I am about to give up on 10.11.2.
I had zero problems with 10.11 running from a hard disk.
running on a macpro 1,1, original firmware. 5G ram geforce GTX 650. ( 2 screens )
currently running 10.10.5 booting with chimera and windows 7. zero problems. except I dont let it sleep on chimera. never bothered to fix that.
so I currently have 10.11.2 on a hard disk which is a clone from a mackbookpro. I thought it had figured an easy way to to update, so I used CCC to clone the macbookpro with some files not selected, like the boot.efi's. But I got constant reboots which I then blamed on what I did.
So decided to go for a clean install to a new SSD. Did the install on the mackbookpro to the SSD. stopped the machine when it was finished. ( at the fresh reboot ) did all the boot.efi stuff. got the recovery stuff working. ( this was with a fresh download from the app store )
Tried everything I could think off.
yesterday found the nvidia drivers for el cap on the nvidia web site. looked for a while that was the fix. but nope....
started to think the ssd was bad. ( new sandisk ) but ran ccc a few times on it with some big file copies ( 2 GIG ) with the corrupted files option checked and so far it hasn't copied a single byte on new runs.
A few days ago I ran it from the SSD for several hours watching a movie using VLC. no reboots. I thought it was fine because I removed a webcam from the front usb . but seems not.
Obviously something must have changed between 10.11 and 10.11.2
And it always seems to be some apple software doing it. ( safari, mail, photos, .... )
The hard drive is case sensitive and the SSD is not. ( just for steam )
I am using the boot.efi ( again ) from the github. (
https://github.com/Piker-Alpha/macosxbootloader/tree/El-Capitan/Prebuilt )