


macrumors member
Nov 18, 2019
I'm rarely on this forum, but I have to say the threads tend to be quite hilarious 😂.

I'm generally an early tech-adopter, but---given the mature stage of the iPhone (and its competitors)---I see absolutely no reason to upgrade each year. I'll upgrade this year from an iPhone 13 Pro and I'll buy the 16 Pro. Looks like a pretty good upgrade to me!

Even on a 3-year cycle I'm far from a normie. Most people, including those who have plenty of money, are totally fine using an older model. Hence, it's perfectly rational for Apple not to cater to the minuscule fringe who get upset if there are no new radical innovations. It's also entirely unclear what these innovations would be.
Well said. Ditto. Seven years seems good to me …. :cool:


macrumors 6502a
Sep 23, 2020
I mean... people who bought last year iphone because the main selling point was USB-C.. that had to be a poor decision as you know the following year will be more of an upgrade... for example... it will be equivalent to this year buying the Ultra 2 black.. thats it.. just a color and a new band... foreshadowing the Ultra 3 next year will be fire..

I would say the big selling point for the iPhone 15 pro max models was the titanium body, USB C, and the 5X camera. The biggest selling point on the 16 pro models is largely Apple intelligence which is software and is coming to last year’s pro models as well. The 16 pro is very similar to last years model and really isn't for those that have a 15 pro or max. It's for those that have a 14 model phone or older.


macrumors regular
Jun 17, 2015
Eastern Canada
I would say the big selling point for the iPhone 15 pro max models was the titanium body, USB C, and the 5X camera. The biggest selling point on the 16 pro models is largely Apple intelligence which is software and is coming to last year’s pro models as well. The 16 pro is very similar to last years model and really isn't for those that have a 15 pro or max. It's for those that have a 14 model phone or older.
Yeah. Kinda feels like the 15 Pro models were secretly "prototype" 2024 iPhones released a year early to be around to support the introduction of Apple Intelligence at WWDC. I was expecting the 16 lineup would bring some additional AI functionality not announced at WWDC, but the only thing they get over the 15 Pro's is the Visual Intelligence feature. The A18 Pro chip looks to be a fairly minor upgrade compared to the A17 Pro and I doubt the improvements will translate to a noticeable performance difference running AI tasks.

As a regular 15 Pro owner the thing I'm most bummed at missing out on is the better battery & thermal design. Having the 5x zoom option in the smaller size would have been nice too. 3x is in this range of being more zoomed in than I would normally want when framing a photo, but not enough when I actually do want to zoom in on something...
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