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macrumors member
Jan 8, 2014
I just experienced my first kernel panic error - Bridge OS 2.4.1 (15P6703). I'm still within the return period until the end of the week. What would you guys recommend to do - Wait for a fix from Apple if this will be patched in a software fix or return and wait it out until a this issue has been addressed?


macrumors 68020
Dec 7, 2016
Seattle, WA
I haven’t had any crashes in, I dunno. Week and a half to two weeks now? Currently running the latest Mojave beta. Everything seems fine, with or without peripherals connected.


macrumors 6502
Aug 6, 2015
Any updates on the effects of the new Mojave beta?
So far, no KP with my replacement unit running the latest Mojave.

I haven’t had any crashes in, I dunno. Week and a half to two weeks now? Currently running the latest Mojave beta. Everything seems fine, with or without peripherals connected.
Same here, I connected external drives, screen, dock, dongle, no reboots at all.


macrumors regular
Aug 2, 2012
And when it's time to close the lid for the day... do a clean shutdown.
What you describe is exactly my situation, 8 years ago, before I switched to Mac from Windows. The really sad thing is that today Windows machines seem to be better than the new Macs. I planned to update to a 2018 MacBook Pro, but now I will probably keep my 2015 model a bit longer.
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macrumors 6502a
Apr 3, 2010
United Kingdom
Wait. Is literally eveeyone with a new.macbook having this issue? Also can this be fixed with software?

It does seem prolific but no, not everyone is having these issues. I'm a month+ down the road with my 13" MBP and it has been rock-solid. Zero crashes on a migrated TM install and zero issues or crashes on a clean install.


macrumors newbie
Aug 8, 2018
Beijing, China
I just experienced my first kernel panic error - Bridge OS 2.4.1 (15P6703). I'm still within the return period until the end of the week. What would you guys recommend to do - Wait for a fix from Apple if this will be patched in a software fix or return and wait it out until a this issue has been addressed?
Of course return it to avoid risk if you are not much rely on the new machine. There's still a chance Apple won't fix these T2 issues.
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macrumors 6502
Sep 12, 2014
Crashes seem to be related to activities occurring whilst the MBP is asleep, or waking from sleep.

So, to the extent possible... Don't let it go to sleep. Configure it to stay awake as much as possible.
And when it's time to close the lid for the day... do a clean shutdown.

Being able to have all sorts of things going on at the same time, realizing it's time for bed NOW and just closing the lid for it all to be right where I left it the next day when I open the lid is one of the key arguments for me using a Mac to begin with. I've had my mid 2014 13" MBP running for over 200 days without shutting down or anything before I restarted it in order to apply several updates. If I can't do that anymore because Apple can't figure out their own hard- and software, then why not just go with a Windows 10 machine instead? Cheaper, more options and you can always hack the Windows updater if it gets too annoying.

At this stage, I'm almost glad that I had to return my 2018 13" MBP due to debris of some sort being stuck in the display. I had it for a week and a half and did experience one curious crash while coming out of sleep. I attributed that to just having applied the throttle update a couple of hours earlier, but now I wonder...

Either way, I now have some time to observe and consider my options. At least my old machine works fine, so no need to rush or anything.
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macrumors 6502a
Jul 8, 2011
Being able to have all sorts of things going on at the same time, realizing it's time for bed NOW and just closing the lid for it all to be right where I left it the next day when I open the lid is one of the key arguments for me using a Mac to begin with. I've had my mid 2014 13" MBP running for over 200 days without shutting down or anything before I restarted it in order to apply several updates. If I can't do that anymore because Apple can't figure out their own hard- and software, then why not just go with a Windows 10 machine instead? Cheaper, more options and you can always hack the Windows updater if it gets too annoying.

At this stage, I'm almost glad that I had to return my 2018 13" MBP due to debris of some sort being stuck in the display. I had it for a week and a half and did experience one curious crash while coming out of sleep. I attributed that to just having applied the throttle update a couple of hours earlier, but now I wonder...

Either way, I now have some time to observe and consider my options. At least my old machine works fine, so no need to rush or anything.

Just know, though, that this isn't happening to everyone. Far from it from what I can tell, too. I've had my 13" for 4 weeks to the day and only once, on day 16, did it crash while sleeping. Since then, it's been just fine. I still don't accept that it should have even crashed then but it's far from being a machine that can't sleep, at least not for the vast majority of people anyway. There are a few unlucky people on here that seem to get multiple crashes per day. I'd love to know what's causing those.

Looking at the whole thing, I can see people using lots of external devices, people using no external devices, people doing just browsing, and people doing heavy development and editing stuff. Some get crashes, some don't. As of now, there's no way of knowing what's what. My replacement 13" arrived yesterday and the original will be sent back today. I have 14 days for a return/refund on this and they told me it can actually be 30 days. That's enough to see if anything changes in the next month. Like you, I have access to another Mac so I'm in no rush. If there are problems with the new one I'll get a refund and reconsider my options. By the way, since the crash on day 16 I've tried many times to cause one based on the things people report caused theirs. External monitor, plugging stuff in and out while sleeping, etc. No luck. Seems solid.


macrumors 68000
Mar 7, 2017
I just experienced my first kernel panic error - Bridge OS 2.4.1 (15P6703). I'm still within the return period until the end of the week. What would you guys recommend to do - Wait for a fix from Apple if this will be patched in a software fix or return and wait it out until a this issue has been addressed?
I say return it. Vote with your wallet. It’s the only way we are seriously going to get Apple’s attention.


macrumors 6502
Jan 1, 2002
I got my i9/32/512 3 weeks ago (replacing my late 2013 15"), and a Caldigit TS3+ the next day. I used the TS3+ to hook up 2 LG 24UD58-B 4k monitors (one using a dp cable, and one a dp-to-usbc cable), and to power the Mac. Every morning, when trying to wake from sleep, the Mac would freeze, requiring a hard restart. The logs showed a kernel panic each time, with the attendant bridge OS error. I disabled power nap and wake for wi-fi access, but to no avail. Strangely, waking up from a short sleep (e.g. an hour or so when I left for lunch) worked fine; it was only after a long sleep (e.g. overnight) that it would crap out.

Last week I was traveling, so obviously did not have my external monitors. I noticed that the Mac did not die on wake, and did not have any kernel panics or bridge os errors.

So, when I returned, I got rid of the TS3+, and connected the monitors directly to the Mac with dp-to-usbc cables. Guess what? Still no kernel panics or bridge os errors, and the Mac wakes from sleep fine, whether it's with 1, 2, or no external monitors connected. (It's been 6 days now... I hope I didn't jinx myself with this post!)

I'd almost returned the Mac last week just before I left town because I was bumping up against the 14 day return period, but didn't have time to deal with it before I left. I'm so glad I didn't. I'm really happy with the Mac now. The TS3+ hub was just too good to be true I guess.

BTW, my SSD does have the crypto_key error, and I still do have power nap and wake for wifi both disabled.
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macrumors 68000
Mar 7, 2017
Just know, though, that this isn't happening to everyone. Far from it from what I can tell, too. I've had my 13" for 4 weeks to the day and only once, on day 16, did it crash while sleeping. Since then, it's been just fine. I still don't accept that it should have even crashed then but it's far from being a machine that can't sleep, at least not for the vast majority of people anyway. There are a few unlucky people on here that seem to get multiple crashes per day. I'd love to know what's causing those.

Looking at the whole thing, I can see people using lots of external devices, people using no external devices, people doing just browsing, and people doing heavy development and editing stuff. Some get crashes, some don't. As of now, there's no way of knowing what's what. My replacement 13" arrived yesterday and the original will be sent back today. I have 14 days for a return/refund on this and they told me it can actually be 30 days. That's enough to see if anything changes in the next month. Like you, I have access to another Mac so I'm in no rush. If there are problems with the new one I'll get a refund and reconsider my options. By the way, since the crash on day 16 I've tried many times to cause one based on the things people report caused theirs. External monitor, plugging stuff in and out while sleeping, etc. No luck. Seems solid.
You almost sound apologetic for Apple. I’ve had two iMPs at $7k each and two 2018 MBPs. They all did it. Please don’t act like this isn’t as serious and as widespread as it is.

The bottom line is this shouldn’t be happening at all. People should be able to hook up any peripheral they want. This is starting to sound very much like the “you’re holding it wrong” debacle. We don’t need supporters of this.

I can tell you precisely why this is happening too. Apple has gone too far overboard with their security protocols in this iPad/iPhoneesque T2 chip and it is causing the machine to freak out anytime it perceives a threat. The watchdog is falsely barking and overreacting.

We are feeling the pangs of Apple’s beginning to transition away from Intel and the molding of iOS and macOS. This is all too familiar for me. *cough* PPC - Intel *cough*
I got my i9/32/512 3 weeks ago (replacing my late 2013 15"), and a Caldigit TS3+ the next day. I used the TS3+ to hook up 2 LG 24UD58-B 4k monitors (one using a dp cable, and one a dp-to-usbc cable), and to power the Mac. Every morning, when trying to wake from sleep, the Mac would freeze, requiring a hard restart. The logs showed a kernel panic each time, with the attendant bridge OS error. I disabled power nap and wake for wi-fi access, but to no avail. Strangely, waking up from a short sleep (e.g. an hour or so when I left for lunch) worked fine; it was only after a long sleep (e.g. overnight) that it would crap out.

Last week I was traveling, so obviously did not have my external monitors. I noticed that the Mac did not die on wake, and did not have any kernel panics or bridge os errors.

So, when I returned, I got rid of the TS3+, and connected the monitors directly to the Mac with dp-to-usbc cables. Guess what? Still no kernel panics or bridge os errors, and the Mac wakes from sleep fine, whether it's with 1, 2, or no external monitors connected. (It's been 6 days now... I hope I didn't jinx myself with this post!)

I'd almost returned the Mac last week just before I left town because I was bumping up against the 14 day return period, but didn't have time to deal with it before I left. I'm so glad I didn't. I'm really happy with the Mac now. The TS3+ hub was just too good to be true I guess.

BTW, my SSD does have the crypto_key error, and I still do have power nap and wake for wifi both disabled.
Don’t hold your breath. The KPs still happen to people, myself included with nothing attached. But as I stated in my last post, it shouldn’t matter if you have something connected to your machine. That’s what they are for. Next Apple is going to remove all ports and we will have Macs like iPhones and iPads. Hmmmmmmmm maybe we’re onto something here...?

(side note) It’s so disappointing to hear you pseudo make excuses for Apple and give up your hub as though it’s somehow the fault of the hub. Let me make one thing perfectly clear here. If you were to use that hub on any Mac pre T2 chip this wouldn’t happen. Point clear?
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macrumors 6502a
Jul 8, 2011
You almost sound apologetic for Apple. I’ve had two iMPs at $7k each and two 2018 MBPs. They all did it. Please don’t act like this isn’t as serious and as widespread as it is.

The bottom line is this shouldn’t be happening at all. People should be able to hook up any peripheral they want. This is starting to sound very much like the “you’re holding it wrong” debacle. We don’t need supporters of this.

I can tell you precisely why this is happening too. Apple has gone too far overboard with their security protocols in this iPad/iPhoneesque T2 chip and it is causing the machine to freak out anytime it perceives a threat. The watchdog is falsely barking and overreacting.

I'm sorry to see that you're being hit the hardest with these issues, at least in this forum, but you're wrong in calling me apologetic for Apple, especially if you actually read what I said. I just pointed out that the new MacBook Pro isn't something you should 100% avoid because you've simply heard about this stuff. Considering leaving the Apple ecosystem and moving to Windows 10 because you've read that some people have their new MacBooks crash when sleeping is, in my opinion, a little overkill. I just wanted to point out that there are also a lot of people that aren't having these problems.

Trust me when I say that I'm as frustrated as anyone else here about this whole thing and I don't think it's acceptable either. I just had to set up yet another MacBook for development and there's no guarantee that this will work perfectly either but I'm willing to give it a go after my own research. There's a thread on Apple's Discussions board about this and one on reddit but other than that I'm not seeing that much. That's not being apologetic; it's simply stating what I've seen and by knowing that I decided to roll the dice on a replacement.
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macrumors 68000
Mar 7, 2017
I'm sorry to see that you're being hit the hardest with these issues, at least in this forum, but you're wrong in calling me apologetic for Apple, especially if you actually read what I said. I just pointed out that the new MacBook Pro isn't something you should 100% avoid because you've simply heard about this stuff. Considering leaving the Apple ecosystem and moving to Windows 10 because you've read that some people have their new MacBooks crash when sleeping is, in my opinion, a little overkill. I just wanted to point out that there are also a lot of people that aren't having these problems.

Trust me when I say that I'm as frustrated as anyone else here about this whole thing and I don't think it's acceptable either. I just had to set up yet another MacBook for development and there's no guarantee that this will work perfectly either but I'm willing to give it a go after my own research. There's a thread on Apple's Discussions board about this and one on reddit but other than that I'm not seeing that much. That's not being apologetic; it's simply stating what I've seen and by knowing that I decided to roll the dice on a replacement.
I respect that, but as Apple customers the only way we are possibly going to see a speedy resolution to this is if we band together. Casting any doubt to other users as to whether or not this is a serious problem across the board is IMHO counterproductive.

For reference:
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macrumors regular
Aug 2, 2012
I got my i9/32/512 3 weeks ago (replacing my late 2013 15"), and a Caldigit TS3+ the next day. I used the TS3+ to hook up 2 LG 24UD58-B 4k monitors (one using a dp cable, and one a dp-to-usbc cable), and to power the Mac. Every morning, when trying to wake from sleep, the Mac would freeze, requiring a hard restart. The logs showed a kernel panic each time, with the attendant bridge OS error. I disabled power nap and wake for wi-fi access, but to no avail. Strangely, waking up from a short sleep (e.g. an hour or so when I left for lunch) worked fine; it was only after a long sleep (e.g. overnight) that it would crap out.

Last week I was traveling, so obviously did not have my external monitors. I noticed that the Mac did not die on wake, and did not have any kernel panics or bridge os errors.

So, when I returned, I got rid of the TS3+, and connected the monitors directly to the Mac with dp-to-usbc cables. Guess what? Still no kernel panics or bridge os errors, and the Mac wakes from sleep fine, whether it's with 1, 2, or no external monitors connected. (It's been 6 days now... I hope I didn't jinx myself with this post!)

I'd almost returned the Mac last week just before I left town because I was bumping up against the 14 day return period, but didn't have time to deal with it before I left. I'm so glad I didn't. I'm really happy with the Mac now. The TS3+ hub was just too good to be true I guess.

BTW, my SSD does have the crypto_key error, and I still do have power nap and wake for wifi both disabled.
I use a Caldigit TS3+ with my MacBook Pro 15" (2017 model, maxed out). I have a cheap Samsung 4k 27" monitor connected to the TS3+ by display port. My MacBook Pro wakes up every morning without an issue, and I would expect the same with any newer model from this year!
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macrumors 6502a
Sep 26, 2011
On my brand new store bought 2.6/16gb/512 I just got my first Bridge OS kernel panic.

It was just sitting there syncing to dropbox.

Return it or suffer .. do not try to troubleshoot this or you will loose your marbles
I got my i9/32/512 3 weeThe TS3+ hub was just too good to be true I guess.

BTW, my SSD does have the crypto_key error, and I still do have power nap and wake for wifi both disabled.

I am on my 3rd TS3+ (on its way to me now), mine is in the same room as my wifi router and according to Caldigit, a strong wifi signal cause the TS3+ to not work correctly. It was causing my 2017 to crash and would not show up in my PCI devices. TS3+ is great, but has issues..sad to say.. they do have good support tho. Lets not highjack, PM if you want to discuss
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macrumors 68000
Mar 7, 2017
I use a Caldigit TS3+ with my MacBook Pro 15" (2017 model, maxed out). I have a cheap Samsung 4k 27" monitor connected to the TS3+ by display port. My MacBook Pro wakes up every morning without an issue, and I would expect the same with any newer model from this year!
Thank you for this!!! People are sadly starting to make excuses for Apple like it’s their peripherals fault. You reinforced my point that if you hook any of these “culprit” devices to any Mac lacking the T2 chip that the problems mysteriously vanish.

We are talking about thousands of potential peripheral devices out in the wild, not just the TS3+. Let’s not get sidetracked here people. Do NOT for the love of all things let Apple or anyone here start brain washing you into thinking this all the fault of 3rd party peripherals. What happened to “it just works”?
[doublepost=1534947529][/doublepost]I hope that everyone here understands that I am NOT an Apple hater. On the contrary, I am an Apple lover and this is all heartbreaking. I want Apple to get their act together, and quickly! Anything that I can do to expedite this process I will!
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macrumors regular
Nov 18, 2006
I just experienced my first kernel panic error - Bridge OS 2.4.1 (15P6703). I'm still within the return period until the end of the week. What would you guys recommend to do - Wait for a fix from Apple if this will be patched in a software fix or return and wait it out until a this issue has been addressed?

Wait and buy the new macbook air. The pro is imho ****.
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macrumors 68000
Mar 7, 2017
So as I sit here setting up my new/old 2017 5K iMac that is replacing the iMP with the T2 chip issues. It has become even more apparent that Apple has created a whole slew of problems with that chip. I know many of you won’t believe me when I say this, but things thus far are just smoother. Booting into recovery to do a clean install is flawless. On the 2018 MBP and the iMP you could get hung up in a vicious boot cycle. Even booting into recovery is way faster. Unbelievable. It’s a sad day when avoiding new Apple machines and reverting to older Mac hardware is the wise choice.

I will expand even further on this later when I try to replicate the Kernel panic that I could make happen without fail (pun intended) on the iMP. To be continued...

Apple Knowledge Navigator

macrumors 68040
Mar 28, 2010
Looks like I jinxed it... Just had my first kernel panic on 13" w/TB, 16/256gb.

{"caused_by":"macos","macos_system_state":"running","bug_type":"210","os_version":"Bridge OS 2.4.1 (15P6703)","timestamp":"2018-08-22 14:51:08.20 +0000","incident_id":"69D3CC97-C02A-473A-94E8-FC5BCCCA0F7C"}
"build" : "Bridge OS 2.4.1 (15P6703)",
"product" : "iBridge2,4",
"kernel" : "Darwin Kernel Version 17.7.0

Occurred whilst I was using Keynote (lost work, thanks Apple). No devices connected, only Wi-fi.

Bug 210 is just the gift that keeps on giving!


macrumors member
Jun 26, 2017
Can there be a new thread for unrelated "I'm leaving Apple and here's why you should too" rants that we've all heard before? Not helpful. Not that there's much to be done in terms of help. But grand-scale Apple theorizing doesn't help anyone (oh really the mac has been neglected relative to iOS? Tell me more!)

This really seems like another loud minority (which I'm included in) and like someone pointed out in a thread about how many MBPs are "flawless," the results will always skew toward everything being broken all the time always, because who's gonna come here just to say "I got a new computer and it works well :)". I really wouldn't be surprised if people stopped responding in this thread because they got a working replacement.

There's also some complication with people reporting seemingly unrelated KPs here, but I can't blame them, and that's I guess where I get to the "this is unacceptable" part, users shouldn't be expected to know the info they need to to report this specific crashes. I saw a user in this thread complaining about this on a 2017 MBP which obviously really doesn't apply here, and it doesn't seem like anyone in this thread has organized like a spreadsheet of issues, and it's pretty rude to volunteer others to go out of their way to escalate stuff frankly.

I would encourage anyone experiencing this issue still to check if their BridgeOS related crashes also point to AppleSMC as detailed in this post and if they're in contact with support, let them know. I haven't had any in a few days, but they all seem to be pointing here.

reposting here from, to solicit more feedback.

I received my brand new Macbook Pro yesterday and after letting it sleep overnight, I unfortunately ran into the same BridgeOS error when I opened it this morning. Specs: i7/32GB RAM/1TB SSD. No accessories connected via USB or Bluetooth except for USB-C power chord. Computer lid was shut overnight. This is a clean re-install with option command R combo and formatted with APFS (case sensitive, encrypted).

After a bit of digging, I believe in this particular case, the blame falls to AppleSMC. How? If you look at the panic string, you will observe:

"Panicked thread: 0xffffffe0009706e0, backtrace: 0xffffffe016b3b530, tid: 337"

tid: 337 in this case refers to thread ID 337. The stack frame right below it is unfortunately undecipherable as I don't have the symbols to match the addresses to function names, however, the full report does list out the processes and associated threads under "processByPid" and "threadById" respectively. You can search for the tid and in my case:

"name": "AppleSMC"

I will try to reset the SMC using the instructions at and see if that improves anything. Very curios if others are observing failures with AppleSMC as well. Would help narrow down this issue for sure!

Full panic report:


macrumors 68000
Mar 7, 2017
So as I sit here setting up my new/old 2017 5K iMac that is replacing the iMP with the T2 chip issues. It has become even more apparent that Apple has created a whole slew of problems with that chip. I know many of you won’t believe me when I say this, but things thus far are just smoother. Booting into recovery to do a clean install is flawless. On the 2018 MBP and the iMP you could get hung up in a vicious boot cycle. Even booting into recovery is way faster. Unbelievable. It’s a sad day when avoiding new Apple machines and reverting to older Mac hardware is the wise choice.

I will expand even further on this later when I try to replicate the Kernel panic that I could make happen without fail (pun intended) on the iMP. To be continued...
Continuing where I left off; Nope, I just confirmed it, the KP does NOT happen on this 2017 5K iMac... So as expected the issue is absolutely T2 related as theorized.

Now the question is what will Apple do with this info? The answer, a resounding absolutely NOTHING! SMH
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macrumors 601
Nov 6, 2011
Highlands Ranch, CO
Looks like I jinxed it... Just had my first kernel panic on 13" w/TB, 16/256gb.

{"caused_by":"macos","macos_system_state":"running","bug_type":"210","os_version":"Bridge OS 2.4.1 (15P6703)","timestamp":"2018-08-22 14:51:08.20 +0000","incident_id":"69D3CC97-C02A-473A-94E8-FC5BCCCA0F7C"}
"build" : "Bridge OS 2.4.1 (15P6703)",
"product" : "iBridge2,4",
"kernel" : "Darwin Kernel Version 17.7.0

Occurred whilst I was using Keynote (lost work, thanks Apple). No devices connected, only Wi-fi.

Bug 210 is just the gift that keeps on giving!

Welcome to the club! Your membership dues were included in the purchase price :)
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macrumors member
Jan 8, 2014
So I've decided to return my 2018 13" MacBook Pro. The fact this issue has occurred since the iMac Pro was released and there is still no clear fix leaves a feeling of uneasiness. Of course, this is not affecting everyone but there is enough users discussing this issue that there is some relevance to this problem. I'm sure at some point this will be addressed by Apple but a part of what I pay for is confidence in the product.

I understand that issues/defects/faults can occur and I don't expect Apple to be perfect in it's product line without fault. At the end of the day, its a product and like any other product made, there is always going to be issues that can or will occur. But I pay a premium for some expectation of confidence in the product and to have an issue arise so early, I think it's the right decision to return and wait until a more formal fix comes out from Apple.

I still think this is a fantastic machine but we are 42 pages in this thread and multiple users are commenting on this issue occurring. There is really two ways to look at this, use the product hopeful that a fix/solution will come from Apple or wait for the fix first then purchase. I'd rather put the ball in Apple's hands first before I take a leap of faith this will be fixed. If this is solved by Apple, I will repurchase the MacBook Pro.
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