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macrumors 6502
Aug 6, 2015
I just turned FileVault off and still seeing the errors when I run FirstAid...
FWIW I always turn on FileVault during the install process and had seen this error immediately after.
When I wiped / reinstalled my Mac, did the exact same install process and no error.

I am pretty sure the support didn’t knew what he was talking about, maybe because he was told to answer this way or maybe because he sincerely thought this was the cause.


Jul 3, 2011
Happy Jack, AZ
Apple support, at least the Twitter version is pretty clueless... and since I've already wiped my drive, it's pointless to follow through.

part1.png part2.png part3.png


macrumors member
Jun 26, 2017
In any case there doesn’t seem to be any connection between the crypto_val errors and the bridgeOS kernel panics.
Agreed, also based on this: Seems like a different problem. Maybe there should be a different discussion for this disk thing seeing as how the title this is about the restarts specifically...
Regarding the messages, I was told the following during a chat:


See no need to worry haha, you don't need to throw your new toy in the bin.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 20, 2015
Is anyone getting this issue on Mojave Beta? I don’t think I’ve seen anyone reporting KPs on it.

There is also another issue haunting the 2018 MBP which is the speaker crackling and CreeptoLoser said he didn’t experience any crackling after upgrading to Mojave Beta.


Nov 23, 2012
I just ran Disc Utility and First Aid and have 3 crypto-val warnings. I haven't turned file vault on and have had no restarts or any other problem with the computer. Once when listening to Pandora a text message came through and there was a brief crackle in the speaker when that occurred but otherwise nothing. I have the 15" 2.6, i7. purchased 7/15.
I haven't had any crashes yet. However, I ran Disk Utility and do have the following crypto_val errors:

warning: crypto_val: object (oid 0x4): invalid state.major_version (0)
warning: crypto_val: object (oid 0x4): invalid state.key_os_version (0x0)
warning: crypto_val: object (oid 0x4): invalid state.key_revision (0)

That is exactly what is on my computer.


Jul 3, 2011
Happy Jack, AZ
How often are you having bridgeOS kernel panics? Always associated with sleeping? Any peripherals attached?

I am not having any of those... only the crypto_val errors... the rest was just background for Apple Support to answer the question "what prompted you to run FirstAid".... just that I had read reports of the others, but had experienced the crypto_val errors.
[doublepost=1533418758][/doublepost]And, while that's about 2 hours of my life that is gone forever, I am back, up and running, and no more crypto_val errors.
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macrumors 6502
Aug 6, 2015
Is anyone getting this issue on Mojave Beta? I don’t think I’ve seen anyone reporting KPs on it.
I did

And like others, since that one, nothing. My MBPr was sleeping for a few hours now, has been moved around.
Just opened it and it woke an instant. I can add that it unlocks incredibly fast with my  Watch, I can’t even go for the TouchID thing that it’s already unlocked!

I also had a strange issue regarding the power plug and the chime it makes when you plug it in.
My MBPr did the chime sound a few times while it was already plugged in power, and I am kind of sure it was related to the fact I was putting my AirPods in my ears, even though they were connected to my iPhone and not my Mac. This made me think that plugged in thing plus bluetooth connectivity may be a bad mix for the T2.
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macrumors newbie
Aug 4, 2018
Made an account here so I could join this discussion. I purchased a 13 inch MacBook Pro a week ago and immediately started experiencing kernel panics while the computer was RUNNING. The entire screen would freeze and would require a hard restart.

Today, after five of these crashes, I exchanged the computer for a new MacBook of the same model. ONE HOUR after setting up the new computer, I had the exact same kernel panic. Absolutely ridiculous.

Here's a sample from one of the reports that would display:

{"caused_by":"macos","macos_system_state":"running","bug_type":"210","os_version":"Bridge OS 2.4.1 (15P6613)","timestamp":"2018-08-05 00:40:53.97 +0000","incident_id":"510705CE-796D-452C-AD05-507ECDD8481E"}
"build" : "Bridge OS 2.4.1 (15P6613)",
"product" : "iBridge2,4",
"kernel" : "Darwin Kernel Version 17.7.0: Fri Jun 15 18:33:47 PDT 2018;

I'm gonna reinstall macOS and see if that changes anything, but seriously, this is a HUGE problem. There needs to be more outrage. We can't let Apple have an excuse not to do anything simply because not enough people are complaining. Start pressuring media outlets, YouTubers, anybody with a large audience.

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macrumors 601
Nov 6, 2011
Highlands Ranch, CO
I'm gonna reinstall macOS and see if that changes anything, but seriously, this is a HUGE problem. There needs to be more outrage. We can't let Apple have an excuse not to do anything simply because not enough people are complaining. Start pressuring media outlets, YouTubers, anybody with a large audience.

While I agree with you that this is definitely an issue that Apple needs to address, I do have to add that in fairness to Apple, we have no idea what they are or are not doing to address it.

I would have to believe that by now they know they have a problem they need to fix.

I think the bigger question is what do individual owners want to do about it in the meantime. Be patient and hope Apple can resolve it soon? Keep exchanging them in the hope you finally get one that doesn’t? Or simply return your MBP/iMP until it is shown that they have?

Thats a personal decision that is going to vary from owner to owner.

Apple has a problem they need to fix. Not sure torches and pitchforks will speed up the fix any


macrumors newbie
Aug 4, 2018
Apple has a problem they need to fix. Not sure torches and pitchforks will speed up the fix any

You're absolutely right, I shouldn't have been so aggressive in my phrasing. Not calling for pitchforks in any way, however Apple's relative silence on this issue is pretty much inexcusable at this point, even if they're working on a fix behind the scenes. There needs to be more communication between Apple and its consumers, and perhaps this could be achieved by getting this problem more mainstream attention.


macrumors 6502
Aug 6, 2015
You're absolutely right, I shouldn't have been so aggressive in my phrasing. Not calling for pitchforks in any way, however Apple's relative silence on this issue is pretty much inexcusable at this point, even if they're working on a fix behind the scenes. There needs to be more communication between Apple and its consumers, and perhaps this could be achieved by getting this problem more mainstream attention.
Apple, as every big tech company, doesn't communicate to say "we may have an issue, but we are not sure if it is a real one or even what is causing this issue or how to address it"

I would say the fact iMP owner had this issue and some of them stopped having at some point means there is something going on. BUT MBP are sold in much bigger quantity then iMP I guess so they are at the moment gathering way more data on this issue than ever before.

We'll have to be patient and see.

By the way, from what I remember, you are only the second person to report KP while OS running. All others KP happened during sleep time. So you should definitely report your issues and see if Apple would be interested in your logs to see what is so different in your configuration.


macrumors 601
Nov 6, 2011
Highlands Ranch, CO
You're absolutely right, I shouldn't have been so aggressive in my phrasing. Not calling for pitchforks in any way, however Apple's relative silence on this issue is pretty much inexcusable at this point, even if they're working on a fix behind the scenes. There needs to be more communication between Apple and its consumers, and perhaps this could be achieved by getting this problem more mainstream attention.

Unfortunately that’s the way Apple is and always has been. I am surprised they haven’t told us we are putting it to sleep wrong yet hahaha

But I am sure they are already aware of the issue. The question I have is probably not so different than that of other owners. Do I keep mine and wait for a solution, return it until a proven solution has become available, or speak with my wallet and go another route.

I am undecided myself. Probably going to go for the keep it and wait for a solution route, because I really do like the machine and while it’s an annoyance, has only occurred while I was away for the day. Maybe it’s a bigger issue for others and a return and wait or move on is a better option.


macrumors newbie
Aug 4, 2018
By the way, from what I remember, you are only the second person to report KP while OS running. All others KP happened during sleep time. So you should definitely report your issues and see if Apple would be interested in your logs to see what is so different in your configuration.

The craziest thing is that the exact same kernel panic happened on TWO separate computers, both from the same apple store. If this is indeed a hardware issue with the T2 chip, perhaps some stores have faulty products and some don't. I sent all the reports to Apple.


macrumors 6502
Sep 16, 2012
I had the issue with a 15" 2.6/512/560X even after doing a wipe/reinstall. I exchanged the machine at my local Apple store and the replacement unit has yet to KP 2 weeks in.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 8, 2011
I had the crypto_val messages in Disk Utility but I wiped the drive and reinstalled macOS fresh and they’re gone. I’ve had the MacBook (13” i7/16/512) for almost 2 weeks and it hasn’t crashed.


macrumors 6502
Aug 6, 2015
I had the issue with a 15" 2.6/512/560X even after doing a wipe/reinstall. I exchanged the machine at my local Apple store and the replacement unit has yet to KP 2 weeks in.
How did the KP happened on your first laptop ?
Were you able to reproduce the circumstances on your new MBPr ?


macrumors member
Jul 14, 2018
How did the KP happened on your first laptop ?
Were you able to reproduce the circumstances on your new MBPr ?
If the circumstances are the same and he never has another crash again then it may be a hardware issue, which is gonna be tricky for Apple to repair/recall...


macrumors 601
May 30, 2010
My first unit had a few bridgeOS crashes (I think I posted earlier in this thread).

I've had a new unit for two weeks now and it hasn't crashed yet (knocks on wood).

It does have the crypto_val errors in Disk Utility but First Aid still completes successfully so I'm happy to leave it - Apple will likely patch it anyway.


macrumors 6502
Aug 6, 2015
My first unit had a few bridgeOS crashes (I think I posted earlier in this thread).

I've had a new unit for two weeks now and it hasn't crashed yet (knocks on wood).

It does have the crypto_val errors in Disk Utility but First Aid still completes successfully so I'm happy to leave it - Apple will likely patch it anyway.
Could you specify how did the KP happened on your first laptop ? (during sleep, connected to devices or power ?)
And even more important, were you able to reproduce the circumstances on your new MBPr ?


macrumors 601
May 30, 2010
Could you specify how did the KP happened on your first laptop ? (during sleep, connected to devices or power ?)
And even more important, were you able to reproduce the circumstances on your new MBPr ?
I would just open it from sleep and have to enter my password (Touch ID would not work) and then get the crash notification. It happened both when connected to power and when just on battery.


macrumors 6502
Sep 16, 2012
How did the KP happened on your first laptop ?
Were you able to reproduce the circumstances on your new MBPr ?

Kernel panics were completely random. I never got around to completing setup for the machine -- it would randomly black screen, fans would come on full blast for 1-2 seconds, then reboot with a "your computer encoutered a problem".

The replacement unit has not exhibited the problem at all (2.5 weeks in)


macrumors 6502
Sep 12, 2008
I'm having bridge os panics when my 2018 MBP is sleeping on battery. No devices attached. I disabled power snap (which didn't help). I haven't turned off FileVault. I haven't read this whole thread. Is it the understanding that this is a software issue, or is it possible it could be hardware? Also, in addition to disabling power snap, is there anything else I can try to help? Doing a fresh install of the OS would be extremely painful.
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macrumors member
Jul 14, 2018
I'm having bridge os panics when my 2018 MBP is sleeping on battery. No devices attached. I disabled power snap (which didn't help). I haven't turned off FileVault. I haven't read this whole thread. Is it the understanding that this is a software issue, or is it possible it could be hardware? Also, in addition to disabling power snap, is there anything else I can try to help? Doing a fresh install of the OS would be extremely painful.
The bridge os KP issue exists since the release of iMac Pro earlier this year. If it’s a software isssue, then it has been over half year but the problem hasn’t been fixed yet. So it may also be a hardware issue, which is gonna be very tricky.
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