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macrumors 6502
Nov 9, 2012
The way so many people on here complain about an iPhone specced update, you would think the discussion was centered around something more important like buying a house, investments.

Funny that, people complaining about iPhones on an iPhone discussion forum…
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macrumors member
Nov 4, 2018
Sure but they've made selling it much tougher once word of the AI features gets out. Us as loyal followers of every tidbit of Apple are a tiny minority.

Just disappointed as I now regret not stretching the wallet a bit more for the Pro.

I get it. I would be annoyed if I had bought a 15. And yeah, we are a minority.


macrumors 6502
Nov 9, 2012
When you read my post and reply without proper context of what I actually said, there is nothing funny about the reply.
Oh I read your post and it’s the equivalent of going onto a car forum and saying the same thing to a bunch of car enthusiasts.

In case you didn’t get it the “funny” bit was sarcasm.


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
“We” as in anyone who wants Apple to have the vision they used to have to make great products rather churn out the same tired stuff every year with 1 or 2 changes to artificially drag out the upgrades to appease the bean counters.
We believe apple isn’t doing that. That we refers to those who believe apple releases have been innovative and expanded their ecosystem. With billions of customers, apple will never please everybody 100% especially in a tech forum.
Funny enough my wife is not tech savvy at all yet even she doesn’t think it’s worth it because the phones have hardly changed in the last few years.
My family who is tech savvy already said they will be upgrading this year.
The point of the post is if enough people withhold their purchase maybe Apple will get the message that they can’t keep doing this.
I am a firm believe in voting with your $$$. BlackBerry found out the hard way. But apple produces products people love.
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macrumors regular
Feb 9, 2012
I feel like they spent a little too much time talking about the AW Ultra 2 and AirPods Pro 2. They hyped up the AW Series 10 to be this brand new design in that short video beforehand just for it to look like every other Apple Watch.

I was briefly excited for that new 16 camera shutter thing, but after I realized all it is is a shortcut for things that can already be done, the excitement dropped off.

This was a pretty boring keynote in my opinion.
How I do it on the 12 pro is I hold and drag if zooming I don't need a button to do that good for quick stuff I guess.


macrumors 6502
Nov 9, 2012
We believe apple isn’t doing that. That we refers to those who believe apple releases have been innovative and expanded their ecosystem. With billions of customers, apple will never please everybody 100% especially in a tech forum.

My family who is tech savvy already said they will be upgrading this year.

I am a firm believe in voting with your $$$. BlackBerry found out the hard way. But apple produces products people love.

Good for them. I guess some people are more easily pleased than others. Out of interest what are they upgrading from?

Apple almost went bankrupt before. Who’s to say it can’t happen again? There’s a saying. History repeats itself. One thing is for sure there’s no Steve Jobs to save them if it does happen.


macrumors G5
Apr 24, 2016
Oh I read your post and it’s the equivalent of going onto a car forum and saying the same thing to a bunch of car enthusiasts.

In case you didn’t get it the “funny” bit was sarcasm.

Very good analogy. It’s surprising how the workings of a forum can still surprise their more active posters.


macrumors 6502
Jul 15, 2008
Absolutely nothing special about the Pro models this year, and they don't even keep up with the competition. Even last year's Watch Ultra 2 got the new feature tile board - but the 16 Pro is so boring they couldn't fill one. Half of the presentation spent on contrived movie and music video shoots that don't represent anyone's actual usage - I mean, you can't get those images without at least $100k in outboard gear, but who is spending that on a shoot and using an iPhone?

Still limping along on a 12 Pro, and upgrades to the camera are the one feature that will motivate me to spend on a new iPhone. Despite the rumors, I was desperately hoping Apple would come through and deliver a camera that meets my needs and goes toe to toe with the competition. Alas, we suffer once again at the hands of Apple's bean counters. It's one thing for products to plateau as technology development slows - but this is something else.

Google just released their Pixel 9, with 48mp available at each sensor for increased image quality all around. Yet here we are now with Apple's flagship phone still offering only an aging 12mp sensor for the telephoto lens. What gives?

I use the telephoto all the time, so I was hoping for a significant upgrade to finally justify the cost of a new phone. Google can now deliver a real step up in image quality, so why can't Apple?

I would love to get better pictures out of my wide and ultra-wide cameras, along with stabilization, but I can't justify the cost of a new phone that will continue to leave me disappointed with half the pictures I take. If I want the best image quality available to me right now, it looks like I will have to switch to Google. I don't want that, but I also don't want an expensive new phone that barely improves on my old one.

There is no reason Apple couldn't offer something competitive with Google except for their greed and arrogance - assuming that people will continue buying iPhones regardless of what they actually offer, even if that means missing out on features they could have if Apple was not deliberating withholding. Probably they are correct. But not with me. 12 Pro will soldier on for another year - unless I give my money to Google instead.

I purchased the Google Pixel 9 PRO XL. This is after being an iPhone user for years. The Pixel is a so much better phone. Photos are stunning quality. The AI with the Gemeni Live is mind blowing. The call screen feature is fantastic. Now I do NOT get these annoying Spam calls constantly. The screen is beautiful (not yellow tinted like every iPhone I had). I can go on and on.

I watched the Apple presentation yesterday and the OP has it right on spot. Half was showing movies you can possibly make with the phone. What % of the populaion is making full movies on a phone? No one I know. The AI is light years away from the Pixel. They spent 5 minutes on that. The big feature was the same as the Gogle lens that has be on Pixel for a few years now. If you know someone with a Pixel 9 ask them to show you Gemini Live. It is unbelievable.

No wonder why Apple stock is down today.

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macrumors regular
Nov 21, 2009
I wonder if the Pro has bigger battery capacity than non Pro. The only reason i'm going with Pro is the 120hz display
On the Apple page the 16 is listed as 22 hours video playback, 16pro and plus are 27, and 16pm is 33


macrumors regular
Jan 31, 2023
I sincerely hope no one buys the iPhone 16 series and give Apple the middle finger. Gotta hit them where it hurts if we want them to change and money is the only thing they care about these days.
AAPL’s number one responsibility is to its stockholders. It satisfies them by providing enough innovation each year to maintain strong EPS.

I’m left out most years because I want a mini Pro.

It is what it is.


macrumors 68000
Oct 21, 2005
Absolutely nothing special about the Pro models this year, and they don't even keep up with the competition. Even last year's Watch Ultra 2 got the new feature tile board - but the 16 Pro is so boring they couldn't fill one. Half of the presentation spent on contrived movie and music video shoots that don't represent anyone's actual usage - I mean, you can't get those images without at least $100k in outboard gear, but who is spending that on a shoot and using an iPhone?

Still limping along on a 12 Pro, and upgrades to the camera are the one feature that will motivate me to spend on a new iPhone. Despite the rumors, I was desperately hoping Apple would come through and deliver a camera that meets my needs and goes toe to toe with the competition. Alas, we suffer once again at the hands of Apple's bean counters. It's one thing for products to plateau as technology development slows - but this is something else.

Google just released their Pixel 9, with 48mp available at each sensor for increased image quality all around. Yet here we are now with Apple's flagship phone still offering only an aging 12mp sensor for the telephoto lens. What gives?

I use the telephoto all the time, so I was hoping for a significant upgrade to finally justify the cost of a new phone. Google can now deliver a real step up in image quality, so why can't Apple?

I would love to get better pictures out of my wide and ultra-wide cameras, along with stabilization, but I can't justify the cost of a new phone that will continue to leave me disappointed with half the pictures I take. If I want the best image quality available to me right now, it looks like I will have to switch to Google. I don't want that, but I also don't want an expensive new phone that barely improves on my old one.

There is no reason Apple couldn't offer something competitive with Google except for their greed and arrogance - assuming that people will continue buying iPhones regardless of what they actually offer, even if that means missing out on features they could have if Apple was not deliberating withholding. Probably they are correct. But not with me. 12 Pro will soldier on for another year - unless I give my money to Google instead.

While we’re comparing, the telephoto gets 48mp next year. Presumably once they’ve accumulated enough of the sensor and lens to build what effectively is 20-30x what google moves with the 9 Pro. And for video, the iPhone is unsurpassed. And finally, correct me if I’m wrong, but the 8 Pro to the 9 Pro pixels were basically the same spec for spec, and the reviews don’t particularly seem blown away by any improvement. Meanwhile, Pixel video and portrait game is still lackluster at best, not to mention its RAW camera support which is miles behind ProRAW.

I get it, people want dynamic aggressive change in this tech sphere. The rest of the world? They want the reliable regular phone they know, and once every ~2-3 years they will go ahead and spend. The rest of the world isn’t going from a 15 Pro to a 16 Pro. And if the changes don’t seem sufficient, they’ll wait for the 17 Pro?
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macrumors 6502
Nov 9, 2012
AAPL’s number one responsibility is to its stockholders. It satisfies them by providing enough innovation each year to maintain strong EPS.

I’m left out most years because I want a mini Pro.

It is what it is.

Yeah sadly it’s the way it is now. It used to be about the customer, now it’s about the shareholders.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 24, 2006
Los Angeles
Honestly, the phone is near perfect, but so is my 15 max. This is the first year I’ll skip the generation in 12 years. That said, I’ll probably grab that new Apple Watch 10.


macrumors newbie
Mar 16, 2018
Absolutely nothing special about the Pro models this year, and they don't even keep up with the competition. Even last year's Watch Ultra 2 got the new feature tile board - but the 16 Pro is so boring they couldn't fill one. Half of the presentation spent on contrived movie and music video shoots that don't represent anyone's actual usage - I mean, you can't get those images without at least $100k in outboard gear, but who is spending that on a shoot and using an iPhone?

Still limping along on a 12 Pro, and upgrades to the camera are the one feature that will motivate me to spend on a new iPhone. Despite the rumors, I was desperately hoping Apple would come through and deliver a camera that meets my needs and goes toe to toe with the competition. Alas, we suffer once again at the hands of Apple's bean counters. It's one thing for products to plateau as technology development slows - but this is something else.

Google just released their Pixel 9, with 48mp available at each sensor for increased image quality all around. Yet here we are now with Apple's flagship phone still offering only an aging 12mp sensor for the telephoto lens. What gives?

I use the telephoto all the time, so I was hoping for a significant upgrade to finally justify the cost of a new phone. Google can now deliver a real step up in image quality, so why can't Apple?

I would love to get better pictures out of my wide and ultra-wide cameras, along with stabilization, but I can't justify the cost of a new phone that will continue to leave me disappointed with half the pictures I take. If I want the best image quality available to me right now, it looks like I will have to switch to Google. I don't want that, but I also don't want an expensive new phone that barely improves on my old one.

There is no reason Apple couldn't offer something competitive with Google except for their greed and arrogance - assuming that people will continue buying iPhones regardless of what they actually offer, even if that means missing out on features they could have if Apple was not deliberating withholding. Probably they are correct. But not with me. 12 Pro will soldier on for another year - unless I give my money to Google instead.
Joke is on you cause it’s apple so what were you hoping for ?


macrumors 601
Oct 26, 2010
I purchased the Google Pixel 9 PRO XL. This is after being an iPhone user for years. The Pixel is a so much better phone. Photos are stunning quality. The AI with the Gemeni Live is mind blowing. The call screen feature is fantastic. Now I do NOT get these annoying Spam calls constantly. The screen is beautiful (not yellow tinted like every iPhone I had). I can go on and on.

I watched the Apple presentation yesterday and the OP has it right on spot. Half was showing movies you can possibly make with the phone. What % of the populaion is making full movies on a phone? No one I know. The AI is light years away from the Pixel. They spent 5 minutes on that. The big feature was the same as the Gogle lens that has be on Pixel for a few years now. If you know someone with a Pixel 9 ask them to show you Gemini Live. It is unbelievable.

No wonder why Apple stock is down today.

yes exactly! Got the Pixel Pro regular very pleased with it! So fast and photos are amazing! Build quality amazing also. I thought the keynote was tone deaf, again, geared toward video folks.. just like they do iPads for "artist" .. cracks me up, like us lawyers will never use one?! The $((#
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macrumors 604
Aug 20, 2015
“We” as in anyone who wants Apple to have the vision they used to have to make great products rather churn out the same tired stuff every year with 1 or 2 changes to artificially drag out the upgrades to appease the bean counters.

Funny enough my wife is not tech savvy at all yet even she doesn’t think it’s worth it because the phones have hardly changed in the last few years.

The point of the post is if enough people withhold their purchase maybe Apple will get the message that they can’t keep doing this.
Yeah, like I said, just don't upgrade if nothing excites you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ A lot of people are in that same boat. If Apple wants to do a minor update every year it's no skin off my back, and just means that if I was upgrading from an older phone, I'd have for the same price a better option today (iPhone 16) than I would have had two days ago (iPhone 15).

Sure, it's true, the smartphone hasn't really changed a lot in a while. It's a display with a bunch of sensors inside, some speakers and a camera. Some people want the little incremental upgrades like extra buttons or a slightly better camera, some don't care. But talking about this all like it's some kind of conspiracy or you're gonna stage some kind of protest... life's too short man.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 31, 2017
said this in the uk thread but ill repeat...

I Don't think I'm bothering this year, first for me but the 16 pro just sucks IMO

It's not built for AI, Tim is full of *****, AI was never coming to the 15 or 16, they've rushed it out and it's not even ready yet.

So what do we get? camera button from Sony Ericsson 2006....

Even that clown mrwhostheboss new video said it's utterly pointless and actually takes longer than just tapping the screen ffs.

It's another action button, no innovation just add a button.
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