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macrumors 68030
Jul 16, 2013
The Netherlands
They introduced 3rd generation of iPhone with Dynamic Island, now with bigger screen, different aspect ratio and they STILL didn't fix the way Dynamic Island cuts into videos? This is just... embarrassing and I can't and don't want to believe that they're not able to fix that View attachment 2415305
They should just put the island smack in the middle of the screen and increase its size by 8%. Then all have a laugh because it will still sell by the millions.
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macrumors regular
Jan 31, 2023
My wish is to get a Pixel Fold. However, staying in the Apple ecosystem is what keeps me back.

I will probably get an iPhone 16 simply because my iPhone 12 is broken in many ways; doesn't pay off to try to repair. But I feel no excitement about it, more like buying a new refrigerator when the old one broke.
Somewhere along the line, smartphones achieved appliance status. My 13mini and my wife’s 12 keep on keeping on. All of my other devices are perfectly acceptable as well, although for $399+tax, I might get a new Watch “just because I can”.


macrumors newbie
Jun 19, 2024
honestly can someone explain how the 16 pro is different frmo the 15 pro in a meaningful way?

I dont even understand how the camera capture button is better than the software button? And trust me I'm as big of an apple fan as the next guy, I was a sucker who bought the 15 pro for action button. At least there I DO like going to the camera quickly. But how is this year's upgrade an improvement of usability?
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macrumors 68000
Jun 20, 2009
You won't even need blue bubbles app with iOS 18 introducing rcs into the messaging app. With this feature I don't have any need to switch back to iOS permanently for personal device. I still have my blue 15PM from work and my Android devices for personal.
I don't think it'll be end to end encrypted though? I'll still use BlueBubbles on my phone to message iOS folks.


macrumors regular
Oct 30, 2008
I agree I think the battery life was understated in that presentation and should’ve been a focus
I didn't understand why they kept saying that it had better battery life but never stated what the improvement was (like 4 hours longer, etc.). I'm pretty sure in all of the past keynotes, they'd explicitly state that hours improvement vs past phone but oddly enough they really shied away from that this year. Very weird


macrumors 68030
Aug 15, 2009
I didn't understand why they kept saying that it had better battery life but never stated what the improvement was (like 4 hours longer, etc.). I'm pretty sure in all of the past keynotes, they'd explicitly state that hours improvement vs past phone but oddly enough they really shied away from that this year. Very weird
They had to cut something out to say "carbon neutral by 2030" a thousand times.


macrumors regular
Nov 9, 2018
I'd like to see some independent battery life tests.

I didn't understand why they kept saying that it had better battery life but never stated what the improvement was (like 4 hours longer, etc.). I'm pretty sure in all of the past keynotes, they'd explicitly state that hours improvement vs past phone but oddly enough they really shied away from that this year. Very weird


macrumors P6
Oct 1, 2007
They had to cut something out to say "carbon neutral by 2030" a thousand times.

That’s their goal and we gotta keep getting these older devices in landfills and upgrading every year if we’re all gonna save this planet

In fact that’s why the pro designs look almost identical to 15 pro. It’s to get to that goal and save on design resources that are certainly carbon emitters.
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macrumors 68030
Jul 21, 2009
Y’all are funny. Want a Huawei phone? Probably not that hard to import. That’s all on you to do. It breaks? No Huawei store for repair. No express replacements. No App Store that’s US based. Peripherals? Scarce. And why go international? The Pixels look solid, iPhone like but from google. And you have a fold as an option. Solid in many ways, the crease ruins it for me and the cameras are not top tier. The regular Pixel 9 pro? Seems like an iPhone, which is great! But not sure where the drama about Apple being uninnovative is. Gemini isn’t stellar either. Spend some time on a google pixel forum, you’ll see. ChatGPT and Anthropic best it in many ways. And if Apple can get a plug in system working with different LLMs? Solid!

That’s definitely an issue with repairs, however, I’m one of the unlucky ones that got a defective 15 pro max from Apple last year that they flat out refused to replace. So I lost over 1500 dollars on that phone, pure thievery on Apple’s part, so it can’t be any worse?

Not interested in folding phones atm, I do like the pixel 9 pro’s, nice how they future proofed them with ram. The camera system looks really good too, Apple still doesn’t have an Astro mode. AI stuff isn’t something that I’m interested in either, I like hardware, and Apple is clearly not interested in competing, the Pro phones should always have more ram for instance than the base models.

My issue now is my battery is already degraded, and nothing short of a new phone is going to fix the overheating issues (although cooler fall weather should help and will be here soon). I wanted a new phone but the 16 pro max is exactly the same as a 15 pro max except for the slightly larger screen, may wait to see what Samsung offers with the S25’s. Apple is getting its ass handed to it and it seems they either do not care or do not realize it for whatever reason. Like some have mentioned, there are cheap Android phones with better specs, like real cheap, I know people say it doesn’t matter but it does. Would you buy a car from a company that hasn’t changed it in years, when other companies offered cheaper cars that were far more advanced and had more power, better interiors, just better tech all around that they constantly improve? Eventually you move on and get the better deal since company A doesn’t care about your money.


macrumors regular
Jun 7, 2024
Would you buy a car from a company that hasn’t changed it in years, when other companies offered cheaper cars that were far more advanced and had more power, better interiors, just better tech all around that they constantly improve? Eventually you move on and get the better deal since company A doesn’t care about your money.
Yes I would. I would LOVE a Porsche 911! I've been told (for most of my life) that Porsche is lazy and don't want to hire designers, so they don't re-design the 911, and just re-release it every few years. The 911 never changes, see? Never mind the fact that they are bigger, handle a LOT better, and have WAY more power. They switched to water cooling, and now are adding mild hybrids for more performance. But no, they haven't changed since 1969.

And that's what it sounds like to me when everyone whinges that iPhones haven't changed.

If iPhones make people this mad, I think they should be looking elsewhere. Stop trying to make iPhones be 'flavour of the month' designs. They're not supposed to be radically redesigned every year! If you need random gimmicks, or yearly redesigns for a phone to hold your interest, there's a pretty big world of Android phones.
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macrumors 68000
Oct 21, 2005
That’s definitely an issue with repairs, however, I’m one of the unlucky ones that got a defective 15 pro max from Apple last year that they flat out refused to replace. So I lost over 1500 dollars on that phone, pure thievery on Apple’s part, so it can’t be any worse?

Not interested in folding phones atm, I do like the pixel 9 pro’s, nice how they future proofed them with ram. The camera system looks really good too, Apple still doesn’t have an Astro mode. AI stuff isn’t something that I’m interested in either, I like hardware, and Apple is clearly not interested in competing, the Pro phones should always have more ram for instance than the base models.

My issue now is my battery is already degraded, and nothing short of a new phone is going to fix the overheating issues (although cooler fall weather should help and will be here soon). I wanted a new phone but the 16 pro max is exactly the same as a 15 pro max except for the slightly larger screen, may wait to see what Samsung offers with the S25’s. Apple is getting its ass handed to it and it seems they either do not care or do not realize it for whatever reason. Like some have mentioned, there are cheap Android phones with better specs, like real cheap, I know people say it doesn’t matter but it does. Would you buy a car from a company that hasn’t changed it in years, when other companies offered cheaper cars that were far more advanced and had more power, better interiors, just better tech all around that they constantly improve? Eventually you move on and get the better deal since company A doesn’t care about your money.
I think cars was a bad example. Nothing beats a classic design. In comparison, when someone tries something avant garde, they give us the monstrosity of a Cybertruck, for example.

Phones will evolve. I’m glad the pixel 9 pro has 12GB of RAM. Android requires that overhead. If AI doesn’t matter, have you felt the RAM to be limiting on your 15 Pro?

Re: thermals, they did call that out as a new change, so let’s see.


macrumors 65816
Nov 9, 2011
Sure, and one could argue that if Apple delights rather than disappoints every year, there would be fewer threads like this. I actually think the 16 Pro is OK (but nothing more than OK), but I can understand the disappointment of those looking for more. I will not be upgrading my 14 Pro right away.
I don’t disagree with you, sadly this is nothing new. Incremental tiny upgrades is Apple’s gig, and those people looking for something to delight them even though Apple sticks to the same game plan every year is a little strange to me. Yet people still get upset that Apple didn’t do something they wanted and they rant about it.
Last edited:


macrumors 68030
Aug 18, 2023
Southern California
I don’t disagree with you, but this is nothing new. Incremental tiny upgrades is Apple’s gig, and those people looking for something to delight them even though Apple sticks to the same game plan every year is a little strange to me. Yet people still get upset that Apple didn’t do something they wanted and they rant about it.

Alternatively, if Apple made major changes, people would complain forced obsolescence and Apple discarding well established, perfectly good features in order to force users to update for no good reason.

People just like to complain


macrumors 6502a
Aug 29, 2010
Arizona, USA
Alternatively, if Apple made major changes, people would complain forced obsolescence and Apple discarding well established, perfectly good features in order to force users to update for no good reason.

People just like to complain
The two sides of the coin:

"I want a brand new phone design and a cartload of mindblowing new features every year, WHY ARE YOU SO STALE AND DON'T INNOVATE TIM APPLE?!?"

"I want my 8 year old phone to support all the mindblowing new features forever, WHY ARE YOU FORCING ME TO BUY A NEW PHONE TIM APPLE?!?"



macrumors 68030
Jul 21, 2009
Since I live in Mexico, l‘ve looked at Huawei phones. Meh.

If you have an iPhone, you have a white zebra with black stripes. Everything else is a black zebra with white stripes.

Love it or loath it, but the Apple ecosystem is a thing. I like that my cell, my watch, my pad, and my laptop play together, albeit a tad imperfectly. Do I want to incorporate a zebra from another paddock?

I have a friend with an iPhone Pro but a Windows desktop and a Surface pad. We end up emailing because he can’t easily move from here to there.


Believe me I know, I’ve got a Mac mini, a MacBook Pro, an Apple TV, multiple Apple Watches, and like 7 iPhones.

The issue is, Apple today isn’t the Apple of ten years ago. I stopped being a fanboy of certain car companies years ago due to the same feeling I get from Apple now. What’s that feeling? It’s the feeling that Apple doesn’t want my money, like they don’t give a **** whether or not they lose me as a customer. Ok, well eventually I’ll get fed up waiting and move on, gonna check out the Pixels as soon as I have time.

What I did years ago was bought a Samsung and used both, iPhone for some things, Android for others, I may do that again.
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