Hi everyone, here to beg for some help...
So I followed this thread almost from inception, right up until a couple of brilliant minds had everything reported working. Figured there's no point in further reading until I can get a copy of Yosemite and try it out for myself! (Mac Pro 1,1 running Tiamo's boot.efi installed with SFOTT).
I first went through the step by step guide from Hennessie (being careful to copy/paste the quotation marks) and was able to boot up off the external drive. However when I tried to install - nope, your computer isn't supported. Figured OK, I'll rebuild and try it with SFOTT. Did that, rebooted with the external drive selected (non EFI graphics card here) and.... nothing. It booted up my windows drive instead. Now if I try to remove my windows drive and boot, it will neither boot off the external I created with SFOTT, NOR will it boot my old Mavericks installation. Boo! I'm going to play around and read through the past 20 pages or so, but I thought I'd come here and beg for help first. Will update this post if I get it working!
Thanks for any help anyone can offer.