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macrumors G5
Aug 17, 2007
Seattle, WA
This is a system with accidents just waiting to happen, I think they must return to the system with mechanics putting arms in the air to confirm the wheel has been changed, a hell of a lot safer it would seem, because the release guy I don’t think will check all mechanics are clear, they’ll see green lights and go... even if their job IS to check mechanics are clear of the car first.

Even that has resulted in plenty of Unsafe Releases over the years. The unfortunate fact is that F1 is literally a game of sub-second intervals and when pit stops are one of the only ways to execute a pass for position, the pressure is on the Chief Mechanic (the "Lolipop Guy") to release the car as quickly as possible so even when he's looking for raised arms, he triggers off any arm movement - assuming that a mechanic is raising their arms even if they are in fact not.

I enjoyed that and nonstop coverage! no commercials!!

Yes, that was a pleasant surprise for both qualifying and the race.


macrumors G3
Dec 7, 2007
The Adirondacks.
So apparently Kimi received the green light when the 3 other lugs were tightened. Since the L rear was never loosened the system considered it all 4.

If they can’t change this, they need to bring back the Lolipop. :apple:
If Honda has more finishes like these, RBR is going to be sporting the H next season.

Bad day for McLaren and Renault.

2020 at the earliest. :apple:
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macrumors Ivy Bridge
Original poster
Feb 21, 2012
Behind the Lens, UK
No commercials on channel 4 either. Luckily Mrs AFB was on hand to keep me supplied with tea!
Shame they won't be showing live races next year :(


macrumors 68030
Jun 2, 2010
Todays race shows the limitation of Bottas. He should have won the race with Vettel struggling with tyres during the last 8 to ten laps. Ferrari made a mistake with the tyre strategy but Bottas was not up to it. If Hamilton was in the same position he would have won the race.


macrumors 68020
Dec 3, 2017
Todays race shows the limitation of Bottas. He should have won the race with Vettel struggling with tyres during the last 8 to ten laps. Ferrari made a mistake with the tyre strategy but Bottas was not up to it. If Hamilton was in the same position he would have won the race.
I wish Alonso was #2 at Mercedes. He’s probably the best driver and biggest personality in f1. He’d be a champion again at Mercedes or Ferrari.
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macrumors G3
Dec 7, 2007
The Adirondacks.
I doubt it
[doublepost=1523222850][/doublepost]No commercials in the ESPN production this week. I love it.
[doublepost=1523223247][/doublepost]Also, the "d***head" comment is such a non-issue.

Red Bull's Engine Contract with Renault runs through next year. They will not not pay to get out of it. Todays issues with Daniel could be anything electrical. Can't pin it solely on Renault. Max was simply being Max. Not a Renault issue. ;)


Oct 21, 2008
Time, because it rules EVERYTHING!
If Honda has more finishes like these, RBR is going to be sporting the H next season.

Bad day for McLaren and Renault.

No chance, they would switch next season without doubt and I know this as a fact, but the Honda was at best 30 seconds behind the lead position, Red Bull consider themselves as a front running main team so will want it to perform at least as well as the Renault engine, I think it needs some work done to it yet before the main team take it.
However it is a bit funny how Torro Rosso smashed McLaren with the apparently rubbish unreliable Honda unit haha!
Red Bull's Engine Contract with Renault runs through next year. They will not not pay to get out of it. Todays issues with Daniel could be anything electrical. Can't pin it solely on Renault. Max was simply being Max. Not a Renault issue. ;)

I have it in good authority they will switch to Honda next season or earlier if it proves itself.

Even that has resulted in plenty of Unsafe Releases over the years. The unfortunate fact is that F1 is literally a game of sub-second intervals and when pit stops are one of the only ways to execute a pass for position, the pressure is on the Chief Mechanic (the "Lolipop Guy") to release the car as quickly as possible so even when he's looking for raised arms, he triggers off any arm movement - assuming that a mechanic is raising their arms even if they are in fact not.

Yes, that was a pleasant surprise for both qualifying and the race.

That’s no excuse though and the mechanics show a very clear X with there arms when the wheel is not on properly, and the release person, who can override the system, ignores it, again no excuse and HAAS changed the entire pie crew round and as a result had no issues this weekend.

F1 is all about improving safety, it’s the entire reason we have the stupid halo bars now, so they are more then capable of further improving pit crew safety because they don’t go to work expecting to be run over by their team driver!
Plus I don’t know what system the other teams use but they didn’t have any issues either.

I did read that Vettel manages his pit stops better then Kimi? I don’t know how or what that means though as that’s blaming Kimi.
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macrumors G4
Jan 12, 2008
Smyrna, TN
I did find Kimi's seemingly compassionless walk back and lack of concern for the man he just ran over rather disturbing, anyone else?

Anyone know how he is doing?

Very happy for Torro Rosso. Poor McLaren. It's still very early but they must be kicking themselves.
[doublepost=1523269383][/doublepost]oops. I just realized that I missed almost two whole pages of this discussion... my bad.


macrumors 68040
Jun 29, 2012
I did find Kimi's seemingly compassionless walk back and lack of concern for the man he just ran over rather disturbing, anyone else?

Anyone know how he is doing?

Very happy for Torro Rosso. Poor McLaren. It's still very early but they must be kicking themselves.
[doublepost=1523269383][/doublepost]oops. I just realized that I missed almost two whole pages of this discussion... my bad.

The mechanic, Francesco, broke two bones in his leg but is doing well recovering now. Kimi is cold by nature and he may not have known that someone was seriously injured. These guys prepare physically and mentally 24/7 to perform in a 90 minute race so when you're kicked out because of a mechanic error, it stings hard. It would have been nice to see him care but that's us fans sitting at home nice and calm seeing the whole picture. They didn't tell Vettel about it until after the race. Ferrari got fined 50,000 euro.

Really enjoyed the post race comments when Vettel tried to stick up for Hamilton when Lewis was asked about the Max ****head comments.
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Oct 21, 2008
Time, because it rules EVERYTHING!
Yeah they do swear a lot, Lewis needs to be careful though as he did publically insult another driver live on air, which I think he could be sued for? And the FIA or broadcaster, not that it will happen but I’m pretty sure they can be sued?

Anyway into the next race, really wasn’t excited by this one, the same old dogs at the front and my team the same old double failure, one cause of reliability and one cause of a chance move gone bad... sigh....

I’ll have to see when the Forumla E is back on too.
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macrumors 68030
Jun 2, 2010
No, sorry their is NO excuse for not bothering to pay ANY attention to someone you just ran over, NONE! I bet the only thing on Kimis mind was how upset he was his race was ruined.
The commentators also said this was the second unsafe release Ferrari had made this year or this weekend. It was an accident waiting to happen.

And the gap is now over 50 seconds. This is the reason people turned off F1, because it gets utterly boring watching the exact same teams winning, they need the new regs to come in ASAP. I can see why people say Forumla E will overtake F1 within five years or so.

And Lewis was doing his usual throwing his toys out the prom because he wasn’t winning, telling his team he doesn’t know what the **** is going on accusing his team of not telling his.

Hmm bad attitudes from Mercedes and Ferrari this weekend.
I wonder if we were watching the same race. There was a radio problem between Lewis and the team. He was asking for information and not getting it. It was obviously frustrating to not have proper communications.


macrumors 68040
Jun 29, 2012
I wonder if we were watching the same race. There was a radio problem between Lewis and the team. He was asking for information and not getting it. It was obviously frustrating to not have proper communications.

So they botched Lewis' victory in Australia by making an amateur mistake by not covering a VSC threat by not telling Lewis to speed up - every single team covers this threat. Then Lewis had "radio trouble" in Bahrain where the rest of the world could hear what was being said but the team could not.

You don't build the best car in the world, with the best team, & win the last 4 world championships and have these kinds of issues. I'm just speculating but I think Merc is doing it on purpose because it would be so much better to come from behind to beat Ferrari than it would be to lead from start to finish and have the entire world groan about how sad F1 has become. Then again, Ferrari ran over their mechanic so maybe the 4 time world champions are actually making these errors unwittingly, but I don't think so - and I think we might see one or two more this season. Just my guess.


Oct 21, 2008
Time, because it rules EVERYTHING!
I wonder if we were watching the same race. There was a radio problem between Lewis and the team. He was asking for information and not getting it. It was obviously frustrating to not have proper communications.

Yes, but he doesn’t have to swear love on TV the F word does he? I’m sorry but if they can’t handle the pressure they are in the wrong job, they have been trained all their lives for F1 and get paid millions and millions to drive in the sport, some manners wouldn’t go amiss, using the f word and calling someone a d***head when you are fully aware it can be heard around the world is not manners.. I think drivers should be fined for bad language actually, that’ll make them stop.

But I’ve got over it and Lewis is Lewis and is a cry baby when he doesn’t win.
Like Kimi when after he stopped in the pit lane, after running over his mechanic, he threw the steering wheel back in the car from what I saw which is a violation of the rules as far as I know, and pathetic too, yeah you throw that 100 grand wheel in disgust...

Apple fanboy

macrumors Ivy Bridge
Original poster
Feb 21, 2012
Behind the Lens, UK
Yes, but he doesn’t have to swear love on TV the F word does he? I’m sorry but if they can’t handle the pressure they are in the wrong job, they have been trained all their lives for F1 and get paid millions and millions to drive in the sport, some manners wouldn’t go amiss, using the f word and calling someone a d***head when you are fully aware it can be heard around the world is not manners.. I think drivers should be fined for bad language actually, that’ll make them stop.

But I’ve got over it and Lewis is Lewis and is a cry baby when he doesn’t win.
Like Kimi when after he stopped in the pit lane, after running over his mechanic, he threw the steering wheel back in the car from what I saw which is a violation of the rules as far as I know, and pathetic too, yeah you throw that 100 grand wheel in disgust...
Everyone can see that Max was in the wrong. He opened the steering to push Lewis into braking. You might get away with that with a lesser driver, but not Lewis.
He is a world class driver and a great ambassador for the sport.
But you have so much hate for him you just focus on the negative. Yes he's not perfect (who is?), but at least he has some passion.

And who cares if he drops the odd f-word? We're all grown ups.


macrumors 68040
Jun 29, 2012
Everyone can see that Max was in the wrong. He opened the steering to push Lewis into braking. You might get away with that with a lesser driver, but not Lewis.
He is a world class driver and a great ambassador for the sport.
But you have so much hate for him you just focus on the negative. Yes he's not perfect (who is?), but at least he has some passion.

And who cares if he drops the odd f-word? We're all grown ups.

I agree. I like hearing the vulgar language. It's cool Sebastian is a goodie goodie but I like the other drivers getting out of line. I also don't care who's fault it is between Lewis and Max. I'm happy Max pushes it to the edge and I'm happy Lewis won't back down. I like wheel to wheel incidents. Makes it more exciting.

Apple fanboy

macrumors Ivy Bridge
Original poster
Feb 21, 2012
Behind the Lens, UK
I agree. I like hearing the vulgar language. It's cool Sebastian is a goodie goodie but I like the other drivers getting out of line. I also don't care who's fault it is between Lewis and Max. I'm happy Max pushes it to the edge and I'm happy Lewis won't back down. I like wheel to wheel incidents. Makes it more exciting.
Agree on the wheel to wheel stuff. Nobody wants a precession.
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Oct 21, 2008
Time, because it rules EVERYTHING!
Everyone can see that Max was in the wrong. He opened the steering to push Lewis into braking. You might get away with that with a lesser driver, but not Lewis.
He is a world class driver and a great ambassador for the sport.
But you have so much hate for him you just focus on the negative. Yes he's not perfect (who is?), but at least he has some passion.

And who cares if he drops the odd f-word? We're all grown ups.

Well opinions varie, as for grown ups? Do you not notice the little kids watching at the track? They also watch at home in the telly, yeah I don’t think they need to be hearing what class as an ambassador to swear twice..
As for Max, he just did what any driver does. Lewis needs to grow up a lot if he is to be any kind of ambassador of anything.
As for hating the guy? Is this a thread about an Apple product? That’s the sort of comment I read on those threads, when your opinion is different you must hate it or them :rolleyes:
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Apple fanboy

macrumors Ivy Bridge
Original poster
Feb 21, 2012
Behind the Lens, UK
Well opinions varie, as for grown ups? Do you not notice the little kids watching at the track? They also watch at home in the telly, yeah I don’t think they need to be hearing what class as an ambassador to swear twice..
As for Max, he just did what any driver does. Lewis needs to grow up a lot if he is to be any kind of ambassador of anything.
As for hating the guy? Is this a thread about an Apple product? That’s the sort of comment I read on those threads, when your opinion is different you must hate it or them :rolleyes:
Whatever. Read through your posts for the last couple of pages. You can't even mention Lewis without insulting the guy.
Personally I think he's one of the most exciting drivers of his generation.


Oct 21, 2008
Time, because it rules EVERYTHING!
Whatever. Read through your posts for the last couple of pages. You can't even mention Lewis without insulting the guy.
Personally I think he's one of the most exciting drivers of his generation.

As I said opinions varie, and your now bringing the usual silly comments from one of the Apple threads into here, please don’t this is an F1 thread. I didn’t insult him, I said he needs to grow up, where have I insulted him? I’m not going to start arguing over drivers on here as that’s just ridiculous. Leave that behaviour in the Apple product threads. I won’t be drawn into an argument over nothing.
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macrumors 68040
Jun 29, 2012
Ok guys! Let's let the bickering end with the Bahrain GP :)
Any predictions for China?

I think Mercedes is coming back with a strong 1-2 finish. Lewis hasn't won in 5 straight races going back to last season. One of his longest stints without a victory in the "Turbo-Hybrid era" aka the "Nobody is even close to Mercedes era"
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Oct 21, 2008
Time, because it rules EVERYTHING!
Ok guys! Let's let the bickering end with the Bahrain GP :)
Any predictions for China?

I think Mercedes is coming back with a strong 1-2 finish. Lewis hasn't won in 5 straight races going back to last season. One of his longest stints without a victory in the "Turbo-Hybrid era" aka the "Nobody is even close to Mercedes era"

Thank you, I was trying to express that :)

And Vettel 1, Kimi fourth? Merc 2 and 3.
Red Bull who knows as it’s not a track for their cars but I pray for them if they don’t crash or retire they beat Torro Rosso! Who I predict will follow them in 6th.

In fact the most exciting race will be HAAS vs Torro Rosso IMO.
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