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macrumors regular
Jan 26, 2017
London UK
Looking at the crashlog this seems to an old bug that also resides in High Sierra since the update and has now found its way into the T2 Firmware as well (pretty easy to look at by the trace pointing to the file thats triggering the panic):

(On that note, I wish ppl here would be pasting the macOSPanicString and not just the useless header info from the crashlogs)

Is this to say that it’s a bug issue and not a hardware

I had one a while ago but it was before these shenanigans I assumed it was due to illustrator which always used to panic on my 2016tb. Least once a day
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macrumors newbie
Aug 17, 2018
I think it may help for people experiencing sleep/wake errors to also start finding the TID/name of the offending process as suggested by user 'bigcat' earlier in the thread.

If you have the text of your crash log in a text editor, search for "Panicked thread:" and move a bit forward from there you'll see a thread id e.g. "tid: 368".

Then search for "<found_tid>", inclusive of quotes, where <found_tid> is the number you just found. From the point in the file where that string is found, move forward and look for the process "name" attribute.

It appears that the majority of the people experiencing the problem here are crashing with the process named "AppleSMC", and AppleSMC appears to be the driver that communicates with the T1/T2 chip in the machine.

As for going any deeper to this to know _why_ the driver is crashing, that may require Apple engineers to figure out. I suggested earlier that it would be interesting to see if Windows (and linux, for that matter) crash in similar situations due to their respective AppleSMC drivers.

This is very insightful. I'm getting one to two panics per day, always upon waking with the Apple Digital AV adapter connected to a USB-C port and the lid closed. I type on an external keyboard connected via the Apple adapter, to wake the machine and then it will crash. Of the crash logs I've checked so far, in each one the "Panicked thread" is always AppleSMC:

"name" : "AppleSMC",
"schedPriority" : 81,
"state" : [
"system_usec" : 0,
"systemTime" : 0,
"user_usec" : 157319,
"userTime" : 0.1573195

Drunken Master 911

macrumors newbie
Oct 6, 2017
My 2012 MBP was a dream. The 2018 MBP has been bittersweet.

I have 4 ports that I can't possibly saturate and that no accessory I own plugs into natively. I have state-of-the-art co-processors with kernel panics. Upgradable hardware is a distant memory - the effect this has on third party manufacturers must be stunning. I have more cores than any professional application I use that is currently forcing me into a monopolistic subscription model knows what to do with. And I have a technician assigned to me and not much other recourse.

Somebody just asked me if they could charge their iPhone on my computer and I said sorry bro, you have the wrong cable. There are moments during the day where I have to choose between charging my iPhone and listening to it with my headphones. I can no longer change the volume on my MBP without taking my eyes off the screen.

Mac users with history look back at better products and how they used to feel more free. I'm a human being hogtied to Apple's (monopolistic) ingenuity. With one trillion in the bank, Apple is one step beyond making customers happy.
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macrumors member
Jun 26, 2017
I have a weird thing that I wonder if it could be related somehow. I have a monitor attached to my hub and another 4k monitor connected directly to a usb-c port. When I close the computer, it sleeps and wont wake up, if im watching Hulu it pauses ans resumes playback right when I open the lid. People are claiming video stuff, would that also cover display switching? That's never been a strong point of mac laptops in my experience but I havent had one for 4 years or so till now.


macrumors newbie
Aug 25, 2018
reddit has r/trumpgret, time for 2018 MBP buyers to create a similar one. I wonder how many more problems my MBP 2018 will be having.


macrumors newbie
Aug 25, 2018
Hi everybody,

I have the same problem. My specs (custom order - arrived yesterday):
MBP 13 / 2.7GHz i7 / 16GB / 1TB

How to reproduce "error & reboot":

- Get USB type-C flash drive - mine was bought from Apple store b-type-c?fnode=fdfa86997e21866c3157f86a3616d1d16ed7bc54dfcdb2a293df2462412e8b487 3efa966fa5e5bd9eb4889e739053cbbb1a552d4a62d3af2360fedba2d43af71ff0e736e16e94a894 5436af666e5a946922ca18a5b5db40327ff674fd76a6a20

- Get big enough file and put in on the flash drive - I use VMWare virtual machine file which is about 24GB
- Plug the flash drive into either of the two left side thunderbolt ports
- Copy the file to the Desktop

What will happen (or what does happen on mine mbp):

- Unplug the flash drive and the MacBook will reboot
- On power up there will be the "bridge os" auto report

This only happens with the thunderbolt ports on the left-hand side!!!
I can copy the file OK both ways if the flash drive is plugged into one of the two thunderbolt ports on right-hand side of the MacBook.

I have started seeing the issue while using my back-up flash drive (standard USB 3.0 Type-A) with Apple Type-C to USB adapter. The behaviour is the same for me, whether I use an old drive with the adapter or new type-C flash drive.

If this is a software/firmware issue, then its quite weird. I suspect some deeper issue, because of the different behaviour on the left and right side of the laptop. I will be returning mine and will go back to some older hardware until this is clearly resolved.

It is a big shame, I really love the form factor & power of the 13 inch MacBook Pro.

Good luck everyone...

Note: All this has been tested only on battery power (no charger plugged in)
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macrumors member
Jul 14, 2018
Hi everybody,

I have the same problem. My specs (custom order - arrived yesterday):
MBP 13 / 2.7GHz i7 / 16GB / 1TB

How to reproduce "error & reboot":

- Get USB type-C flash drive - mine was bought from Apple store b-type-c?fnode=fdfa86997e21866c3157f86a3616d1d16ed7bc54dfcdb2a293df2462412e8b487 3efa966fa5e5bd9eb4889e739053cbbb1a552d4a62d3af2360fedba2d43af71ff0e736e16e94a894 5436af666e5a946922ca18a5b5db40327ff674fd76a6a20

- Get big enough file and put in on the flash drive - I use VMWare virtual machine file which is about 24GB
- Plug the flash drive into either of the two left side thunderbolt ports
- Copy the file to the Desktop

What will happen (or what does happen on mine mbp):

- Unplug the flash drive and the MacBook will reboot
- On power up there will be the "bridge os" auto report

This only happens with the thunderbolt ports on the left-hand side!!!
I can copy the file OK both ways if the flash drive is plugged into one of the two thunderbolt ports on right-hand side of the MacBook.

I have started seeing the issue while using my back-up flash drive (standard USB 3.0 Type-A) with Apple Type-C to USB adapter. The behaviour is the same for me, whether I use an old drive with the adapter or new type-C flash drive.

If this is a software/firmware issue, then its quite weird. I suspect some deeper issue, because of the different behaviour on the left and right side of the laptop. I will be returning mine and will go back to some older hardware until this is clearly resolved.

It is a big shame, I really love the form factor & power of the 13 inch MacBook Pro.

Good luck everyone...

Note: All this has been tested only on battery power (no charger plugged in)
Does it work every time to reproduce it? It should be posted on YouTube to get Apple’s attention.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Feb 26, 2007
Phoenix, AZ
I have posted there as well. That thread only gets a few posts every week though. We have a much more active discussion here.

One thing though: after I posted on that forum, an Apple rep reached out to me to collect information and offered me an exchange so he could capture my device. He didn't seem interested in helping me so much as capturing the device at the request of Engineering.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 14, 2010
The Netherlands
I have posted there as well. That thread only gets a few posts every week though. We have a much more active discussion here.

One thing though: after I posted on that forum, an Apple rep reached out to me to collect information and offered me an exchange so he could capture my device. He didn't seem interested in helping me so much as capturing the device at the request of Engineering.

It's good to know engineers are on this tough, if you browse this thread you see that quite some diagnostics have been taken. Let's hope for a quick fix for all the 2018 MBP owners.
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macrumors 65816
May 9, 2017
Austin, TX
My initial experience yesterday with L1 support didn't give me warm fuzzies, but this person was obviously a higher level tech and knew exactly what she was looking for.
Typically Level one tech support at Apple (or really anywhere honestly), is not going to give any warm fuzzies on customer service. They are meant to field all the calls of basic questions/issues, like “My computer won’t connect to the internet”, and only give basic answers like “have you connected to WiFi yet? (Answer being no). They are meant for the less technically inclined issues.

My experience for the more complicated issues is once you hit tier 2 (Senior advisors), they are much more helpful and are more knowledgeable about issues. And if they don’t know the answer, they know who to contact to get an answer (typically the engineering dept).
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macrumors 65816
Apr 25, 2011
He didn't seem interested in helping me so much as capturing the device at the request of Engineering.
Well, this IS helping you (and all of us!) indirectly, of course... :) Sorry to hear about your issues, but also thank you for posting about it where it caught Apple's attention!


macrumors 65816
Nov 4, 2016
I think it may help for people experiencing sleep/wake errors to also start finding the TID/name of the offending process as suggested by user 'bigcat' earlier in the thread.

If you have the text of your crash log in a text editor, search for "Panicked thread:" and move a bit forward from there you'll see a thread id e.g. "tid: 368".

Then search for "<found_tid>", inclusive of quotes, where <found_tid> is the number you just found. From the point in the file where that string is found, move forward and look for the process "name" attribute.

It appears that the majority of the people experiencing the problem here are crashing with the process named "AppleSMC", and AppleSMC appears to be the driver that communicates with the T1/T2 chip in the machine.

nPanicked thread: 0xffffffe0009efcc0, backtrace: 0xffffffe0184c3530, tid: 356

nPanicked thread: 0xffffffe0007c0000, backtrace: 0xffffffe01249b530, tid: 293

nPanicked thread: 0xffffffe0008ec510, backtrace: 0xffffffe01731b530, tid: 366
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Sep 9, 2012
I have posted there as well. That thread only gets a few posts every week though. We have a much more active discussion here.

One thing though: after I posted on that forum, an Apple rep reached out to me to collect information and offered me an exchange so he could capture my device. He didn't seem interested in helping me so much as capturing the device at the request of Engineering.

What kind of "exchange"? A new computer? I'm sure they're working hard on this but it's disconcerting that this is still an issue.
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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Feb 26, 2007
Phoenix, AZ
What kind of "exchange"? A new computer? I'm sure they're working hard on this but it's disconcerting this is still an issue.
Yes, they want to exchange for a new computer. Hardly worth it if the new ones have the same problem though...
Does anyone else get the loud fan burst/woosh noise for a second when it panics and shuts down? Running PB 6.
I don't know about the fan noise. Mine has only crashed during sleep in the middle of the night (or maybe waking up on its own and crashing).
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macrumors 65816
Nov 4, 2016
My last KP came at 11:32 pm last night. Right after I had put the Mac to sleep. Note: the log shows UTC time, subtract 5 hrs for CDT.

{"caused_by":"macos","macos_system_state":"running","bug_type":"210","os_version":"Bridge OS 2.4.1 (15P6703)","timestamp":"2018-08-25 04:32:12.72 +0000","incident_id":"6E3438D6-D8B2-42ED-9FDB-DD59B8A99332"}
"build" : "Bridge OS 2.4.1 (15P6703)",
"product" : "iBridge2,3",
"kernel" : "Darwin Kernel Version 17.7.0: Fri Jul 6 19:25:51 PDT 2018; root:xnu-4570.71.3~1\/RELEASE_ARM64_T8010",
"incident" : "6E3438D6-D8B2-42ED-9FDB-DD59B8A99332",
"crashReporterKey" : "c0dec0dec0dec0dec0dec0dec0dec0dec0de0001",
"date" : "2018-08-25 04:32:12.64 +0000",​

I just happed to be looking through the console and I noticed a log for the iStat Menus Daemon.

2018/08/24 23:23:26:876 sleep

2018/08/24 23:28:15:576 wake
2018/08/24 23:28:15:577 288.70
2018/08/24 23:28:25:205 sleep

2018/08/24 23:32:22:212 Prepating smc
2018/08/24 23:32:22:212 Prepating network
2018/08/24 23:32:27:891 Preparing smart
2018/08/24 23:32:27:891 Preparing processes
2018/08/24 23:32:27:892 Preparing battery
2018/08/24 23:32:27:894 Preparing power notifier
2018/08/24 23:32:27:894 Preparing bandwidth
2018/08/24 23:32:27:897 Starting network
2018/08/24 23:32:27:897 Starting processes
2018/08/24 23:32:27:904 Daemon started

I guess all this indicates is the post KP reboot. Looks like iStat menus is restarting after the KP, which makes sense since the KP causes a reboot.
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macrumors 6502a
Oct 19, 2012
Just had a call with Apple Support, Senior Advisor. After explaining this thread and the thread on their own support site, the Advisor encouraged me to reinstall the operating system and stated firmly this is a case by case basis.

The Advisor said it could be a faulty logic board, I referenced the T2 chip. She didn't comment.

I explained there's 52 pages here and 15 pages on Apple Support of continuing issues even after obtaining new machines, reinstalling OS's 'as new' or from TM backup's - the same problem (Bridge OS/panic) is occurring. Again, the Advisor encouraged following the troubleshooting guide and reinstallation of MacOS back to 'stable' High Sierra (I argued people on HS are also impacted) - OR - bring the machine back for a new exchange (I have 3 days to do this within the 14-day period).

Having set this machine up as a daily-driver for my business and moved from 20+ years of Windows, the effort involved and loss of the machine until new is available (custom build) - it doesn't seem worth the effort if it's ALL T2 machines and fixable by software only.

Has anyone successfully fixed the issue by exchanging for a new MBP, or reinstalling MacOS? I'm happy to persevere until a fix is available if that's the only option.
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macrumors newbie
Aug 17, 2018
Just had a call with Apple Support, Senior Advisor. After explaining this thread and the thread on their own support site, the Advisor encouraged me to reinstall the operating system and stated firmly this is a case by case basis.

The Advisor said it could be a faulty logic board, I referenced the T2 chip. She didn't comment.

I explained there's 52 pages here and 15 pages on Apple Support of continuing issues even after obtaining new machines, reinstalling OS's 'as new' or from TM backup's - the same problem (Bridge OS/panic) is occurring. Again, the Advisor encouraged following the troubleshooting guide and reinstallation of MacOS back to 'stable' High Sierra (I argued people on HS are also impacted) - OR - bring the machine back for a new exchange (I have 3 days to do this within the 14-day period).

Having set this machine up as a daily-driver for my business and moved from 20+ years of Windows, the effort involved and loss of the machine until new is available (custom build) - it doesn't seem worth the effort if it's ALL T2 machines and fixable by software only.

Has anyone successfully fixed the issue by exchanging for a new MBP, or reinstalling MacOS? I'm happy to persevere until a fix is available if that's the only option.

I've followed every resolution request by Apple up to and including a complete reinstall of MacOS via Internet recovery. I probably have 8 hours into this so far and no joy. :-(


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Feb 26, 2007
Phoenix, AZ
Just had a call with Apple Support, Senior Advisor. After explaining this thread and the thread on their own support site, the Advisor encouraged me to reinstall the operating system and stated firmly this is a case by case basis.

The Advisor said it could be a faulty logic board, I referenced the T2 chip. She didn't comment.

I explained there's 52 pages here and 15 pages on Apple Support of continuing issues even after obtaining new machines, reinstalling OS's 'as new' or from TM backup's - the same problem (Bridge OS/panic) is occurring. Again, the Advisor encouraged following the troubleshooting guide and reinstallation of MacOS back to 'stable' High Sierra (I argued people on HS are also impacted) - OR - bring the machine back for a new exchange (I have 3 days to do this within the 14-day period).

Having set this machine up as a daily-driver for my business and moved from 20+ years of Windows, the effort involved and loss of the machine until new is available (custom build) - it doesn't seem worth the effort if it's ALL T2 machines and fixable by software only.

Has anyone successfully fixed the issue by exchanging for a new MBP, or reinstalling MacOS? I'm happy to persevere until a fix is available if that's the only option.

Yes, they're going to walk you through all the normal BS troubleshooting steps because they are required to follow that script. I don't think they appreciate how much time it takes to wipe a drive completely and transfer all the files over again. Then if that doesn't work (which it won't) you get to do it all over again when you exchange your machine for a brand new one that does the same thing.


macrumors 601
Nov 6, 2011
Highlands Ranch, CO
Just had a call with Apple Support, Senior Advisor. After explaining this thread and the thread on their own support site, the Advisor encouraged me to reinstall the operating system and stated firmly this is a case by case basis.

The Advisor said it could be a faulty logic board, I referenced the T2 chip. She didn't comment.

I explained there's 52 pages here and 15 pages on Apple Support of continuing issues even after obtaining new machines, reinstalling OS's 'as new' or from TM backup's - the same problem (Bridge OS/panic) is occurring. Again, the Advisor encouraged following the troubleshooting guide and reinstallation of MacOS back to 'stable' High Sierra (I argued people on HS are also impacted) - OR - bring the machine back for a new exchange (I have 3 days to do this within the 14-day period).

Having set this machine up as a daily-driver for my business and moved from 20+ years of Windows, the effort involved and loss of the machine until new is available (custom build) - it doesn't seem worth the effort if it's ALL T2 machines and fixable by software only.

Has anyone successfully fixed the issue by exchanging for a new MBP, or reinstalling MacOS? I'm happy to persevere until a fix is available if that's the only option.

So far my replacement MPB has been crash free, but only a 3 day history with it. Too soon to tell, but the first one crashed after only the initial setup. So we are doing better than that.

They also had me do a clean install with MBP #1. It was a complete waste of time. Don’t bother. I had nothing at all installed on machine 1 when it crashed, didn’t even run updates yet. It continued to have crashes after the clean install. The suggestion to do a fresh install is a placebo.

Hoping the replacement remains crash free.
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