If you look at some of my previous post you will notice that this is my 3rd attempt to get a working WX7100. I also had a few hits and misses with nvidias 780 and 765, but that's irrelevant to your questions.
1st - that was different card (not WX7100 - it was something like W4170M - bait and swap scenario from ebay), I returned it for a full refund.
2nd - I damaged this one during removal of the rivets (drill bit broke) - I returned it for a big discount on the third one.
3rd - I have it at home. It looks like the right one. I prepared the OC USB image, I flashed the card successfully with a programmer, I drilled out the rivets (this time off the card, by first removing the WX7100 X-clamp - I preheated it with a blow dryer, then pushed the clamp out gently one hole after another). Now I am waiting for the K5 thermal paste before I plug it in the computer. I can confirm (as it was stated many times before) the heatsink does not require modifications. I am eager to test it plugged into the computer and all, but I have to do it properly so I will wait for the paste (next week I hope). WX7100 produces a lot of heat apparently, so you need the 3-pipe heatsink. Assuming you have that you should be all set (no need to drill or grind anything). I will try to put the original X-clamp over the one that came with the card, assuming there will be enough clearence to do that, otherwise I will use either the original or the WX7100 clamp. I think
@highvoltage12v was mentioning that he tests the cards shortly with the power supply just to see if the 3rd diagnostic light turns on before going through the remaining work, but this is my last attempt on WX7100 so would like to make it a proper one.