Firstly, thanks to everyone involved in this project, and thanks to anyone who takes the time to reply to this post. My issue is as follows:
My home-made fusion drive will not boot.
I installed Yosemite using an SFOTT key, over the top of a previously perfectly working mavericks installation.
I have even tried a fresh install of Yosemite onto my fusion drive, then, before first boot,booting up to a different partition and installing PIKEYOSEFIX to my fusion drive using the installer.
Additionally, when boot with my SFOTT key, to try to update the the boot EFI (is that correct?) and launch the terminal it tells me that there is no such file or directory (Please see attached image)
The key itself has worked before . I have used it successfully to install Yosemite on one drive in my Mac Pro 1.1. but that drive is so slow I want to get my fusion drive back up and running. IT was working perfectly with Mavericks.
Model Name: Mac Pro
Model Identifier: MacPro1,1
Processor Speed: 3 GHz
Number of Processors: 2
Total Number of Cores: 8