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macrumors 6502a
Jul 26, 2019
No Selection
The camera alone needed less processing, not more! :rolleyes:

Agreed. Apple should let the end user decide if they want AI/ML to process the shots or be like the recent “Process Zero” update to Hallide.

I know some people will argue “get a dedicated camera, then!” but that isn’t always an option for people 🙂
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macrumors 6502
Jul 21, 2008
I have a 13 Pro and it still works great. I have no desire to upgrade and I'm even happy with the camera on it. The one thing that I think Apple has not been hearing is that a lot of us just want something a little smaller and lighter like the 13 Mini...please come out with another Mini and take my money....:)
A lot of times I don't even carry my phone anymore and just use my AWU 2....


macrumors 6502a
Jun 8, 2021
Almost all rumors about this phone were spot on. It is exactly what I want. It is incremental, but so are they all. I was not expecting a folding phone or it to become the Limitless pendant or some levitating killer brain ball. They are saving that for the iPhone 20, natch.



macrumors regular
Nov 21, 2009
On the other hand, we have articles like this.

Users are starting to consider the non-pro iPhone models because they feel over-served by the more powerful iPhones. In short, smartphones are now at a point where they are "too good" for the user. I suspect Apple realises this too, and the challenge is not in simply chasing the spec race, but in coming up with new features that are actually meaningful to the end user.
I'm about to upgrade from a 13. I've never had a pro version, but I've heard people really like ProMotion. Not sure if the slightly bigger screen and bigger battery will make much of a difference. I am interested in the 5x zoom, just since I often notice how bad the zoom on my 13 is (probably this is in part from using a DSLR for years).


macrumors 68030
Sep 16, 2006
They didn't mention it because most likely it's not new either, they just removed anti-lens flare coating from iPhone 15 spec comparison in yet another shady act.
And how you know it's big since even Apple didn't mention it? is there any review out there proving that?
I know it's big because it will drastically reduce lens flare, which has always been a problem on iPhones.

Or perhaps it was mentioned? Someone seems to have hard it - I might have missed it :


macrumors regular
Oct 27, 2017
Wien, Österreich
Can someone tell me if it is going to be possible to put apps in this space or all this additional screen estate in the 16s went for nothing and we will still have this crazy void at the bottom of the screen just to have the search feature hang out there? I think it was not that visible on the previous iPhones, but now with the screen getting even bigger, it is pretty blatant.

Zrzut ekranu 2024-09-10 o 14.40.13.png
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macrumors regular
Nov 9, 2018
I am still debating whether I need the 5x of the pro or not. For most photo uses digital zoom or cropping after works fine and I really don't need all those original pixels. But I may still end up Pro for a combo of reasons.

I'm about to upgrade from a 13. I've never had a pro version, but I've heard people really like ProMotion. Not sure if the slightly bigger screen and bigger battery will make much of a difference. I am interested in the 5x zoom, just since I often notice how bad the zoom on my 13 is (probably this is in part from using a DSLR for years).


macrumors regular
Apr 10, 2007
I wonder if the Pro has bigger battery capacity than non Pro. The only reason i'm going with Pro is the 120hz display
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macrumors G5
Jun 12, 2012
I usually sell my iPhone each year on eBay just to get a new one. Now I use one credit card for everything which racks up points and I have a $440 Apple gift card that I'll use toward the new iPhone when I trade my 15 Pro in.
I'll only pay $72 to upgrade from my 15 Pro to the 16 Pro

I typically just trade it in, it is the same thing as being in the iPhone upgrade program. I know you always have a phone payment then, but I haven't kept a phone for more than two years since the OG iphone.


macrumors Penryn
Nov 14, 2011
On the other hand, we have articles like this.

Users are starting to consider the non-pro iPhone models because they feel over-served by the more powerful iPhones. In short, smartphones are now at a point where they are "too good" for the user. I suspect Apple realises this too, and the challenge is not in simply chasing the spec race, but in coming up with new features that are actually meaningful to the end user.
Apple doesn’t challenge the spec race. If they did the entry level storage for the Pro phones would be 256GB and the RAM would be 12GB. And the non-pro phones wouldn’t be stuck at 60hz refresh rate.

Btw, the Pixel 9 has 12GB RAM, the Pixel 9 Pro and Pro XL have 16GB RAM. The Galaxy S24 and S24 Ultra both have 12GB RAM. I’d argue that’s future proofing those phones in a way the iPhone 16/16 Pro doesn’t. I remember the first iPad Air with 1GB RAM and Safari tabs and apps constantly refreshing. It sure seems like with the 16/16 Pro Apple once again put in the minimum amount of RAM required. Seems stingy.
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macrumors regular
Oct 27, 2017
Wien, Österreich
I am still debating whether I need the 5x of the pro or not. For most photo uses digital zoom or cropping after works fine and I really don't need all those original pixels. But I may still end up Pro for a combo of reasons.
If you zoom in above 2x regularly and want to view your pictures on a big screen, print them or whatever, then it will be worth it. Other than that you will have to accept that anything above 2x will look tad strange the moment you zoom in or see it in a bigger format and will get worse to abysmal the bigger the magnification. Computer processing can only go so far without doing strange things...


macrumors regular
Oct 27, 2017
Wien, Österreich
I'm about to upgrade from a 13. I've never had a pro version, but I've heard people really like ProMotion. Not sure if the slightly bigger screen and bigger battery will make much of a difference. I am interested in the 5x zoom, just since I often notice how bad the zoom on my 13 is (probably this is in part from using a DSLR for years).
Honestly, getting ProMotion would be enough of an argument to switch. Cannot understand how Apple is getting away with a 60Hz screen in 2024... If you use your zoom on a regular basis while taking pics, the 5x is an additional argument for sure
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macrumors regular
Nov 9, 2018
For sure. But "most uses" for me are posting to forums, sharing via SMS and such. Rarely do I need a full resolution photo.

If you zoom in above 2x regularly and want to view your pictures on a big screen, print them or whatever, then it will be worth it. Other than that you will have to accept that anything above 2x will look tad strange the moment you zoom in or see it in a bigger format and will get worse to abysmal the bigger the magnification. Computer processing can only go so far without doing strange things...


macrumors regular
Oct 27, 2017
Wien, Österreich
For sure. But "most uses" for me are posting to forums, sharing via SMS and such. Rarely do I need a full resolution photo.
I do not think you need the Pro for that. My bet would be that anything up to 4x on the non-Pro will still be okay for mobile device consumption considering that they say 2x will be telephoto quality. But the safest bet is of course to go to an Apple Store next week and check the camera out in reality :)


macrumors newbie
Feb 5, 2023
I also think one thing to consider when upgrading is the amount you get when trading in your old iphone. Sure I can wait another year with my iPhone 13 Pro, but AT+T gave me a $1000 credit the last time I traded in my phone. If they do that again, I'm definitely getting the new phone. If I wait another year, I'm definitely not getting 1K on the trade in. Something to consider...


macrumors G5
Jun 12, 2012
Apple doesn’t challenge the spec race. If they did the entry level storage for the Pro phones would be 256GB and the RAM would be 12GB. And the non-pro phones wouldn’t be stuck at 60hz refresh rate.

Btw, the Pixel 9 has 12GB RAM, the Pixel 9 Pro and Pro XL have 16GB RAM. The Galaxy S24 and S24 Ultra both have 12GB RAM. I’d argue that’s future proofing those phones in a way the iPhone 16/16 Pro doesn’t. I remember the first iPad Air with 1GB RAM and Safari tabs and apps constantly refreshing. It sure seems like with the 16/16 Pro Apple once again put in the minimum amount of RAM required. Seems stingy.

Android phones have always required more RAM. Even back in the early 2010's and iPhone have 512 MB of RAM was the equivalent of an Android phone with 1 GB of RAM.


macrumors 604
Aug 20, 2015
I sincerely hope no one buys the iPhone 16 series and give Apple the middle finger. Gotta hit them where it hurts if we want them to change and money is the only thing they care about these days.
LOL, who's the "we" here? You mean extremely online tech enthusiasts? Promise you normal people absolutely DGAF about the things you're on about.

Fact is, Apple updates iPhones every single year, and (shocker) not all of them are blockbuster releases. So by all means withhold your purchase until the hardware appeals to you. That's kind of what everyone does.


macrumors 6502
Oct 9, 2014
Madison, WI
I normally upgrade every year (both an iPhone and Android device), but this year I'm sticking with my 15 Pro and my Pixel 8.

Apple didn't do anything exciting for me. USB-C was the only real reason I upgraded last year. I couldn't care less about the camera button.

Google has their own issues. I'd have bought a 9 Pro if they could fix the animation/scrolling stutters throughout a bunch of apps, but nope. Still there on the 9 Pro's and the Android 15 betas.

My wife and wallet will be happier this year though, so I guess that's a plus!
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macrumors regular
Dec 3, 2008
there are people who upgrade every year without even looking
Yes, I am one of them. It’s worth it to me even for the incremental upgrades. I use my iPhone more than any other electronic device that I own (by a long way), so it has to be the absolute best product within my chosen ecosystem (apple). I’ll be upgrading to the 16 PM on launch day.


macrumors 6502
Nov 9, 2012
LOL, who's the "we" here? You mean extremely online tech enthusiasts? Promise you normal people absolutely DGAF about the things you're on about.

Fact is, Apple updates iPhones every single year, and (shocker) not all of them are blockbuster releases. So by all means withhold your purchase until the hardware appeals to you. That's kind of what everyone does.

“We” as in anyone who wants Apple to have the vision they used to have to make great products rather churn out the same tired stuff every year with 1 or 2 changes to artificially drag out the upgrades to appease the bean counters.

Funny enough my wife is not tech savvy at all yet even she doesn’t think it’s worth it because the phones have hardly changed in the last few years.

The point of the post is if enough people withhold their purchase maybe Apple will get the message that they can’t keep doing this.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 21, 2011
New York
Absolutely nothing special about the Pro models this year, and they don't even keep up with the competition. Even last year's Watch Ultra 2 got the new feature tile board - but the 16 Pro is so boring they couldn't fill one. Half of the presentation spent on contrived movie and music video shoots that don't represent anyone's actual usage - I mean, you can't get those images without at least $100k in outboard gear, but who is spending that on a shoot and using an iPhone?

Still limping along on a 12 Pro, and upgrades to the camera are the one feature that will motivate me to spend on a new iPhone. Despite the rumors, I was desperately hoping Apple would come through and deliver a camera that meets my needs and goes toe to toe with the competition. Alas, we suffer once again at the hands of Apple's bean counters. It's one thing for products to plateau as technology development slows - but this is something else.

Google just released their Pixel 9, with 48mp available at each sensor for increased image quality all around. Yet here we are now with Apple's flagship phone still offering only an aging 12mp sensor for the telephoto lens. What gives?

I use the telephoto all the time, so I was hoping for a significant upgrade to finally justify the cost of a new phone. Google can now deliver a real step up in image quality, so why can't Apple?

I would love to get better pictures out of my wide and ultra-wide cameras, along with stabilization, but I can't justify the cost of a new phone that will continue to leave me disappointed with half the pictures I take. If I want the best image quality available to me right now, it looks like I will have to switch to Google. I don't want that, but I also don't want an expensive new phone that barely improves on my old one.

There is no reason Apple couldn't offer something competitive with Google except for their greed and arrogance - assuming that people will continue buying iPhones regardless of what they actually offer, even if that means missing out on features they could have if Apple was not deliberating withholding. Probably they are correct. But not with me. 12 Pro will soldier on for another year - unless I give my money to Google instead.
I had my iPhone 13 pro max stolen and I am currently borrowing a 12 pro max. I can tell you from experience that even the 12 pro max to the 13 pro max is a huge difference. The 12 is a pile of dog crap. lol I am glad to finally get rid of it. Although, I normally would not have upgraded if I had my 13pro max.


macrumors P6
Oct 1, 2007
The way so many people on here complain about an iPhone specced update, you would think the discussion was centered around something more important like buying a house, investments.

I don't think waiting a year each time and paying minimum $829+ prohibits discussion of disappointment and/or greater expectations from Apple?
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