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how is this possible? I will do a fresh re-install tomorrow (it's almost 1 A.M. over here in central europe).

I don't know if something may have gone wrong with the compiler (although, apparently, everything seemed OK). Just in case you haven't reinstalled everything from scratch, here's a new (re)compilation of the latest commit.


  • boot
    206.3 KB · Views: 332
I already re-installed El Capitan on the MacPro2,1. how come that these two boot.efi files differ? strange..?! I ran a "diff" and they are not the same. will test the freshly compiled one right away...


okay, everything seems to run fine now. but no changes regarding the csr-active-config in NVRAM.
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I already re-installed El Capitan on the MacPro2,1. how come that these two boot.efi files differ? strange..?!
That's strange indeed. I have no idea. Even more mysterious is the fact that the presumably defective compilation worked roughly all right for splifingate. Let's hope the latest build irons out some of the remaining issues.
report for the testing of the latest commit: booted first into Yosemite 10.10.5 to make sure that there's nothing about csr-active-config to be found in the NVRAM. reboot into the El Capitan Recovery HD: csrutil status -> enabled (Apple Internal). no entries of csr-active in NVRAM. csrutil disable failed. reboot into El Capitan (which still runs on an older release of the new boot.efi) worked flawless.

screenshot of the debug output from latest boot.efi:

I cleared the NVRAM with option-command-P-R and booted into OS X Yosemite. ran "sudo nvram -c" to make absolutely sure that there's nothing in NVRAM. reboot into El Capitan Recovery HD. nvram -xp -> csr-active-config present! value "EAAAAA==". IdlePML4 present with value "0NrOAoD///8=". csrutil status -> active (Apple Internal). csrutil disable failed. reboot into El Capitan (with older boot.efi in place) -> blurry desktop picture & BBOD; NO login screen; unable to SSH into the machine! yup, I turned on remote login this time ;-) did a hard reset and rebooted into the Recovery HD without issues. tried again to boot into El Capitan without success. reboot into Yosemite to set the NVRAM vars Pike mentioned I should try if boot into El Capitan fails -> happy-happy: got the login screen again.

after clearing PRAM again I'm unable to successfully boot into El Capitan... hm. off to a customer now. might be back in the middle of the afternoon.

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after clearing PRAM again I'm unable to successfully boot into El Capitan... hm. off to a customer now. might be back in the middle of the afternoon.
Mike, check Pike's site. He needs some answers that you alone can provide.

reply posted on Pike's blog:

nope. I just tried it with the latest boot.efi installed on the El Capitan volume -> after booting successfully into Recovery HD and/or clearing PRAM, the standard El Capitan installation hangs on the blurry screen. but prior to a boot into the Recovery HD, El Capitan booted flawless.

boot into Recovery HD, issued command:

nvram 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:csr-active-config
gives nvram: Error getting variable...... data was not found

nvram 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:bootercfg
gives nvram: Error getting variable...... data was not found
Mike, Peter (and Pike of course!) - you guys are just doing an amazing job. I wish I had more time to help!
Fix chosen/boot-file property.


  • boot
    206.2 KB · Views: 320
cleared NVRAM -> El Capitan only gets to the blurry screen with BBOD. booted into the Recovery HD: csr-active-config present in NVRAM with value "EAAAAA==". csrutil disable failed. reboot into Yosemite to set the NVRAM vars manually (nvram 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:csr-active-config=%10%00%00%00 and nvram 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:bootdercfg=%28%00) and El Capitan boots again just fine.
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Reactions: PeterHolbrook
Trying to get mikeboss back in El Capitan.


  • boot
    206.2 KB · Views: 333
Special debug output for Mikeboss.


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    206.3 KB · Views: 332
this is "Special debug output for mikeboss" commit -> cleared NVRAM -> El Capitan only gets to the blurry screen with BBOD. bootroot-active and boot-file are absent in ioreg.



  • boot
    206.2 KB · Views: 247
latest commit: csrutil disable failed. boot after clearing PRAM into Recovery HD -> csr-active-config present in NVRAM. bootroot-active and boot-file are absent in ioreg.
Have any of you seen this?
Not only have we seen it, but have actively participated in making it work. Your secondary source points to this primary source. The original author is Tiamo (for Mavericks and Mountain Lion). Pike is the current developer, responsible for adapting Tiamo's bootloader to Yosemite, and now to El Capitan. His source code has been compiled by different people, such as Hennesie2000 and myself, and it has been tested by several others, such as mikeboss. It is here and at Pike's blog that this is developed, not at dgwilson.
cleared NVRAM prior to first boot. booted into Recovery HD -> csr-active-config present in NVRAM with value “EAAAAA==”. bootroot-active and boot-file are absent in ioreg. reboot into El Capitan failed (blurry screen & BBOD).


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