Thanks again,
this is great help. I will try to do this.
Thank you once more.
i have managed to flash apple rom on to the new gpu.
I used mixed solution,
Thanks again,
this is great help. I will try to do this.
Yesterday i managed to successfully flash bios. swapped the cards and it was working right away.
I was so happy and thankful. Use iMac for some time, edited some video, run some benchmarks and at the end
put it on sleep and went to bed as happy man.
In the morning i went to work and didn't use it at all. After i came from work i sat down to do some editing
and iMac wouldn't wake up. I turned it off with power button and restarted it but LCD wouldn't turn on.
I was thinking maybe it is flat cable from LCD, but when i checked it it was not that.
So i started disassembling it again. Took out the GPU and connected it to SOIC8 to check the BIOS.
There i could see that BIOS is empty. Like it erased its self. I flashed the rom once again but again LCD
wouldn't turn on.
Then i took my old GPU and putted it in. Assembled all back and iMac turned on normally like nothing happened.
Checked GPU on AsProgrammer but BIOS was there this time as it should be.
Does anyone have any idea what can this be and can it be fixed?
Thanks in advance
Thank you once more.
i have managed to flash apple rom on to the new gpu.
Yesterday i managed to successfully flash bios. swapped the cards and it was working right away.
I was so happy and thankful. Use iMac for some time, edited some video, run some benchmarks and at the end
put it on sleep and went to bed as happy man.
In the morning i went to work and didn't use it at all. After i came from work i sat down to do some editing
and iMac wouldn't wake up. I turned it off with power button and restarted it but LCD wouldn't turn on.
I was thinking maybe it is flat cable from LCD, but when i checked it it was not that.
So i started disassembling it again. Took out the GPU and connected it to SOIC8 to check the BIOS.
There i could see that BIOS is empty. Like it erased its self. I flashed the rom once again but again LCD
wouldn't turn on.
Then i took my old GPU and putted it in. Assembled all back and iMac turned on normally like nothing happened.
Checked GPU on AsProgrammer but BIOS was there this time as it should be.
Does anyone have any idea what can this be and can it be fixed?
Is it possible that ROM is bad?
GPU does not look bricked. I have just putted old Alienware ROM back.
So it is flashing normally...