Go ahead. Create it. Share the link here (or use a private message) and I'll post there.commit 81fa8702089b74dd292349865c6f1c4721eefd44: boots normal (both, El Capitan & Recovery HD) NO debug output.
peter, what about a boot.efi developers thread? it starts getting to be a bit crowdy in here with all the posts about installing El Capitan now.
So, do you think everything is working as it should now (even flushing the cache?). Have you tried whether placing the new bootbase.efi on the installer medium changes anything? Does it do what Pike seems to imply, regarding a "/Volumes/MacintoshHD/.IABootFiles/prelinkedkernel" and a special bless point of
Volumes/MacintoshHD/.IABootFiles that would make the "PikeYoseFix" daemon approach obsolete? In any case, we would still have to look into Pike's deceased sister's FileGuard to see if that would be convenient.
Yesterday morning I installed El Capitan on my old Mac Pro without any problems (this was before creating bootbase.efi). Unfortunately, in the afternoon I had to boot into Windows, which went well. When I tried to boot back into El Capitan, I received a kernel panic. Much as I tried booting things like sudo nvram boot-args="-x", "-v", "-f", "noacpi" and combinations thereof (while booted into Snow Leopard), nothing worked. In the end I had to reinstall El Capitan, which worked perfectly. Do you have any ideas as to what might have gone wrong?