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Apple fanboy

macrumors Ivy Bridge
Original poster
Feb 21, 2012
Behind the Lens, UK
I can understand that but that doesn't really answer my question does it
No but obviously I can’t answer that for you. I don’t know Seb. I can just offer an opinion. The BLM comparison with Mercedes’ and Lewis is a bit different. It was a movement I think both felt quite passionate about. But again just my opinion.


macrumors G5
Aug 17, 2007
Seattle, WA
I wonder if that is a decsion he can make on his own and thus get his team to back him or it is a decision the team has made for him?

I would expect if it was a team decision, the team themselves would have made the announcement that the entire team was boycotting the race.

So this sounded like a pre-emptive announcement by Seb that he would not race at Sochi. I would presume he informed team management before he made this statement and I am also presuming they backed his decision.


macrumors 68040
Apr 26, 2013
Hass’ problem with doing that would be the added security for himself and his family. Mazepin’s Old Man is tight with Vlad.
If that was true then there could be a lot of potentially dead people because of a certain number of Russians throwing their toys out the pram, head of FIA for cancelling Sochi, head of UEFA for removing champions league final, owners of football clubs that have removed Russian sponsors head of Euro Song contest for removing Russia. Do you really think the Russians are going to be that vindictive?


macrumors G4
Jan 12, 2008
Smyrna, TN
If that was true then there could be a lot of potentially dead people because of a certain number of Russians throwing their toys out the pram, head of FIA for cancelling Sochi, head of UEFA for removing champions league final, owners of football clubs that have removed Russian sponsors head of Euro Song contest for removing Russia. Do you really think the Russians are going to be that vindictive?


macrumors G3
Dec 7, 2007
The Adirondacks.
If that was true then there could be a lot of potentially dead people because of a certain number of Russians throwing their toys out the pram, head of FIA for cancelling Sochi, head of UEFA for removing champions league final, owners of football clubs that have removed Russian sponsors head of Euro Song contest for removing Russia. Do you really think the Russians are going to be that vindictive?

Absolutely. Not much difference between now and September 1, 1939 and Poland.
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macrumors G5
Aug 17, 2007
Seattle, WA
Antonio Giovanazzi is the hot favourite from the rumour mill to replace Mazepin at Haas for 2022. I think he is much more deserving of a seat personally on performances alone.

I doubt Mazespin won his seat on merit of his performance. ;)

And considering Giovanazzi lost his seat at Alfa due to lack of sponsorship monies (his replacement at Alfa is said to be bringing tens of millions worth with him), unless Ferrari is willing (and even able?) to cut Haas a great deal on PSUs, transmissions and other kit they get from the Scuderia...


macrumors 6502
Jun 11, 2014
To be fair I think Mercedes will be gone in the next 5 years once the hybrid era is less important for their business strategy. Those sorts of companies will be more attracted to Formula E I think. F1 will migrate back to a privateer sport for billionaire tycoons.
An interesting thought. I suspect, if there's a transition in the mass market from gasoline/electric hybrids to fully EV, then then F1 would follow in due course. I do think the major manufacturers would still participate. Brand marketing is an important rationale for F1 participation. Certainly, so early in the development of the various technologies involved with EVs there'd have to be some restrictions on various components to save costs. Perhaps it would be sufficiently constrained to reduce the competition to non-engine components such as handling, aero, brakes, etc. And perhaps it would emphasize driver skill. But jeez, I'd miss the roar of the engines. Turn up the volume!
Is the limitation to a single tyre manufacturer there to reduce costs for manufacturers and teams? Or is it to force a single supplier into having to pay F1 for the privilege?


macrumors regular
Mar 8, 2009
I would expect if it was a team decision, the team themselves would have made the announcement that the entire team was boycotting the race.

So this sounded like a pre-emptive announcement by Seb that he would not race at Sochi. I would presume he informed team management before he made this statement and I am also presuming they backed his decision.
Or maybe he just says his mind?
I didn't really like the early Vettel persona, but I'm warming up to him more and more.
Kimi must have rubbed off on him...
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macrumors G3
Dec 7, 2007
The Adirondacks.
FIA to allow Russian F1 drivers to compete under a neutral flag after a meeting with the WMSC.

What flag as Switzerland really isn’t Neutral anymore. ??


macrumors G5
Aug 17, 2007
Seattle, WA
RBR is still his best shot at winning more titles, IMO.

Mercedes won't consider him as long as Lewis is still driving (and this would have been the case regardless of what happened at Abu Dhabi) and it remains to be seen how strong Mercedes' intent is to remain in F1 once Lewis retires so might as well secure a long-term commitment now with RBR.*

* - Not that Mercedes only races because of Lewis, but once he retires, what is left for the team to prove? Like Audi with WEC, I can see them folding up things and moving resources to bolster their Formula E and other programs.
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