128K isn't necessarily the key here.
ZOTAC GeForce 8800GT AMP Edition
EEPROM ID (9D, 7C) PMC Pm25LV010 2.7-3.6V 128Kx8S
It looks like it wants to start right, but I got 3 messages when I used nvflash -4 -5 -6 MP8800.ROM command.
It asked me 3 questions, and because I saw the 128K and I'm a stupid girl I chose Y to all 3 and did not write them down. I think I should have chosen Y, N, N, maybe because I am getting some serious artifacs, and a freeze at startup. After I see the Apple. Right after the pinwheel starts is when it happens.
128K isn't necessarily the key here.
ZOTAC GeForce 8800GT AMP Edition
EEPROM ID (9D, 7C) PMC Pm25LV010 2.7-3.6V 128Kx8S
It looks like it wants to start right, but I got 3 messages when I used nvflash -4 -5 -6 MP8800.ROM command.
It asked me 3 questions, and because I saw the 128K and I'm a stupid girl I chose Y to all 3 and did not write them down. I think I should have chosen Y, N, N, maybe because I am getting some serious artifacs, and a freeze at startup. After I see the Apple. Right after the pinwheel starts is when it happens.
Another silly question - you do have the extra power cable hooked up? To the motherboard or via one or two molex connectors? Mine worked with only one molex, but if you haven't tried already give two a go.
The only other thing I see is the organization of your ROM. I believe every one of the working ROMs has been 1024Kx1, whereas yours is 128Kx8.
Thanks Hadley and Smg for the Xbench Posts.
Very interesting about the ATI Cards.. Looks like the OS X Drivers from Nvidia need work.
I took the Mac 8800GT out when I did mine. I used the full conection that came with the Mac GT.
128x8 = 1024x1
The card is OC'd but I had it running in windows before I did the ROM swap. I just think I didn't need to update everything (the 3 Y's I chopse) in that ROM swap. I did the Apple ROM over it again the second time, and it only asked me one question that time. The first one about the display. So I realy need to re-install the original ROM and start using a process of elimination like Y, N, N, - Y, N, Y - Y, Y, N - and so on. I think it will work in the end though.
Any chance the image you downloaded is corrupted?
What method are you using to run nvflash and access the boot rom image?
No it's not corrupted. It's the image from my own 8800GT. No downloading involved. I used the FreeDOS Boot CD to do it all.
I suspect if you answer N to any question nvflash quits.
No it's not corrupted. It's the image from my own 8800GT. No downloading involved. I used the FreeDOS Boot CD to do it all.
No I had one card in at a time.
If I understand correctly that means you had your monitor attached to the same card that you were flashing. I'm not sure that flashing an active card is considered valid. Do you have any way of trying to re-flash while the card has nothing connected to either DVI port (including during boot of FreeDOS)?
This would require a second video card, which you have, but it's another 8800GT and I don't know how nvflash would decide which one to use. If you have access to an ATI card that would be better. You could try with both 8800GT's installed and see what nvflash does with something like a --check command. Does it report both, ask which one, default to slot 1. From there decide if to try the flash command - I believe it always asks for at least one confirmation so you should get the chance to back out if necessary.
I wont be able to do any of that until next week. But no I don't have an ATI card.
I don't have a second 6 plug connector for the card ether. Just the split one.
And how would I connect up the second card?
Thanks, it workI couldn't see the CD drive or USB key either.
Create a partition using BootCamp. Format it as FAT32, not NTFS. A small partition will be enough. Copy your nfvlash and your rom file to this partition.
I was able to boot from the FreeDOS CD, and run the nvflash program from this FAT partition. Just say c: to switch to this partition.
2) Put the PC 8800GT in slot #1. It should have come with a power cable that splits into two 4 pin molex connectors. Slide the optical drive bay about half way out and you should see a spare molex connector for the second optical drive. Connect one of the video card power cable molex to that spare connector and push the optical bay back in place. You will need to thread the cable through one of the slots in the optical bay in order to get it to slide back. You may need an extension for the 4pin molex cable to make it long enough to reach the video card. You cannot move the video card to slot 3 or 4 to shorten the distance since they are only 4x slots. I'm suggesting slot 1 for the PC card since it's possible nvflash may have a preference for that slot, otherwise putting the cards in the reverse order should work as well.
Good luck!
128K isn't necessarily the key here.
ZOTAC GeForce 8800GT AMP Edition
EEPROM ID (9D, 7C) PMC Pm25LV010 2.7-3.6V 128Kx8S
It looks like it wants to start right, but I got 3 messages when I used nvflash -4 -5 -6 MP8800.ROM command.
It asked me 3 questions, and because I saw the 128K and I'm a stupid girl I chose Y to all 3 and did not write them down. I think I should have chosen Y, N, N, maybe because I am getting some serious artifacs, and a freeze at startup. After I see the Apple. Right after the pinwheel starts is when it happens.
Looks like EVGA is the only vendor that hasn't shown up with 64k yet. Am I correct?
I have Bad News on ZOTAC ( they suck ) my friend just got his ZOTAC bought on eBAY, he came over with his card, and we did the Flash , looks like the the ROM size is 128k BUT it is from ( PMC -SIERRA ) not from MX , the card did Flash Correctly , but has Issues with PIXEL Engine, shaders and Artifacts on Bootup GREY SCREEN !
boy , my Friend was Pissed again ,first the PNY and now the ZOTAC, i think the Original MAC ROM we have is Designed for use with the ( MX 128k ROM CHIP not the PMC one )
the ZOTAC was Cheap anyway 157 , but i told him get a LEADTEK or EVGA.
You only need one card in. It isn't recommended to have 2 Nvidia cards in on flashing. It will confuse the program and you may flash the wrong card.If I understand correctly that means you had your monitor attached to the same card that you were flashing. I'm not sure that flashing an active card is considered valid. Do you have any way of trying to re-flash while the card has nothing connected to either DVI port (including during boot of FreeDOS)?
This would require a second video card, which you have, but it's another 8800GT and I don't know how nvflash would decide which one to use. If you have access to an ATI card that would be better. You could try with both 8800GT's installed and see what nvflash does with something like a --check command. Does it report both, ask which one, default to slot 1. From there decide if to try the flash command - I believe it always asks for at least one confirmation so you should get the chance to back out if necessary.
boy , my Friend was Pissed again ,first the PNY and now the ZOTAC, i think the Original MAC ROM we have is Designed for use with the ( MX 128k ROM CHIP not the PMC one )