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macrumors 65816
Nov 4, 2016
Resetting the CPU is my assumption (think back to the 90s when each computer had a reset button).
AppleSMC - since essentially the power management - runs into a panic for some (presumably software related) reason and triggers a global reset.
I posted some info up above. I've also read a bit about wake from sleep.

In my case I think something may be incorrectly setting the global reset flag and causing a reboot upon a wake from sleep.


macrumors regular
Feb 5, 2009
This is somewhat off topic but I’ve posted about my situation a couple times, I’m still very conflicted on whether to go old tech for cheaper (early 2015 broadwell cpu) or go big for new silicon.

Regardless, let’s say I go for the 2018 non customized (one that they offer on their website, base 8gb ram 250 storage etc) and I luck out with intolerable Kp’s. I request return or exchange, how long does that process take? Can I go and have a different machine within the day?

I was wondering about this two. As one who has had two crashes in the last 8 hours after installing yesterday's supplemental update (the first seen when I came into the office, with crash log referencing Bridge OS and sleep/wake..the second a couple hours ago while responding to an iMessage) I'm inclined to buy a new one online, bring it home and do the migration, then return the old one. I'm at 15 days since purchase and am on hold with Apple now seeing if they'll extend the return window to 30 days. If they do, I'd like to just buy a new one, migrate over from the old one at my leisure, then bring back the original unit.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 19, 2012
Yesterday - Bridge OS 3.0 KP crash on PB6 waking from sleep with a Caldigit TS3 Plus attached driving two 27” Dells and Ethernet.

Today - same Bridge OS 3.0 KP crash again waking from sleep but on PB8 with no Caldigit Dock or external devices attached.


macrumors member
Aug 23, 2017
drdaz: as an aside, when you use the TS3+, do you sometimes have macOS get confused about which display is which and reset the arrangement? sometimes I have to power down a display then power it back up for macOS to say "oh, right, that's display number two"

I don't think I've noticed that, no.

Speaking of video weirdness, I caught my displays turning on and off repeatedly today while the laptop was 'sleeping'. I couldn't wake using the keyboard or mouse. I tried disconnecting then reconnecting the TS3+. One display came back, and the internal display was available (previously when I've seen this, I needed to hard reboot).

I moved the one display input cable from the TS3+ to the TB3 port on the MBP. I recorded what ensued. I don't understand it. Enjoy.

Front port: USB-C to DisplayPort adapter --> left screen
Back port: TS3+ --> right screen



macrumors 68000
Mar 7, 2017
Probably designed to address certain issue but not all of them. That or a fix for one issue caused a problem elsewhere?
This cannot continue to go on like this.
Yesterday - Bridge OS 3.0 KP crash on PB6 waking from sleep with a Caldigit TS3 Plus attached driving two 27” Dells and Ethernet.

Today - same Bridge OS 3.0 KP crash again waking from sleep but on PB8 with no Caldigit Dock or external devices attached.
Wow! I am sorry and feel your pain. You aren't alone. Obviously!
I don't think I've noticed that, no.

Speaking of video weirdness, I caught my displays turning on and off repeatedly today while the laptop was 'sleeping'. I couldn't wake using the keyboard or mouse. I tried disconnecting then reconnecting the TS3+. One display came back, and the internal display was available (previously when I've seen this, I needed to hard reboot).

I moved the one display input cable from the TS3+ to the TB3 port on the MBP. I recorded what ensued. I don't understand it. Enjoy.

Front port: USB-C to DisplayPort adapter --> left screen
Back port: TS3+ --> right screen

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macrumors 6502
May 21, 2018
Dublin, Ireland
This cannot continue to go on like this. If there is indeed a hardware issue with these T2 chips, Apple needs to go ahead and bite the bullet issuing a recall. There is no reason to continue to prolong the inevitable if this is a hardware problem that cannot be patched in software. It is starting to feel like Apple is dragging their feet on this.
Wow! I am sorry and feel your pain. You aren't alone. Obviously!

I know you are really frustrated with your iMP T2 issues, (i would be too) but this is not a hardware issue, they will figure it out eventually and fix it, they always do.

Did you considered having them repair/replace or refund?


macrumors 68000
Mar 7, 2017
I know you are really frustrated with your iMP T2 issues, (i would be too) but this is not a hardware issue, they will figure it out eventually and fix it, they always do.

Did you considered having them repair/replace or refund?
Cite your sources for these "facts".
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macrumors regular
Jul 28, 2018
Just received Anker's USB 3.0 adaptor and decided to try it. Plugged the adaptor with my old USB 3.0 flash drive, played a song from it, ejected and unplugged the drive and the adaptor. Right after that I went to the other room to put the adaptor in my backpack and surprise mf.

{"caused_by":"macos","macos_system_state":"running","bug_type":"210","os_version":"Bridge OS 2.4.1 (15P6703)","timestamp":"2018-08-25 08:59:13.47 +0000","incident_id":"85469D15-4DDD-42BC-B161-6FF348656251"}
"binaryImages" : [
"build" : "Bridge OS 2.4.1 (15P6703)",
"crashReporterKey" : "c0dec0dec0dec0dec0dec0dec0dec0dec0de0001",
"date" : "2018-08-25 08:59:13.24 +0000",
"incident" : "85469D15-4DDD-42BC-B161-6FF348656251",
"kernel" : "Darwin Kernel Version 17.7.0: Fri Jul 6 19:25:51 PDT 2018; root:xnu-4570.71.3~1\/RELEASE_ARM64_T8010",
"macOSOtherString" : "\n** In Memory Panic Stackshot Succeeded ** Bytes Traced 540896 **\n",
"macOSPanicFlags" : "0x4",
"macOSPanicString" : "panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff7f892ee271): \"DSB0(MacBookPro15,2): thunderbolt power on failed 0xffffffff\n\"@\/BuildRoot\/Library\/Caches\/\/Sources\/IOPCIFamily\/IOPCIFamily-320.70.1\/IOPCIBridge.cpp:1307\nBacktrace (CPU 0), Frame : Return Address\n0xffffff8124973a10 : 0xffffff8008a6c1c6 \n0xffffff8124973a60 : 0xffffff8008b95344 \n0xffffff8124973aa0 : 0xffffff8008b875c4 \n0xffffff8124973b10 : 0xffffff8008a1e1e0 \n0xffffff8124973b30 : 0xffffff8008a6bc3c \n0xffffff8124973c60 : 0xffffff8008a6b9fc \n0xffffff8124973cc0 : 0xffffff7f892ee271 \n0xffffff8124973d30 : 0xffffff7f892eea78 \n0xffffff8124973d70 : 0xffffff7f892eec26 \n0xffffff8124973db0 : 0xffffff7f892eedb4 \n0xffffff8124973dd0 : 0xffffff7f892ed0bb \n0xffffff8124973e20 : 0xffffff7f892f79ed \n0xffffff8124973e40 : 0xffffff800907f0f5 \n0xffffff8124973eb0 : 0xffffff800907ee9a \n0xffffff8124973ed0 : 0xffffff8008aa5844 \n0xffffff8124973f40 : 0xffffff8008aa53a5 \n0xffffff8124973fa0 : 0xffffff8008a1d557 \n
Just installed the new update and tried the same adaptor and the same usb storage again. No KP this time. I can't tell that the update fixed it, because I was on vacation and I didn't have the chance to check if it would crash again before the update.


macrumors 6502
May 21, 2018
Dublin, Ireland
Cite your sources for these "facts" that it is not hardware and can be fixed via software. This is already my 2nd iMP, it has been replaced once already. Why would I accept a refund on a product that I rely on for my business and my livelihood?

You are aware that KPs have been happening on the iMPs since their release in 2017 right?

Yes, i am aware that some iMP are plagued with this issues since launch, same as some of the 2018 MBPs.
I could ask you the same about your "facts" that this is a hardware issue, no?
Apple always fixed their **** eventually, and i know they will do it again.

I'm not on Apple side on this, its unacceptable for such premium products to have such major issues, but they will sort it out.
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macrumors 65816
Nov 4, 2016
Cite your sources for these "facts" that it is not hardware and can be fixed via software. This is already my 2nd iMP, it has been replaced once already. Why would I accept a refund on a product that I rely on for my business and my livelihood?

You are aware that KPs have been happening on the iMPs since their release in 2017 right?

You're right that he can't prove this isn't a hardware problem. Likewise nobody can prove that it is hardware. If it was clear one way or the other whether this is hardware or firmware, I would know exactly what to do with my machine.
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macrumors 601
Nov 6, 2011
Highlands Ranch, CO
Apple always fixed their **** eventually, and i know they will do it again.

Disclaimer: I am not an Apple Hater and everything I own computer tech-wise other than a Surface Pro is Apple.

I don’t know if I am allowed to post a link here due to his sometimes off-color language in his videos, but Louis Rossman’s “The Awful Truth About Apples Repeated Engineering Failures” is a good watch and includes some of Apples famous “fixes” such as the 2008 MacBook Pro, which had a video card issue. In order to determine if the unit had a video card issue, Apple required that the technician be able to boot the machine into OS and run a diagnostic, but the problem was that the majority that had the video card failure would not boot. Therefore it could not be determined that it was the video card that failed. Problem solved

Find it on YouTube if you are interested, or not ..


macrumors 601
Jul 11, 2008
You should have gotten a message at startup stating your computer had to restart unexpectedly.

You can check for kernel panic logs as follows:

Console App:
/Library/Logs > DiagnosticReports > ProxiedDevice-Bridge​
So a sleep to wake freeze is a different thing.


macrumors 6502
Dec 6, 2012
Just installed the new update and tried the same adaptor and the same usb storage again. No KP this time. I can't tell that the update fixed it, because I was on vacation and I didn't have the chance to check if it would crash again before the update.

That's a macOS Panic not a BridgeOS Panic and unfortunately not that uncommon for a couple of years now: "thunderbolt power on failed"

It's maybe worth doing a PSA on this that BridgeOS collects ALL panics now.
The easy way to differentiate between bridgeos and macos crashing is looking at
in the logs.
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macrumors 6502
May 21, 2018
Dublin, Ireland
Disclaimer: I am not an Apple Hater and everything I own computer tech-wise other than a Surface Pro is Apple.

I don’t know if I am allowed to post a link here due to his sometimes off-color language in his videos, but Louis Rossman’s “The Awful Truth About Apples Repeated Engineering Failures” is a good watch and includes some of Apples famous “fixes” such as the 2008 MacBook Pro, which had a video card issue. In order to determine if the unit had a video card issue, Apple required that the technician be able to boot the machine into OS and run a diagnostic, but the problem was that the majority that had the video card failure would not boot. Therefore it could not be determined that it was the video card that failed. Problem solved

Find it on YouTube if you are interested, or not ..

I am subscribed to Louis and watched all his videos. He is a genius and very entertaining at the same time, but there is no question that he is an Apple hater :))


macrumors 6502
Dec 6, 2012
Ran Apple's hardware test and memtest. Both came back fine.

Which is somehow not surprising because its clearly the UAD according to your crashlogs.
You're not using the Apollo Firewire are you?


(General evidence points to them not doing a good job with sleeping Macs anyway)

Either way I'd get in touch with UA.
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macrumors 6502
May 21, 2018
Dublin, Ireland
You're right that he can't prove this isn't a hardware problem. Likewise nobody can prove that it is hardware. If it was clear one way or the other whether this is hardware or firmware, I would know exactly what to do with my machine.

Well, i don't remember Apple ever fully recalling a product, do you? Because seems that guy is convinced is a hardware issue and there will be a recall.
Yes, Apple had a fair share of issues, GPUs dying, Keyboards failing, LCDs delaminating, MagSafe's burning and so on, but these were dealt with an extended repair program.
I remember someone mentioned couple of days ago about the video driver that plagued the MBP 2016 when was released, it was a software problem and was fixed, but even at that time there were threads saying the GPUs are failing on the 2016 MBPs.
Seeing this 2nd Supplimental update, means they working on it and seems there are some minor improvements from the user reports in one of these threads.
iMPs are not as popular as the MBPs, no wonder why Apple is working harder on it and it is their "Latest and greatest" at the moment, so its sort of prioritised.
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macrumors 65816
Nov 4, 2016
That's a macOS Panic not a BridgeOS Panic and unfortunately not that uncommon for a couple of years now: "thunderbolt power on failed"

It's maybe worth doing a PSA on this that BridgeOS collects ALL panics now.
The easy way to differentiate between bridgeos and macos crashing is looking at
in the logs.

I think all 3 of my KP's listed as "caused by macOS", but the machine didn't wake up long enough for iStat menus to log it as awake.

In my case it might be trying to wake up, but something has gone wrong causing the "global reset" flag to be set.


macrumors 6502
Dec 6, 2012
I think all 3 of my KP's listed as "caused by macOS", but the machine didn't wake up long enough for iStat menus to log it as awake.

In my case it might be trying to wake up, but something has gone wrong causing the "global reset" flag to be set.

iStat Menus works in Userland (which would require the kernel to be fully loaded after wake) so by the nature of that it will never have a change to log those.
However bridgeOS tells you if the system was "running" (pretty much in the same line).
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macrumors 65816
Nov 4, 2016
iStat Menus works in Userland (which would require the kernel to be fully loaded after wake) so by the nature of that it will never have a change to log those.
However bridgeOS tells you if the system was "running" (pretty much in the same line).

You glanced at my 3 KP logs yesterday.
Do you have an opinion one way or the other if it's firmware / software or hardware?


macrumors 601
Nov 6, 2011
Highlands Ranch, CO
I am subscribed to Louis and watched all his videos. He is a genius and very entertaining at the same time, but there is no question that he is an Apple hater :))

I used to always think that as well, but lately I am coming around to the idea that maybe he also isn’t entirely wrong. His video about the “Cult of Mac” also has some examples which can be seen in some of the posts on various forums :)


macrumors 6502
Dec 6, 2012
You glanced at my 3 KP logs yesterday.
Do you have an opinion one way or the other if it's firmware / software or hardware?

That's a good question. Yours were AppleSMC related.
The only way to figure out if this has been addressed who hasn't installed the latest update yet would take a look at /System/Library/Extensions/AppleSMC.kext and check the version number (however there wasnt a new build in the latest update).

But given these are the only Kernel Extensions that were touched by the update, I don't think they have addressed anything coming from the SMC driver yet - (This doesn't necessarily mean anything because the driver speaks to what's being controlled by the SMC Unit that's part of the T2 Chip, so the fix might have been firmware side and didnt require a driver update*).
Given the size of the update, they might have touched on both drivers and firmware... (For example a few other crashes reported here came from the IOPCIFamily.kext which has indeed been touched by the update).

*There's a way to find out by dissecting the latest bridgeOS update:
But I feel like a wait & see approach is better than going through the hoops of all of this.


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macrumors 6502
May 21, 2018
Dublin, Ireland
I used to always think that as well, but lately I am coming around to the idea that maybe he also isn’t entirely wrong. His video about the “Cult of Mac” also has some examples which can be seen in some of the posts on various forums :)

He is not entirely wrong, i never said that. ;)
The guy is a legend, but he hates Apple and will bite it whenever possible. :)
Let's be honest, if Apple wasn't this popular, all these issues would not be so popular, too much media, youtube attention and negativity.
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macrumors 601
Nov 6, 2011
Highlands Ranch, CO
He is not entirely wrong, i never said that.
The guy is a legend, but he hates Apple and will bite it whenever possible.
Let's be honest, if Apple wasn't this popular, all these issues would not be so popular, too much media, youtube attention and negativity.

I am not sure that I agree with you. I think if it was any company other than Apple they would be getting crucified for it. But it’s Apple, so it’s OK that they have been having similar problems with the iMP since December 2017. Relax, they will fix it eventually. Maybe 2021 they will issue a repair program covering machines built in the last 3 years. Oops! Sorry early adopters like @StudioSanctum. Better luck next time!
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macrumors 68000
Mar 7, 2017
Yes, i am aware that some iMP are plagued with this issues since launch, same as some of the 2018 MBPs.
I could ask you the same about your "facts" that this is a hardware issue, no?
Apple always fixed their **** eventually, and i know they will do it again.

I'm not on Apple side on this, its unacceptable for such premium products to have such major issues, but they will sort it out.
I never claimed that is was a "fact" that this was a hardware issue. I am simply asking you to cite your sources.
You're right that he can't prove this isn't a hardware problem. Likewise nobody can prove that it is hardware. If it was clear one way or the other whether this is hardware or firmware, I would know exactly what to do with my machine.
As we all would. Moot point.
Disclaimer: I am not an Apple Hater and everything I own computer tech-wise other than a Surface Pro is Apple.

I don’t know if I am allowed to post a link here due to his sometimes off-color language in his videos, but Louis Rossman’s “The Awful Truth About Apples Repeated Engineering Failures” is a good watch and includes some of Apples famous “fixes” such as the 2008 MacBook Pro, which had a video card issue. In order to determine if the unit had a video card issue, Apple required that the technician be able to boot the machine into OS and run a diagnostic, but the problem was that the majority that had the video card failure would not boot. Therefore it could not be determined that it was the video card that failed. Problem solved

Find it on YouTube if you are interested, or not ..
Ahhh the good old endless loop...
Which is somehow not surprising because its clearly the UAD according to your crashlogs.
You're not using the Apollo Firewire are you?


(General evidence points to them not doing a good job with sleeping Macs anyway)

Either way I'd get in touch with UA.
I have already been deeply involved with UA on this. No I am not using FW, I am on TB. And no the UA devices were not even in use or connected for this latest KP. I was using the machine and simply changing my wallpaper when the KP occurred. Every time a KP has occurred related to UA the machine has been asleep. This was not the case this time.
I am not sure that I agree with you. I think if it was any company other than Apple they would be getting crucified for it. But it’s Apple, so it’s OK that they have been having similar problems with the iMP since December 2017. Relax, they will fix it eventually. Maybe 2021 they will issue a repair program covering machines built in the last 3 years. Oops! Sorry early adopters like @StudioSanctum. Better luck next time!
Very sad indeed.
He is not entirely wrong, i never said that. ;)
The guy is a legend, but he hates Apple and will bite it whenever possible. :)
Let's be honest, if Apple wasn't this popular, all these issues would not be so popular, too much media, youtube attention and negativity.
I would have to agree with you that this guy probably slants on the Apple hater side.
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macrumors 601
Nov 6, 2011
Highlands Ranch, CO
I never claimed that is was a "fact" that this was a hardware issue. I have been stating that it "could" be, and that if it is this nonsense of saying a software patch is coming needs to stop and Apple needs to go ahead and bit the bullet issuing a recall. You are the one stating that you somehow know that this can be fixed via software. I am simply asking you to cite your sources.
As we all would. Mute point.
Ahhh the good old endless loop...
I have already been deeply involved with UA on this. No I am not using FW, I am on TB. And no the UA devices were not even in use or connected for this latest KP. I was using the machine and simply changing my wallpaper when the KP occurred. Every time a KP has occurred related to UA the machine has been asleep. This was not the case this time.

I remember I had a similar issue with a 2014 Triumph Tiger motorcycle I owned. Myself and other kept having issues with fueling. People on the forums would say "Oh I am sure it is just an ECU issue and we are sure Triumph will eventually fix it and issue an ECU update that works." Well, they didn't. After numerous attempts of flashing it with updated firmware, they issued a recall on several models to replace the ECU "for faulty engine control units (ECUs), which may improperly activate the bikes’ fuel injectors."

Of course on a motorcycle it is a lot more serious when the "crash" warning is worded "the affected ECU’s improperly signal the activation of the bikes’ fuel injectors. This can cause a loss of power on affected machines, which could induce a crash"

But I hope we are not seeing something similar, where we will see a number of failed attempts to update firmware, before ultimately being told it is a hardware failure that cannot be fixed via firmware and the units are recalled.
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