Radeon VII from my cMP which died last month... On MacOS side, while working, watching YT, watching movies RVII is silent. Only while gaming RVII gets louder. I use headphones while gaming so it not bothers me at all
In terms of performance the MBP16 + eGPU RVII seems snappier and faster than my maxed out, dead cMP (2x5690 cpus).
When working remotely I'm using my 5500 dGPU which is great and enough for what I do.
It's working but hard to achieve and not bulletproof, any Windows update can mess it up. It is said that Nvidia gpus are mostly plug and play, and AMD cards give many problems. The community and Windows devs are working on some solutions though for newest MBP and AMD cards. But after some weekend long testing I achieved full eGPU support under Bootcamp. Some games runs very well, even great, on ultra settings 1440p like Doom Eternal gives 90-144 fps, Witcher 3 runs 144 fps on Ultra too, but some games struggles like RDR2 30-60 fps only.
With some cpu tweaks (QuickCPU) I can game with i9 with all cores active at 3,5-4GHz without any throttling

Which is optimal for games due to TB3 bandwidth.
It is not advised to run the cpu in Turbo Boost mode open up to 5 GHz.
It won't give you any decent fps boost, instead it generates too much heat and stresses the machine greatly.
So it's great overall, highly recommended!