Die temperature is being reported in macOS in macsfancontrol with the prototype card. Also, There is video to external on one of the 2 DisplayPort outputs. This is to be expected as the card was designed for a 21.5" which only shipped with one output.
As for target display mode, I need to borrow a TB cable before I would be able to test it. I think it may well work as the 2011 21.5" is a supported model for target display.
wow thats g
So everything is finished I have modded my EFI (somehow modded my old 82.0) and have flashed my 770M to the patched ROM. I have as boot screen but only when ALT is pressed on boot. I assume this is normal because in
@FlorisVN video he also has boot screen when ALT is pressed, not complaining at all I think this is an amazing step in the right direction for running newer Metal OS's on older iMacs. I own a thundertolt 2 cable and have tested this iMac with my 2015 iMac and 2014 rMBP, unfortunately I was unable to have either Mac work in Target Display Mode. My cable is not a Genuine Apple cable if it makes any difference. I actually cannot get TDP to work between my 2014 rMBP and the 2015 iMac so not sure what the issue is.
Great you got it working

I used flashrom under MacOS for the bootrom patch, it always worked great for me so far.
Under Windows i got driver/software issues to start with so very quickly I switched over to macOS..
I would still reccomend you use MacOS/Linux for this job..
Anyway, the EFI bootscreen has a small delay, this is one of the minor bugs which are currently still present.
i did not mentioned this in my video, and sorry for this..
It takes about 4-5 seconds sometimes longer I think, for the EFI bootscreen to appear.
When booting with an SSD, u usually get a screen when loading is almost done for MacOS, so you wont see the bootscreen at all.
of course this could all perhaps change and get better, thx to the prototype nvidia card from duvelhedz.

the last iMac that supported target display mode is a 2014 imac, so unfortionutly your 2015 iMac is not supported for this feature.
More information about this can be found here :
Η λειτουργία οθόνης προορισμού είναι μια δυνατότητα η οποία είναι διαθέσιμη σε ορισμένα παλαιότερα μοντέλα Mac.
I think a third-party thunderbolt cable could work, but im not sure here.
in theory they should be the same..
how does the GTX770m now perform on your 21,5" iMac.. ?
Die temperature is being reported in macOS in macsfancontrol with the prototype card. Also, There is video to external on one of the 2 DisplayPort outputs. This is to be expected as the card was designed for a 21.5" which only shipped with one output.
As for target display mode, I need to borrow a TB cable before I would be able to test it. I think it may well work as the 2011 21.5" is a supported model for target display.
ok thx for this info, thats great !
perhaps somebody like
@Nick [D]vB can make it possible, to add this option in his roms aswell.
being able to read the actuall die temperature is a great welcome I would say..
21,5" iMac's dont support target display mode unfortionutly.
It could however be very interessting to know, if this function was still there on this cards rom firmware when testing on a 27" iMac.
Let's hope it is still in there, but can only be used atm when you put this special card inside a 27" iMac.
who knows..
You need a true TB cable for this, and a true TB mac on the other side.
Thx again for your testing and sharing sir !