Your numbers seem normal, and I'm surprised if it would lead to any real problems. Five watts shouldn't change anything meaningful, especially if you're connected to AC — it won't even consume the battery. You may be trying to over-achieve in that regard. My 16" setup is fairly similar, and the Mac stays warm. Most temps hover at around 55...65 °C. That would be normal.
Port-wise, use the right side for charging (via eGPU?) and if you've got many devices, use them evenly on left/right. This is important. Charging from the left creates much more heat and fan pollution than charging from the right. If you're charging from the left, that may explain any symptoms you think aren't OK.
Yes, you read that headline correctly. There is apparently a “right” way and a “wrong” way to connect devices to a M acBook with Thunderbolt/USB-C
I've got the eGPU (charger) and Caldigit connected to the right, and an LG 5k connected to the left. Temps stay mid-range. Switching it around would bring the left side Thunderbolt to higher figures, which affects the temp readings and fan curves quite significantly. But I can't demonstrate it with numbers anymore, haven't got iStat installed. It works now, so no need to touch it. But I'll still hang around here for general interest.