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My PNY card just arrived, and I have the same result. :(

EEPROM ID (9D, 7B) : PMC Pm25LV512 2.7-3.6V 64Kx8S, page

Green PCB.

64K flash. I guess Millisecond got lucky with his PNY card.

That sucks man. And this is crazy, I bought my card 11/30, so really only 2.5 months ago. They must have switched it around in just the last bit.

Would be interesting to see if some ROM hacker could create an EFI-only solution. Wouldn't work in bootcamp anymore, but for the Mac-only people I think it would work on 64k cards. Way beyond my experience in this area though.
Did you even try to flash it? Didi Millisecond Have a 64k card or a 128?

No, I left it virgin, as I didn't want to risk messing up the card since I have to return it. Millisecond didn't show his nvflash --check output, but he must have the 128k since it boots both OS X and Windows, right? smgfreak also ended up with a PNY with 64k. So far PNY is batting 250.

I will probably try EVGA next, since there isn't a single bad report of EVGA flashing yet.
I wanted an EVGA, but the two that I really wanted were sold out everywhere. I was thinking about a Gainward 8800GT Bliss 1GB Golden Sample and OC'ing that myself, but I couldn't find one of those either.
Here's the card that worked for me - note that mine had a black PCB!

Note that it might be important that the label on the end of the box says "Warranty 11/07" and also that there is a newer version of the card (here in stores since maybe 2 or 3 weeks) which has a different cooler, part number and 64k rom!

I saw the card on ebay (with green PCB) for around 100Euro 24h before end. I tried to get it in order to flash and resell it but suddenly the seller didn't want to sell it anymore .... maybe he figured out how to make more money out of it by selling it to Mac pro people!? LOL


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Would be interesting to see if some ROM hacker could create an EFI-only solution. Wouldn't work in bootcamp anymore, but for the Mac-only people I think it would work on 64k cards. Way beyond my experience in this area though.

The EFI ROM itself is, unfortunately, 68KB. pipomolo posted it over at, and it works alright... in a card with a 128KB EEPROM, since it's 4KB too big. So, no luck !

I just wanted to let you know, that I flashed a MSI NX8800GT-T2D512E-OC yesterday and it's working perfect.

It's got a 1024k Rom.

Now I am waiting for my order for the cable parts. I found this howto:

I found a distributor for them on

That's the exact card I have. I have a green board vs. the Red other models come with. Not sure if the Red would have 1024k or not at this point.

Oh and for those wondering. I have been running it 24 hours straight without a hitch. I played Unreal Tournament 3 on the windows side for a good two hours last night and it ran silky smooth. I ran it in Mac OSX to do some video work for a few hours too, and it ran great.

Slackpacker here is a an Xbench 1.3 score without the Hard Drive test.

Results 249.34
System Info
Xbench Version 1.3
System Version 10.5.2 (9C31)
Physical RAM 2048 MB
Model MacPro3,1
Drive Type WDC WD3200AAJS-41VWA0
CPU Test 188.93
GCD Loop 320.38 16.89 Mops/sec
Floating Point Basic 159.75 3.80 Gflop/sec
vecLib FFT 132.37 4.37 Gflop/sec
Floating Point Library 236.04 41.10 Mops/sec
Thread Test 601.41
Computation 571.30 11.57 Mops/sec, 4 threads
Lock Contention 634.87 27.31 Mlocks/sec, 4 threads
Memory Test 181.74
System 216.00
Allocate 337.94 1.24 Malloc/sec
Fill 172.57 8390.66 MB/sec
Copy 194.73 4022.16 MB/sec
Stream 156.87
Copy 158.32 3270.01 MB/sec
Scale 158.70 3278.64 MB/sec
Add 155.60 3314.67 MB/sec
Triad 154.92 3314.02 MB/sec
Quartz Graphics Test 257.42
Line 214.17 14.26 Klines/sec [50% alpha]
Rectangle 267.45 79.85 Krects/sec [50% alpha]
Circle 215.04 17.53 Kcircles/sec [50% alpha]
Bezier 218.05 5.50 Kbeziers/sec [50% alpha]
Text 562.29 35.17 Kchars/sec
OpenGL Graphics Test 194.86
Spinning Squares 194.86 247.19 frames/sec
User Interface Test 386.33
Elements 386.33 1.77 Krefresh/sec
I can confirm the XFX GeForce 8800GT Alpha Dog Extreme edition works fine and has a 1024k ROM :) Mine has a black PCB and says "Warranty 01/08" so it's quite new.

Exact model is PV-T88P-YDE4.

Now, to build that pesky power cable...
Xbench 1,3 with MAC PRO Octo 2,8

HD 2600 XT
X 1900 XT
GF 8800GT


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I have a problem. When I boot on DOS (I tried both FreeDOS and the WindowsME image), the superdrive is not recognized. It say that the driver cannot be loaded. How did you do ? USB drives don't work too :(
I have a problem. When I boot on DOS (I tried both FreeDOS and the WindowsME image), the superdrive is not recognized. It say that the driver cannot be loaded. How did you do ? USB drives don't work too :(

I couldn't see the CD drive or USB key either.

Create a partition using BootCamp. Format it as FAT32, not NTFS. A small partition will be enough. Copy your nfvlash and your rom file to this partition.

I was able to boot from the FreeDOS CD, and run the nvflash program from this FAT partition. Just say c: to switch to this partition.
How... do I get OS X to write to FAT32? I have MacFUSE, which writes to NTFS, but is there something out there for FAT32?

OS X can write to FAT32 no problem. Just create a small (even 5GB) partition with Boot Camp Assistant. Then quit that and run Disk Utility. Your 5GB partition should show up. Select it, and format it as FAT32 using Disk Utility. Then mount it, if it isn't mounted already. Quit Disk Utility. The partition will be on your desktop, and you can copy NVFLASH.EXE and your ROM file to it.
Does anyone have any idea if this card will work?

Palit nVidia GeForce 8800GT Super+ 1GB

even if the 128k Rom ist Present, you just can´t use 1024MB Based 8800GT cards with the FLASH.

only 512MB possible.

for 1024MB Cards you have to write a complete New BIOS for the card.
I've been keeping a summary and thought it might be useful for everyone else:
millisecond:    PNY VCG88512GXPB green pcb              128k    
aLoC:           Inno3d                                  64k     
aLoC:           Inno3d reference model (no overclock)   128k
smgfreak:       PNY VCG88512GXPB                        64k     
SuperGrobi:     XFX 8800GT alphadog XXX PV-T88P-YHD4    64k
AGDenton:       Gainward 8800GT 1G red pcb              64k     
smgfreak:       Sparkle 512MB 600MHz                    64k     
smgfreak:       PNY VCG88512GXPB                        64k     
mrcandy:        EVGA 512-P3-N801-AR                     128k    
giantsfan1975:  E-VGA 8800 GT                           128k    
smgfreak:       Sparkle 8800GT FEB 2008 REV 1.2         64k     
abisai:         E-VGA e-GeForce 8800 GT Superclocked    128k    
smgfreak:       ZOTAC with blue pcb                     64k     
rhildinger:     BFG BFGR88512GTOCE                      128k    
antsh:          XFX PVT88PYDD4 alphadog                 128k    
vortigern:      Inno3d i-8800GT-H5GTCDS green pcb       64k     
smgfreak:       LEADTEK PX8800GT 512MB ZL (A JAN 2008)  128k
AGDenton:       BFG BFGR88512GTOCE                      128k    
SuperGrobi:     XFX alphadog PV-T88P-YDDA black pcb     128k    
hadleydb:       BFG BFGR88512GTOCE                      64k     
hadleydb:       MSI NX8800GT-T2D512E-OC Nov. green pcb  128k
bartdesign:     eVGA 8800 GT KO 512-P3-E802-AE          128k    
inCider:        eVGA 512-P3-N801-FR (image problems)    128k    
inCider:        XFX PVT88PYDE4 (image problems)         128k    
thagomizer:     PNY VCG88512GXPB                        64k     
slackpacker:    PNY VCG88512GXPB                        64k     
HansG:          MSI NX8800GT-T2D512E-OC                 128k    
Spybreak:       XFX alphadog PV-T88P-YDE4 black 01/08   128k
Looks like EVGA is the only vendor that hasn't shown up with 64k yet. Am I correct?
I've been keeping a summary and thought it might be useful for everyone else:
millisecond:    PNY VCG88512GXPB green pcb              128k    
aLoC:           Inno3d                                  64k     
aLoC:           Inno3d reference model (no overclock)   128k
smgfreak:       PNY VCG88512GXPB                        64k     
SuperGrobi:     XFX 8800GT alphadog XXX PV-T88P-YHD4    64k
AGDenton:       Gainward 8800GT 1G red pcb              64k     
smgfreak:       Sparkle 512MB 600MHz                    64k     
smgfreak:       PNY VCG88512GXPB                        64k     
mrcandy:        EVGA 512-P3-N801-AR                     128k    
giantsfan1975:  E-VGA 8800 GT                           128k    
smgfreak:       Sparkle 8800GT FEB 2008 REV 1.2         64k     
abisai:         E-VGA e-GeForce 8800 GT Superclocked    128k    
smgfreak:       ZOTAC with blue pcb                     64k     
rhildinger:     BFG BFGR88512GTOCE                      128k    
antsh:          XFX PVT88PYDD4 alphadog                 128k    
vortigern:      Inno3d i-8800GT-H5GTCDS green pcb       64k     
smgfreak:       LEADTEK PX8800GT 512MB ZL (A JAN 2008)  128k
AGDenton:       BFG BFGR88512GTOCE                      128k    
SuperGrobi:     XFX alphadog PV-T88P-YDDA black pcb     128k    
hadleydb:       BFG BFGR88512GTOCE                      64k     
hadleydb:       MSI NX8800GT-T2D512E-OC Nov. green pcb  128k
bartdesign:     eVGA 8800 GT KO 512-P3-E802-AE          128k    
inCider:        eVGA 512-P3-N801-FR (image problems)    128k    
inCider:        XFX PVT88PYDE4 (image problems)         128k    
thagomizer:     PNY VCG88512GXPB                        64k     
slackpacker:    PNY VCG88512GXPB                        64k     
HansG:          MSI NX8800GT-T2D512E-OC                 128k    
Spybreak:       XFX alphadog PV-T88P-YDE4 black 01/08   128k
Looks like EVGA is the only vendor that hasn't shown up with 64k yet. Am I correct?

128K isn't necessarily the key here.

ZOTAC GeForce 8800GT AMP Edition

EEPROM ID (9D, 7C) PMC Pm25LV010 2.7-3.6V 128Kx8S

It looks like it wants to start right, but I got 3 messages when I used nvflash -4 -5 -6 MP8800.ROM command.

It asked me 3 questions, and because I saw the 128K and I'm a stupid girl I chose Y to all 3 and did not write them down. I think I should have chosen Y, N, N, maybe because I am getting some serious artifacs, and a freeze at startup. After I see the Apple. Right after the pinwheel starts is when it happens.
128K isn't necessarily the key here.

ZOTAC GeForce 8800GT AMP Edition

EEPROM ID (9D, 7C) PMC Pm25LV010 2.7-3.6V 128Kx8S

It looks like it wants to start right, but I got 3 messages when I used nvflash -4 -5 -6 MP8800.ROM command.

It asked me 3 questions, and because I saw the 128K and I'm a stupid girl I chose Y to all 3 and did not write them down. I think I should have chosen Y, N, N, maybe because I am getting some serious artifacs, and a freeze at startup. After I see the Apple. Right after the pinwheel starts is when it happens.
May be a silly question, but did you try reflashing?
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