Well, I got hosed by UPS. Delivery date of the 16th. On the 14th I requested a hold on the package at the CC so that I could pick it up in the morning, rather than wait for home delivery, which is usually at 7ish at night in my neighborhood. Friday morning, the tracking showed ārequest for hold acknowledgedā and āout for deliveryā. So, which is it? I called the customer support line. It took a while to get past the robot voice and to a human. I was informed it was being held. About a half hour later tracking changed, showing ābeing held for pickupā. Great! Iām on my way. I get there, they canāt find my package. Iām there close to an hour while they make calls and search in their building, as well as the loading docks facility next door. No package. They blame the facility across town where the package first arrived. (The scans clearly show it arriving at this facility in the wee hours of the morning). They apologize and thank me for being calm and patient. They tell me they will call me in 2 hours, no matter what, to let me know what is going on. Finally, 4 hours later, they call and say the package is no where to be found. They also tell me that I have to call customer support and tell them to put a tracer on it. (Why do I have to initiate this?!) So, I spend several minutes trying to get around the robot voice again, having much more difficulty getting a live person than I did earlier in the morning. While searching the web for ideas on getting to a live person, I see an email for customer support, so I send an email asking for help with the situation. I finally get to a live person and she says no, she canāt put a tracer on the package and asks for my email address. Tells me she is sending me an email and says goodbye. The email is nothing more than a canned message telling me to go on the website and file a claim. About an hour later I get a response from the email I sent to customer support. Their email apologizes for the problem and tells me since it is an international shipment, I canāt file a claim, I have to contact Apple. Itās āpass the buckā at every turn. The CC, of course, is closed all weekend. Iām hoping for a call on Monday morning reporting that it was found on one of the trucks returning on Friday evening after they closed. Most likely, Iām stuck going to Apple and having to start over with an order. UPS only charged me $5.99 for this pleasant experience! How can I be so fortunate?!?!