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macrumors 68000
Jun 16, 2016
The whole "Jobs would never allow this" is just, flat wrong. That does not mean that many (including myself) are not massively disappointed in Apple and their record of late... but Jobs had his share of issues.

It's been over 8 months... and is now affecting at least 2 product lines... I don't recall issues with the new Wireless controller (W1, W2) or the previous T1 version.
True on those products. Good point. And from my prosumer understanding none of those compare to the scope of the T2.

Count Blah

macrumors 68040
Jan 6, 2004
US of A
The whole "Jobs would never allow this" is just, flat wrong. That does not mean that many (including myself) are not massively disappointed in Apple and their record of late... but Jobs had his share of issues.
100% correct - Check out this gem that made my mother's iMac, unusable...

121 pages on Apple forums, with no help -
Thread here about it -

Lots of iMacs worked fine, up to 10.6.2 but anything after, and it was beach ball city. Apple refused to help LOTS of people, even though it was 100% repeatably a software problem.

Hearing the 'ole 'I've not heard of this happening before', is textbook Apple phone support. Been teaching that one for decades now.


macrumors 601
Jul 11, 2008
So far, my 13" MBP (2018) is still problem free... I did have a scare this morning when I opened my MBP and got the Enter your password prompt... but then I remembered that I was away from my MBP for the last couple of days... and it was more than 48 hours since I last logged into it.

Apple needs to find and fix this issue... as it is a major problem for many... but so far, I'm good here... 28 days today and no Bridge OS errors or kernel panics.

All of Apple's Macs are built overseas (China mostly), except for the trashcan Mac Pro, AFAIK.
why would you not put a password in. If you close the lid it would go to sleep and ask for a password. Unless im missing something.


macrumors newbie
Aug 17, 2018
Speaking of the whole Windows vs PC thing.. I know it is a different issue, but for some reason when I open certain web pages (and it doesn't matter which browser I use) my CPU temp shoots way up. One example is ESPN. It doesn't matter if I use Safari, Chrome or Opera. The temps shoot up to the mid-90's and the fans kick on. Right now with ESPN open, CPU temps are 91-96C and fans running about 5K.

Opening the exact same page on my Surface Pro in both Chrome and Opera (obviously can't use Safari) CPU temps stay around 37C and no fan.

It is a little puzzling to me and I know it is off topic, but using the MacBook Pro and then the Surface Pro and then back to the MacBook Pro, etc. Really does have me thinking about returning this one as well and going the Dell XPS, Razer Blade or SB2 route.
@SDColorado I'm not a Windows fan, hahaha, so that's the sad part. I was so happy to switch to Mac in 2007 and never see another DLL problem, lol; I had a good run; nine years with NO downtime. I've invested years in Logic Pro and I love it, so I'm not looking forward to Ableton Live 10 on a Windows box. But, everybody I've talked to has already switched for similar reasons and they're real happy with Win10. Friends have said Win7 was horrible, but they're cranking out studio work now on 10. If Apple ever fixes this, I'll reconsider down the road, but for now, I need to get some recording done....can't wait on Tim Cook to decide if he really wants to be in the computer business anymore..... this could take Apple years to straighten out, and they may never fix this - I don't trust em anymore.... too many crashes here.... :D


macrumors 601
Nov 6, 2011
Highlands Ranch, CO
@SDColorado I'm not a Windows fan, hahaha, so that's the sad part.

I wasn’t either, at least not for a long while. I had last used Windows back in the XP days. But last year I needed something small and light for travel and was underwhelmed with both the iPad Pro 12.9 and the MacBook Air. So I picked up a 2017 Surface Pro on a whim and a little encouragement from a couple of folks in the Alternatives section. And I really like the machine and Windows 10, so damn. I find myself at a crossroads :)
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macrumors newbie
Apr 16, 2015
Sorry, not taking chances with a beta OS to try to fix this... will wait for a confirmed fix and then buy again. till then, happily using my 2017 with very little issues..

It’s a crapshoot as to when one should buy again. You should really wait for the 2019 MacBook to be absolutely sure. I’m quite confident there’s a bug in the bridge OS/firmware and will keep mine and patiently wait for an update. If it gets annoying enough, I’ll grab a refurbished one under apple warranty. Interesting fact.... Leo Laporte of This Week In Tech is also encountering this issue as well as a crackling sound when playing audio at high cpu usage.
I just want to take a moment to commend everyone here for all your hard work. Everyone should be getting paid by Apple for doing all this legwork for their engineers.

However in a wicked twist of reality we are actually paying Apple. How’s that for irony!?!?

I like to be a part of the solution and put my energy there. Complaining doesn’t do anything, but makes one’s own blood boil. The alternative is to get a windows pc which I don’t prefer. The grass is definitely not greener there.
I bought a base 15" (with upgrade to 512GB storage), shortly after they were released. It was crashing with the Bridge OS error up to 4 times a day, so I returned it for a replacement. I received my replacement on Monday, and so far after 3 days/nights not a single crash.

As with the first machine, I am using the Apple official adapter to provide power while also having a monitor connected via HDMI, and an external HDD. FileVault on, sleep/power-nap enabled.

I never migrate data from old machines - I prefer to setup new. Beyond the normal setup process of iCloud, locations services, etc, so far the only Applications I haven't installed on this new one that were running on first machine are: IntelliJ, Pycharm, Xcode, Python virtualenv, MongoHub, homebrew and SuperDuper. Planning to put those on over the next couple days and hopefully still see stability.

I doubt any of those installs should make any difference, and I'm not confident I won't see crashes with the replacement (my guess is this is a firmware issue), but will report back if I have any useful information after more time with the machine.

Did you get the error with the replacement yet? Do keep us updated
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macrumors 68020
Mar 5, 2006
Nebraska, USA
@SDColorado I'm not a Windows fan, hahaha, so that's the sad part. I was so happy to switch to Mac in 2007 and never see another DLL problem, lol; I had a good run; nine years with NO downtime. I've invested years in Logic Pro and I love it, so I'm not looking forward to Ableton Live 10 on a Windows box. But, everybody I've talked to has already switched for similar reasons and they're real happy with Win10. Friends have said Win7 was horrible, but they're cranking out studio work now on 10. If Apple ever fixes this, I'll reconsider down the road, but for now, I need to get some recording done....can't wait on Tim Cook to decide if he really wants to be in the computer business anymore..... this could take Apple years to straighten out, and they may never fix this - I don't trust em anymore.... too many crashes here.... :D
Pretty much want to be just iOS. That is what the retail store looks like too. 90% iOS dedicated. My local Apple store uses the only table that they have the Mac hardware for their staging area for pick ups and stuff. Tell customers to go stand over there and wait.
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macrumors 601
Nov 6, 2011
Highlands Ranch, CO
Pretty much want to be just iOS. That is what the retail store looks like too. 90% iOS dedicated. My local Apple store uses the only table that they have the Mac hardware for their staging area for pick ups and stuff. Tell customers to go stand over there and wait.

Mine is definitely not that bad. They have a low table with 4 iMacs for kids to play on. Not sure why since Apples iPad commercial is so proud of the "Whats a computer?" line, but they have those archaic things called computers for the kids to play on. Or is it look at, since they don't know what a computer is anymore? So they have you wait between that and a software/accessory counter.

Other than that they do have a table for Mac hardware, but probably 80% of the store is IOS devices and IOS device accessories.

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Jul 3, 2011
Happy Jack, AZ

why would you not put a password in. If you close the lid it would go to sleep and ask for a password. Unless im missing something.

Sorry, I mis-spoke... it was the unlocking with my Watch, not the Touch ID... but the point was that it made me enter the password, which gave me pause... but, alas, no crashes.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 19, 2012
New MBP 2018 15", i7, 32GB, 1TB. Running latest Mojave PB, have had the Bridge OS 3.0 error 1-2-3 times a day since buying a week ago. Where are things at with solutions? Is there one? Scrolled the last few pages but can't find much.


Jul 3, 2011
Happy Jack, AZ
New MBP 2018 15", i7, 32GB, 1TB. Running latest Mojave PB, have had the Bridge OS 3.0 error 1-2-3 times a day since buying a week ago. Where are things at with solutions? Is there one? Scrolled the last few pages but can't find much.

No solution as of this moment... and it appears that Apple is playing dumb. The issues have been happening to machines with the T2 chip as far back as last December (iMac Pro).
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macrumors newbie
Aug 24, 2018
I have the same problem,

caused_by":"macos","macos_system_state":"running","bug_type":"210","os_version":"Bridge OS 2.4.1 (15P6703)","timestamp":"2018-08-24 22:24:09.88

is it specific to some T2 chips or all of them are defective ?
did anyone go to an apple store / service provider and got their logic board replaced ?
if so, did it help ?


macrumors newbie
Aug 18, 2018
I have the same problem,

caused_by":"macos","macos_system_state":"running","bug_type":"210","os_version":"Bridge OS 2.4.1 (15P6703)","timestamp":"2018-08-24 22:24:09.88

is it specific to some T2 chips or all of them are defective ?
did anyone go to an apple store / service provider and got their logic board replaced ?
if so, did it help ?

I think it may help for people experiencing sleep/wake errors to also start finding the TID/name of the offending thread as suggested by user 'bigcat' earlier in the thread.

If you have the text of your crash log in a text editor, search for "Panicked thread:" and move a bit forward from there you'll see a thread id e.g. "tid: 368".

Then search for "<found_tid>", inclusive of quotes, where <found_tid> is the number you just found. From the point in the file where that string is found, move forward and look for the thread "name" attribute.

It appears that the majority of the people experiencing the problem here are crashing with the thread named "AppleSMC", and AppleSMC appears to be a driver that communicates with the T1/T2 chip in the machine.

As for going any deeper to this to know _why_ the driver is crashing, that may require Apple engineers to figure out. I suggested earlier that it would be interesting to see if Windows (and linux, for that matter) crash in similar situations due to their respective AppleSMC drivers.
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macrumors regular
Jul 28, 2018
Just received Anker's USB 3.0 adaptor and decided to try it. Plugged the adaptor with my old USB 3.0 flash drive, played a song from it, ejected and unplugged the drive and the adaptor. Right after that I went to the other room to put the adaptor in my backpack and surprise mf.

{"caused_by":"macos","macos_system_state":"running","bug_type":"210","os_version":"Bridge OS 2.4.1 (15P6703)","timestamp":"2018-08-25 08:59:13.47 +0000","incident_id":"85469D15-4DDD-42BC-B161-6FF348656251"}
"binaryImages" : [
"build" : "Bridge OS 2.4.1 (15P6703)",
"crashReporterKey" : "c0dec0dec0dec0dec0dec0dec0dec0dec0de0001",
"date" : "2018-08-25 08:59:13.24 +0000",
"incident" : "85469D15-4DDD-42BC-B161-6FF348656251",
"kernel" : "Darwin Kernel Version 17.7.0: Fri Jul 6 19:25:51 PDT 2018; root:xnu-4570.71.3~1\/RELEASE_ARM64_T8010",
"macOSOtherString" : "\n** In Memory Panic Stackshot Succeeded ** Bytes Traced 540896 **\n",
"macOSPanicFlags" : "0x4",
"macOSPanicString" : "panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff7f892ee271): \"DSB0(MacBookPro15,2): thunderbolt power on failed 0xffffffff\n\"@\/BuildRoot\/Library\/Caches\/\/Sources\/IOPCIFamily\/IOPCIFamily-320.70.1\/IOPCIBridge.cpp:1307\nBacktrace (CPU 0), Frame : Return Address\n0xffffff8124973a10 : 0xffffff8008a6c1c6 \n0xffffff8124973a60 : 0xffffff8008b95344 \n0xffffff8124973aa0 : 0xffffff8008b875c4 \n0xffffff8124973b10 : 0xffffff8008a1e1e0 \n0xffffff8124973b30 : 0xffffff8008a6bc3c \n0xffffff8124973c60 : 0xffffff8008a6b9fc \n0xffffff8124973cc0 : 0xffffff7f892ee271 \n0xffffff8124973d30 : 0xffffff7f892eea78 \n0xffffff8124973d70 : 0xffffff7f892eec26 \n0xffffff8124973db0 : 0xffffff7f892eedb4 \n0xffffff8124973dd0 : 0xffffff7f892ed0bb \n0xffffff8124973e20 : 0xffffff7f892f79ed \n0xffffff8124973e40 : 0xffffff800907f0f5 \n0xffffff8124973eb0 : 0xffffff800907ee9a \n0xffffff8124973ed0 : 0xffffff8008aa5844 \n0xffffff8124973f40 : 0xffffff8008aa53a5 \n0xffffff8124973fa0 : 0xffffff8008a1d557 \n


Oct 14, 2013
@SDColorado I'm not a Windows fan here.... :D

I guess they won't be rolling out anymore of those PC vs Mac commercials.

They switched ad agency in 2013 when the product line got fragmented and fewer people knew what to do and what to think of Apple other than stock value.

In short, TBWA wanted to treat a disease it thought Apple had, while Apple merely wanted TBWA to relieve a public perception headache.

On the other side stuff like iLife got dwarfed by FaceBook, and moved digital photos from something hobbyists did on their spare time to something 2,2 billion users today interactive with at least once a month. The ads also makes fun of spreadsheets, and Excel may be one of the power tools that hasn't been replaced by Google or any other competitor in the professional market. I no longer get blue screens in Windows 10 either, but I get Kernel Panics on my Mac, so all the reasons for me switching in 2006 can be found at a better price at hardware sellers, delivered in a more stable environment on Windows 10 and the performance is both supreme and upgradeable at the same time.

I guess I still like the look and feel of macOS/OS X, but I can't support Apple out of pure nostalgia. I also believe that buying a computer and buying stocks is like comparing Apples to oranges, so as long as they keep releasing faulty computers with hardware in their midlife crisis, they should rather just quit and hope for the best. I still love my iPhone, but I guess we will have to see how a phone fares on its own without a computer related ecosystem to support the development of apps, content and other cases of use.

To improve customer experience, consider employee experience too.
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Oct 14, 2013
Great - however i want to highlight that i have the same problem on my T1 !!!!

I did as well. Replaced six MacBook Pros from the 2016 stock, both 13" og 15". Having the same type of errors with MacBook Pro 2018 15" with a T2 chip now. Seven faulty computers, let's celebrate.

Things was looking pretty grim for Microsoft before Satya Narayana Nadella took over for Ballmer, but now they are gaining more relevance, even from Apple fan boys. I wish there was a solution, but I can't really see how Apple is able to project change into a market at the moment outside of the iOS universe. They have been selling the same GPU for three generations of MacBook Pro with only minuscule bumps in clock speed, but hey, they are still using rebranded and two year old entry level Polaris chips with new names and marketing. There has to be some new young blood to drive this company and I believe there is able og willing contenders out there that will make this happen as soon as the stock market no longer works in their favour. Until then we are just waiting for another replacement for our DOAs, another repair program or another company to lead the evolution?

It's been just a month since they shipped the computer and we are already seeing rebates. That is not very Applish.
Last edited:


macrumors newbie
Apr 16, 2015
No CONSISTENT bridge os crashes when awaking from sleep after disconnecting Apple's multiport usb-c to hdmi/usb-a/usb-c adaptor that had 2 external sata drives connected to it. This resolved MY particular bridge OS issue. However I know for a fact (after reading the entire thread) that bridge OS crashes occur during video playback and other parameters. My theory is that there are several bugs in the bridge OS and/or bad T2 chip. So why is it taking 7+ months to resolve this issue? This is my other theory after mulling through countless tech journalist posts/videos I've been reading/watching over the months. There is a limited group of engineers working on Mac OS/Macbooks, (a majority of Apple engineers work on iOS and their phone not to mention there are limited, talented engineers in this world available to work with), and a multi-pronged problem that may encompass a hardware (T2 chip) and software (bridge OS) issue.
....from my first post....

Yep. Same issue. Chatted with Apple Support and reported the issue. First two paragraphs of my error are as follows (see very bottom). This issue always occurs when waking from sleep and with these parameters:

  • Reinstalled High Sierra 10.13.6 AFTER supplemental update was available
  • Did not restore with time machine or migration assistant
  • Issue always occurs when plugged into power
  • Power nap was always disabled before/after reinstall of OS. (Never liked it and feel it's still buggy)
  • Crash occurs with or without Wake for Wifi Network access enabled
  • Have iStat Menus, Jumpcut, Magnet, Carbon Copy Cleaner, and Time Machine, Backup and Sync from Google, and iTunes Helper running in the background.

{"caused_by":"macos","macos_system_state":"running","bug_type":"210","os_version ":"Bridge OS 2.4.1 (15P6703)","timestamp":"2018-08-21 21:28:09.99 +0000","incident_id":"31753AFF-243A-4D95-8296-89CA7E34DF7F"}


"build" : "Bridge OS 2.4.1 (15P6703)",

"product" : "iBridge2,3",

"kernel" : "Darwin Kernel Version 17.7.0: Fri Jul 6 19:25:51 PDT 2018; root:xnu-4570.71.3~1\/RELEASE_ARM64_T8010",

"incident" : "31753AFF-243A-4D95-8296-89CA7E34DF7F",

"crashReporterKey" : "c0dec0dec0dec0dec0dec0dec0dec0dec0de0001",

"date" : "2018-08-21 21:28:09.92 +0000",


macrumors 601
Jul 11, 2008
Why have some updates to public beta of mojava? That may be an issue. Also, is this happening with adapter plugged in only? You


macrumors 68020
Mar 5, 2006
Nebraska, USA
Mine is definitely not that bad. They have a low table with 4 iMacs for kids to play on. Not sure why since Apples iPad commercial is so proud of the "Whats a computer?" line, but they have those archaic things called computers for the kids to play on. Or is it look at, since they don't know what a computer is anymore? So they have you wait between that and a software/accessory counter.

Other than that they do have a table for Mac hardware, but probably 80% of the store is IOS devices and IOS device accessories.

Speaking of commercials.
Why do they mostly show MBP’s with the glowing Apple logo? Of course, iconic but they discontinued/discarded 2015.


macrumors 6502
Dec 6, 2012
Just received Anker's USB 3.0 adaptor and decided to try it. Plugged the adaptor with my old USB 3.0 flash drive, played a song from it, ejected and unplugged the drive and the adaptor. Right after that I went to the other room to put the adaptor in my backpack and surprise mf.

Looking at the crashlog this seems to an old bug that also resides in High Sierra since the update and has now found its way into the T2 Firmware as well (pretty easy to look at by the trace pointing to the file thats triggering the panic):

(On that note, I wish ppl here would be pasting the macOSPanicString and not just the useless header info from the crashlogs)
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macrumors newbie
Aug 13, 2018
(On that note, I wish ppl here would be pasting the macOSPanicString and not just the useless header info from the crashlogs)

The two panic logs I have both have this:

"macOSPanicString" : "Global Reset\nGRC0 = 0x00010000\r\nGRC1 = 0x00000000\r\n",


macrumors newbie
Aug 25, 2018
I faced this error for twice within a week while I was editing video on my macbook pro 2018. It does not freeze or something but reboots and when it starts again shows the error of Bridge OS and kernel panic.


macrumors 6502
Dec 6, 2012
The two panic logs I have both have this:

"macOSPanicString" : "Global Reset\nGRC0 = 0x00010000\r\nGRC1 = 0x00000000\r\n",

Yeah, I had the same (twice in 2 days, but almost a month ago, no crashes since):

  "panicString" : "panic(cpu 0 caller 0xfffffff00b573984): x86 global reset detected\nDebugger message: panic\nMemory ID: 0xff\nOS version: 15P6703\nKernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 17.7.0: Fri Jul  6 19:25:51 PDT 2018; root:xnu-4570.71.3~1\/RELEASE_ARM64_T8010\nKernelCache UUID: 26CB7FFEC7AA68DD8FCEC101101C7E4E\niBoot version: iBoot-4076.75.2\nsecure boot?: YES\nx86 EFI Boot State: 0xe\nx86 System State: 0x0\nx86 Power State: 0x0\nPaniclog version: 9\nKernel slide:     0x0000000004e00000\nKernel text base: 0xfffffff00be04000\nEpoch Time:        sec       usec\n  Boot    : 0x5b5a4e91 0x00019b14\n  Sleep   : 0x5b6698f5 0x000da607\n  Wake    : 0x00000000 0x00000000\n  Calendar: 0x5b6698f5 0x000eb6d5\n\nPanicked task 0xffffffe00043a878: 5747 pages, 206 threads: pid 0: kernel_task\nPanicked thread: 0xffffffe000710bf0, backtrace: 0xffffffe00bf53530, tid: 398\n\t\t  lr: 0xfffffff00bff88f0  fp: 0xffffffe00bf53670\n\t\t  lr: 0xfffffff00bee15f4  fp: 0xffffffe00bf53680\n\t\t  lr: 0xfffffff00bf13a44  fp: 0xffffffe00bf539f0\n\t\t  lr: 0xfffffff00bf13dd4  fp: 0xffffffe00bf53a50\n\t\t  lr: 0xfffffff00bf15914  fp: 0xffffffe00bf53a70\n\t\t  lr: 0xfffffff00b573984  fp: 0xffffffe00bf53ae0\n\t\t  lr: 0xfffffff00b575bc8  fp: 0xffffffe00bf53b80\n\t\t  lr: 0xfffffff00b57313c  fp: 0xffffffe00bf53c00\n\t\t  lr: 0xfffffff00b532aa4  fp: 0xffffffe00bf53c30\n\t\t  lr: 0xfffffff00c370784  fp: 0xffffffe00bf53c60\n\t\t  lr: 0xfffffff00c3700bc  fp: 0xffffffe00bf53c90\n\t\t  lr: 0xfffffff00beec500  fp: 0x0000000000000000\n\n",

Looking up tid 398 resolves to AppleSMC (system management controller). Pretty much in line with most of the crashes here (some get more insights in the stacktrace pointing to an actual file belonging to AppleSMC).
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