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The first post of this thread is a WikiPost and can be edited by anyone with the appropiate permissions. Your edits will be public.
Thanks for looking at this. It is disk0s1 which is a NVME disk with Catalina 15.1. This is the boot disk. If I mount the other EFI for the SATA SSDs then there is a folder.
I have multiple disks and some of them don't have efi folder. You can find the blessed efi driver with the bless command. Sometimes you will find it in the system folder. You can always create a new folder though. Just follow the structure of the OC.
  • Like
Reactions: octoviaa
I have multiple disks and some of them don't have efi folder. You can find the blessed efi driver with the bless command. Sometimes you will find it in the system folder. You can always create a new folder though. Just follow the structure of the OC.
Many thanks for showing I am not alone. Used Bless info verbose and it seems to indicate that it is using an EFI in the S/L Core services. No idea why this is so but as with forums they are great for learning more about the Mac. Maybe this is because it is an NVME drive that appears as an external drive. I would guess that making an EFI folder in the EFI partition would be the way to go so that OC can be used. Will wait to see if any more knowledgeable member can confirm this.
  • Like
Reactions: octoviaa
Thanks for looking at this. It is disk0s1 which is a NVME disk with Catalina 15.1. This is the boot disk. If I mount the other EFI for the SATA SSDs then there is a folder.

You have multiple boot drives anyway.

If you want to try this mod. My suggestion is that you can carry on, and install OpenCore into that Empty EFI Partition. As long as you don't overwrite anything. I can't see how can it cause any damage to a boot drive.
Many thanks for showing I am not alone. Used Bless info verbose and it seems to indicate that it is using an EFI in the S/L Core services. No idea why this is so but as with forums they are great for learning more about the Mac. Maybe this is because it is an NVME drive that appears as an external drive. I would guess that making an EFI folder in the EFI partition would be the way to go so that OC can be used. Will wait to see if any more knowledgeable member can confirm this.

Internal or External doesn't really matter. My SATA SSD also mounted as external during the test.
Based on this

I believe you are blessing the wrong file in the OC tutorial. You bless the opencore.efi file which apparently is a driver rather than the “boot.efi” that we expected it to be.

Screenshot from link above showing what I mean.
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Reactions: h9826790
You have multiple boot drives anyway.

If you want to try this mod. My suggestion is that you can carry on, and install OpenCore into that Empty EFI Partition. As long as you don't overwrite anything. I can't see how can it cause any damage to a boot drive.

Internal or External doesn't really matter. My SATA SSD also mounted as external during the test.
I will probably hold off for now and await developments. Adding an EFI folder would seem to make sense and then Bless to this. Thanks for your great work on this.
Thanks all, post #594 step 18 corrected

Anyway, this is what I get during some of my tests.
Mac-Pro-4:~ martinlo$ bless --mount /Volumes/EFI --setBoot
Could not set boot device property: 0xe00002bc

That's why I changed it to
sudo bless --mount /Volumes/EFI --setBoot --file /Volumes/EFI/EFI/OC/OpenCore.efi

Which work perfectly for me every single time.
Last edited:
This is the one stop shop HWAccel guide. The 1st half was invented by cdf, credit to him. I just put everything into a single post. So that no need to visit the OpenCore thread for those only interested in HWAccel. I won't explain anything in this post. The steps here just for "how to make it work". If you want to know what those setting really means. Please go to the OpenCore thread, everything should be covered at there.

For those who need dual boot, please stay with the old method. I have no time to test the dual boot compatibility with this method yet.

For those who need multiple monitors, you must follow all steps below. Otherwise, some display ports may not work. Also, you may experience some screen flickering when just boot to desktop. But then should be stabilised. For single monitor users, you may skip steps 4a, 4b and 12a, but expect only the 1st display port on your graphic card work. It's your choice.

iStat menu sensors won't work. But MacsFanControl and smcFanControl can still control the fans (I expect TG-Pro can do the same thing, but haven't test it). However, most sensors reading may still disappear. AFAIK, all sensors still work, just the 3rd party software not necessary able to read them.

BACKUP! BACKUP! and BACKUP! before you do anything.

I also highly recommend you have a bootable clone of your current boot drive. Or at least have a Bootable installer right next to you, just in case something goes wrong.

The whole process does not need boot screen. However, I still highly recommend you have a Mac EFI UGA graphic card immediately available to you when required.

So, now if you willing to take the risk, you may start. And please report back if there is any error you. I prefer some experienced users as testers, and then tell me if it work or not. There is no guarantee that the follow steps (and my uploaded config.plist file) are 100% correct. The steps and config in this guide are a bit different than my actual setup. Because I fine tune the setting a bit to fit my own cMP. It is extremely hard to keep everything as simple as possible, but also can fine tune for different configs cMP. Therefore, the following steps are developed for "one method fit all 5,1".

000) Dump your current BootROM with ROMTool. I have absolutely no idea if this SMBIOS spoofing method is 100% safe to the firmware. For those who worry about may brick the logic board, please stand by for at least few more weeks. So that some pioneers can test this method, and analyse if this is safe to do so. At this moment, we simply lack of evidence to decide if it's safe / unsafe. (Credit to Tsialex, he advice me to that still no evidence to tell if OpenCore with SMBIOS Spoofing will write anything into the private NVRAM section. Which has no way to erase by normal user except flash your backup BootROM image back to the cMP. We already started the investigation, stay tuned).

00) Remove Lilu and WhateverGreen if you installed them before. Also, revert the AppleGVA.framework if you edit that before.

0) Disable SIP -> Shutdown -> Remove ALL hard drives (as safety precaution) except your current boot drive (I expect it's with the latest Mojave), then boot to desktop

1) Download OpenCore 0.5.1

2) Download AppleSupport 2.1.1

3) Download Clover Configurator

4) Download Config.plist

4a) Download Lilu 1.3.9

4b) Download WhateverGreen 1.3.4

5) Unzip everything
View attachment 873851

6) Open terminal, and enter
diskutil list

7) You should see something like this, but with different disk identifier. If there is only one hard drive, the disk identifier should be disk0s1 for your EFI partition. Not matter what the number is, just use that number. e.g. In my case, it's disk6s1.
View attachment 873834

8) enter (use your own identifier if not disk0s1)
sudo diskutil mount /dev/disk0s1
and enter your admin password accordingly

9) You should now see a EFI partition mounted on your desktop. Open it, there should be a EFI folder inside, backup this folder and everything inside. I suggest make at least two backups.
View attachment 873844

10) Copy the OpenCore-0.5.1-RELEASE/EFI folder to the EFI partition. The resulting folder, /Volumes/EFI/EFI, should contain the folders OC and BOOT

11) Copy AppleSupport-2.1.1-RELEASE/Drivers/FwRuntimeServices.efi to /Volumes/EFI/EFI/OC/Drivers
View attachment 873848

12) Copy config.plist to /Volumes/EFI/EFI/OC
View attachment 873847

12a) Copy Lilu-1.3.9-RELEASE/Lilu.kext and WhateverGreen-1.3.4-RELEASE/WhateverGreen.kext to /Volumes/EFI/EFI/OC/Kexts
View attachment 873853

13) Open Clover Configurator, then select SMBIOS -> click the little button on the right hand side to select iMacPro1,1 (near the bottom of the list) -> generate your own Serial Number and UUID.
View attachment 873850

14) Open config.plist with TextEdit

15) search "Your Serial Number", and replace that by the Serial Number generated in step 13

16) search "Your UUID", and replace that by the UUID generated in step 13

17) Save the file

18) Go back to terminal, and enter
bless --mount /Volumes/EFI --setBoot

If you reboot now, your 5,1 should ident itself as iMac Pro, and have full HWAccel.

If anything goes wrong, NVRAM reset should disable OpenCore and make your cMP boot normally.

However, if that doesn't work, you should swap in your backup boot drive, remove the modded hard drive, and try NVRAM reset again.

If still doesn't work, swap in your Mac EFI UGA graphic card to see what's wrong.

Once you can boot to desktop, you can shutdown and re-install you modded hard drive. If you replace the EFI folder by your backup, OpenCore and all associated kexts will be completely removed from your
boot drive. That should go back to the "normal" state.

And please report back if the above can actually work, thanks!
It does not work for me. I tried imacpro1.1, Macpro7.1 tried renaming to GFX0 but no hardware acceleration. Has anybody else achieved acceleration with OC?

Last login: Wed Nov  6 21:52:10 on console
g5@G5 ~ % ioreg -l |grep \"PerformanceStatistics\" | cut -d '{' -f 2 | tr '|' ',' | tr -d '}' | tr ',' '\n'|grep 'HW\|Command'
"HWChannel KIQ
 Commands Submitted"=0
"HWChannel VCE
 Commands Submitted"=0
"HWChannel sDMA0
 Commands Completed"=7381
 Commands Completed"=0
 Commands Submitted"=0
 Commands Submitted"=0
 Commands Completed"=0
"HWChannel GFX
 Commands Completed"=7627
"HWChannel Compute1
 Commands Completed"=19
"HWChannel Compute1
 Commands Submitted"=19
"HWChannel UVDEnc
 Commands Completed"=0
"HWChannel UVDEnc
 Commands Submitted"=0
 Commands Submitted"=0
 Commands Completed"=0
"HWChannel UVDDec
 Commands Completed"=0
"HWChannel KIQ
 Commands Completed"=0
"HWChannel GFX
 Commands Submitted"=7627
"HWChannel Compute0
 Commands Completed"=0
"HWChannel sDMA1
 Commands Submitted"=8105
"HWChannel UVDDec
 Commands Submitted"=0
"HWChannel Compute0
 Commands Submitted"=0
"HWChannel UVDEncLLQ
 Commands Submitted"=0
"HWChannel Compute2
 Commands Completed"=0
"HWChannel VCE
 Commands Completed"=0
"HWChannel sDMA0
 Commands Submitted"=7381
"HWChannel Compute2
 Commands Submitted"=0
"HWChannel UVDEncLLQ
 Commands Completed"=0
"HWChannel sDMA1
 Commands Completed"=12383
g5@G5 ~ %
It does not work for me. I tried imacpro1.1, Macpro7.1 tried renaming to GFX0 but no hardware acceleration. Has anybody else achieved acceleration with OC?

Last login: Wed Nov  6 21:52:10 on console
g5@G5 ~ % ioreg -l |grep \"PerformanceStatistics\" | cut -d '{' -f 2 | tr '|' ',' | tr -d '}' | tr ',' '\n'|grep 'HW\|Command'
"HWChannel KIQ
Commands Submitted"=0
"HWChannel VCE
Commands Submitted"=0
"HWChannel sDMA0
Commands Completed"=7381
Commands Completed"=0
Commands Submitted"=0
Commands Submitted"=0
Commands Completed"=0
"HWChannel GFX
Commands Completed"=7627
"HWChannel Compute1
Commands Completed"=19
"HWChannel Compute1
Commands Submitted"=19
"HWChannel UVDEnc
Commands Completed"=0
"HWChannel UVDEnc
Commands Submitted"=0
Commands Submitted"=0
Commands Completed"=0
"HWChannel UVDDec
Commands Completed"=0
"HWChannel KIQ
Commands Completed"=0
"HWChannel GFX
Commands Submitted"=7627
"HWChannel Compute0
Commands Completed"=0
"HWChannel sDMA1
Commands Submitted"=8105
"HWChannel UVDDec
Commands Submitted"=0
"HWChannel Compute0
Commands Submitted"=0
"HWChannel UVDEncLLQ
Commands Submitted"=0
"HWChannel Compute2
Commands Completed"=0
"HWChannel VCE
Commands Completed"=0
"HWChannel sDMA0
Commands Submitted"=7381
"HWChannel Compute2
Commands Submitted"=0
"HWChannel UVDEncLLQ
Commands Completed"=0
"HWChannel sDMA1
Commands Completed"=12383
g5@G5 ~ %

Thanks for the test and report.

Does the cMP ident itself as iMac Pro?

7,1 SMBIOS can only provide HWAccel in Catalina.

Single / Multi GPU?

Graphic card in which slot?

Any possible error spotted during the process?

Anyway, I assume you ran that command in terminal when playing some H264 / HEVC videos, correct?
Last edited:
Thanks for the test and report.

Does the cMP ident itself as iMac Pro? Yes

7,1 SMBIOS can only provide HWAccel in Catalina. I triedCat, HS and Mojave

Single / Multi GPU? Multi

Graphic card in which slot? Slot1

Any possible error spotted during the process? I don't think so

Anyway, I assume you ran that command in terminal when playing some H264 / HEVC videos, correct? No I did not, but Videoproc does not detect HW acceleration as well
During playback of Swordsmith:
"HWChannel KIQ
Commands Submitted"=0
"HWChannel VCE
Commands Submitted"=0
"HWChannel sDMA0
Commands Completed"=1648
Commands Completed"=0
Commands Submitted"=0
Commands Submitted"=0
Commands Completed"=0
"HWChannel GFX
Commands Completed"=688
"HWChannel Compute1
Commands Completed"=72
"HWChannel Compute1
Commands Submitted"=72
"HWChannel UVDEnc
Commands Completed"=0
"HWChannel UVDEnc
Commands Submitted"=0
Commands Submitted"=0
Commands Completed"=0
"HWChannel UVDDec
Commands Completed"=0
"HWChannel KIQ
Commands Completed"=0
"HWChannel GFX
Commands Submitted"=688
"HWChannel Compute0
Commands Completed"=0
"HWChannel sDMA1
Commands Submitted"=1271
"HWChannel UVDDec
Commands Submitted"=0
"HWChannel Compute0
Commands Submitted"=0
"HWChannel UVDEncLLQ
Commands Submitted"=0
"HWChannel Compute2
Commands Completed"=0
"HWChannel VCE
Commands Completed"=0
"HWChannel sDMA0
Commands Submitted"=1648
"HWChannel Compute2
Commands Submitted"=0
"HWChannel UVDEncLLQ
Commands Completed"=0
"HWChannel sDMA1
Commands Completed"=1875
System Info
Host                           G5.local
OS                             macOS Catalina Version 10.15.1 (Build 19B88)
Kernel                         Darwin 19.0.0 x86_64
RAM                            128.00 GB
Model Identifier               iMacPro1,1
CPU                            Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           X5690  @ 3.47GHz
Intel Generation               ???
Platform ID                    0x00000000
Board ID                       Mac-F221BEC8
FW Version           
Serial Number               
Hardware UUID               
System ID                   
ROM                            70CD6093A784
Board Serial Number         
VDA Decoder                    Decoder Failed
Serial Info
Country                        China (Quanta Computer)
Year                           2019
Week                           08.13.2019-08.19.2019
Line                           146 (copy 1)
Model                          iMacPro1,1
Valid                          Unlikely
GPU Name                       Ellesmere [Radeon RX 470/480/570/570X/580/580X/590]
GPU Device ID                  0x67DF1002
Quartz Extreme (QE/CI)         Yes
Metal Supported                Yes
Metal Device Name              AMD Radeon RX 480
Metal Default Device           Yes
Metal Low Power                No
Metal Headless                 No
boot-args  -v agdpmod=pikera -no_compat_check


    3 KB · Views: 155
Last edited:
During playback of Swordsmith:
"HWChannel KIQ
Commands Submitted"=0
"HWChannel VCE
Commands Submitted"=0
"HWChannel sDMA0
Commands Completed"=1648
Commands Completed"=0
Commands Submitted"=0
Commands Submitted"=0
Commands Completed"=0
"HWChannel GFX
Commands Completed"=688
"HWChannel Compute1
Commands Completed"=72
"HWChannel Compute1
Commands Submitted"=72
"HWChannel UVDEnc
Commands Completed"=0
"HWChannel UVDEnc
Commands Submitted"=0
Commands Submitted"=0
Commands Completed"=0
"HWChannel UVDDec
Commands Completed"=0
"HWChannel KIQ
Commands Completed"=0
"HWChannel GFX
Commands Submitted"=688
"HWChannel Compute0
Commands Completed"=0
"HWChannel sDMA1
Commands Submitted"=1271
"HWChannel UVDDec
Commands Submitted"=0
"HWChannel Compute0
Commands Submitted"=0
"HWChannel UVDEncLLQ
Commands Submitted"=0
"HWChannel Compute2
Commands Completed"=0
"HWChannel VCE
Commands Completed"=0
"HWChannel sDMA0
Commands Submitted"=1648
"HWChannel Compute2
Commands Submitted"=0
"HWChannel UVDEncLLQ
Commands Completed"=0
"HWChannel sDMA1
Commands Completed"=1875
System Info
Host                           G5.local
OS                             macOS Catalina Version 10.15.1 (Build 19B88)
Kernel                         Darwin 19.0.0 x86_64
RAM                            128.00 GB
Model Identifier               iMacPro1,1
CPU                            Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           X5690  @ 3.47GHz
Intel Generation               ???
Platform ID                    0x00000000
Board ID                       Mac-F221BEC8
FW Version           
Serial Number        
Hardware UUID        
System ID            
ROM                            70CD6093A784
Board Serial Number  
VDA Decoder                    Decoder Failed
Serial Info
Country                        China (Quanta Computer)
Year                           2019
Week                           08.13.2019-08.19.2019
Line                           146 (copy 1)
Model                          iMacPro1,1
Valid                          Unlikely
GPU Name                       Ellesmere [Radeon RX 470/480/570/570X/580/580X/590]
GPU Device ID                  0x67DF1002
Quartz Extreme (QE/CI)         Yes
Metal Supported                Yes
Metal Device Name              AMD Radeon RX 480
Metal Default Device           Yes
Metal Low Power                No
Metal Headless                 No
boot-args  -v agdpmod=pikera -no_compat_check

Thanks for the confirmation.

Can you try single GPU? I really don't know if that make any difference.

Also, I would like to confirm that's by using my provided config.plist file, correct? (I can see that you attached a config.plist file. But I would like to know if my procedure doesn't work with your own OC config, or doesn't work with my provided config)
Last edited:
Thanks for the confirmation.

Can you try single GPU? I really don't know if that make any difference.

Also, I would like to confirm that's by using my provided config.plist file, correct?
I attached the config file
For manual setup, if you do it right, Hackintool system info should looks like this
System Info
Host                           Mac-Pro-Mojave
OS                             macOS Mojave Version 10.14.6 (Build 18G1012)
Kernel                         Darwin 18.7.0 x86_64
RAM                            48.00 GB
Model Identifier               iMacPro1,1
CPU                            Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           W3690  @ 3.47GHz
Intel Generation               ???
Platform ID                    0x00000000
Board ID                       Mac-7BA5B2D9E42DDD94
FW Version           
Serial Number                 
Hardware UUID                 
System ID                     
ROM                            00254BFB1892
Board Serial Number           
VDA Decoder                    Fully Supported
Serial Info
Country                        China (Quanta Computer)
Year                           2017
Week                           07.23.2017-07.29.2017
Line                           3271 (copy 1)
Model                          iMacPro1,1
Valid                          Possibly
GPU Name                       Vega 20 [Radeon VII]
GPU Device ID                  0x66AF1002
Quartz Extreme (QE/CI)         Yes
Metal Supported                Yes
Metal Device Name              AMD Radeon VII
Metal Default Device           Yes
Metal Low Power                No
Metal Headless                 No

Your Board-Id shows that you didn't config it correctly.
I attached the config file

Understand, but I want to know if your post #608 means my procedure doesn't work with your own config. Or doesn't work even with my provided config?

If even my provided config doesn't work, I have to fix my post #594.

If just doesn't work with your config, then we only need to debug your config.
For manual setup, if you do it right, Hackintool system info should looks like this
System Info
Host                           Mac-Pro-Mojave
OS                             macOS Mojave Version 10.14.6 (Build 18G1012)
Kernel                         Darwin 18.7.0 x86_64
RAM                            48.00 GB
Model Identifier               iMacPro1,1
CPU                            Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           W3690  @ 3.47GHz
Intel Generation               ???
Platform ID                    0x00000000
Board ID                       Mac-7BA5B2D9E42DDD94
FW Version           
Serial Number              
Hardware UUID              
System ID                  
ROM                            00254BFB1892
Board Serial Number        
VDA Decoder                    Fully Supported
Serial Info
Country                        China (Quanta Computer)
Year                           2017
Week                           07.23.2017-07.29.2017
Line                           3271 (copy 1)
Model                          iMacPro1,1
Valid                          Possibly
GPU Name                       Vega 20 [Radeon VII]
GPU Device ID                  0x66AF1002
Quartz Extreme (QE/CI)         Yes
Metal Supported                Yes
Metal Device Name              AMD Radeon VII
Metal Default Device           Yes
Metal Low Power                No
Metal Headless                 No

Your Board-Id shows that you didn't config it correctly.

Understand, but I want to know if your post #608 means my procedure doesn't work with your own config. Or doesn't work even with my provided config?

If even my provided config doesn't work, I have to fix my post #594.

If just doesn't work with your config, then we only need to debug your config.
With your config file the system just stutters real bad. Videoproc refreshes endlessly
  • Like
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With your config file the system just stutters real bad. Videoproc refreshes endlessly

I see.

That "agdpmod=pikera" (to enable all display ports) still a very new function to me. I am not sure if there is any adverse effect in this case. Do you mind try to remove this command in the config.plist file, and see if that make any difference? (N.B. Expect only one display port will remain active, you may have to try which one still works)
  • Like
Reactions: octoviaa
I see.

That "agdpmod=pikera" (to enable all display ports) still a very new function to me. I am not sure if there is any adverse effect in this case. Do you mind try to remove this command in the config.plist file, and see if that make any difference? (N.B. Expect only one display port will remain active, you may have to try which one still works)
I have partial success:
System Info
Host                           G5.lan
OS                             macOS Catalina Version 10.15.1 (Build 19B88)
Kernel                         Darwin 19.0.0 x86_64
RAM                            128.00 GB
Model Identifier               iMacPro1,1
CPU                            Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           X5690  @ 3.47GHz
Intel Generation               ???
Platform ID                    0x00000000
Board ID                       Mac-7BA5B2D9E42DDD94
FW Version           
Serial Number                 
Hardware UUID                 
System ID                     
ROM                            70CD6093A784
Board Serial Number           
VDA Decoder                    Fully Supported
Serial Info
Country                        China (Quanta Computer)
Year                           2019
Week                           03.19.2019-03.25.2019
Line                           837 (copy 1)
Model                          iMacPro1,1
Valid                          Unlikely
GPU Name                       Ellesmere [Radeon RX 470/480/570/570X/580/580X/590]
GPU Device ID                  0x67DF1002
Quartz Extreme (QE/CI)         Yes
Metal Supported                Yes
Metal Device Name              AMD Radeon RX 480
Metal Default Device           Yes
Metal Low Power                No
Metal Headless                 No

g5@G5 ~ % ioreg -l |grep \"PerformanceStatistics\" | cut -d '{' -f 2 | tr '|' ',' | tr -d '}' | tr ',' '\n'|grep 'HW\|Command'
"HWChannel KIQ
 Commands Submitted"=0
"HWChannel VCE
 Commands Submitted"=0
"HWChannel sDMA0
 Commands Completed"=6542
 Commands Completed"=0
 Commands Submitted"=0
 Commands Submitted"=0
 Commands Completed"=0
"HWChannel GFX
 Commands Completed"=2733
"HWChannel Compute1
 Commands Completed"=5810
"HWChannel Compute1
 Commands Submitted"=5810
"HWChannel UVDEnc
 Commands Completed"=0
"HWChannel UVDEnc
 Commands Submitted"=0
 Commands Submitted"=0
 Commands Completed"=0
"HWChannel UVDDec
 Commands Completed"=1177
"HWChannel KIQ
 Commands Completed"=0
"HWChannel GFX
 Commands Submitted"=2733
"HWChannel Compute0
 Commands Completed"=0
"HWChannel sDMA1
 Commands Submitted"=10347
"HWChannel UVDDec
 Commands Submitted"=1177
"HWChannel Compute0
 Commands Submitted"=0
"HWChannel UVDEncLLQ
 Commands Submitted"=0
"HWChannel Compute2
 Commands Completed"=0
"HWChannel VCE
 Commands Completed"=0
"HWChannel sDMA0
 Commands Submitted"=6542
"HWChannel Compute2
 Commands Submitted"=0
"HWChannel UVDEncLLQ
 Commands Completed"=0
"HWChannel sDMA1
 Commands Completed"=14746
g5@G5 ~ %
Videoproc reports H264 @4K only. I only inserted the board ID to my original file.
That "agdpmod=pikera" (to enable all display ports) still a very new function to me. I am not sure if there is any adverse effect in this case.
I removed this boot flag even tried agdpmod=vit9696 and shikigva=96, but I cannot get the HEVC working
I removed this boot flag even tried agdpmod=vit9696 and shikigva=96, but I cannot get the HEVC working
Did you enabled PXS* rename to GFX0? You have to insert the base64 value of your PXS[1-4].
Last edited:
Did you enabled PSX* rename to GFX0? You have to insert the base64 value of your PSX[1-4].

Btw, @startergo you did a typo in your config file, it's PSX1 not PXS1:

base64 decode of UFhTMQ== is PXS1.
PXS1@0 is what I see in the registry:
System Info
Host                           G5.lan
OS                             macOS Catalina Version 10.15.1 (Build 19B88)
Kernel                         Darwin 19.0.0 x86_64
RAM                            128.00 GB
Model Identifier               iMacPro1,1
CPU                            Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           X5690  @ 3.47GHz
Intel Generation               ???
Platform ID                    0x00000000
Board ID                       Mac-7BA5B2D9E42DDD94
FW Version           
Serial Number                 
Hardware UUID                 
System ID                     
ROM                            70CD6093A784
Board Serial Number           
VDA Decoder                    Fully Supported
Serial Info
Country                        China (Quanta Computer)
Year                           2019
Week                           03.19.2019-03.25.2019
Line                           837 (copy 1)
Model                          iMacPro1,1
Valid                          Unlikely
GPU Name                       Ellesmere [Radeon RX 470/480/570/570X/580/580X/590]
GPU Device ID                  0x67DF1002
More than one time I typed PXS* as PSX*, lost a day with this stupid error before. Btw, with a MP5,1, without slot expansion, you can have PXS1 (GPU installed on slot-1) to PXS4 (slot-4 GPU).
Last edited:
I have partial success:
System Info
Host                           G5.lan
OS                             macOS Catalina Version 10.15.1 (Build 19B88)
Kernel                         Darwin 19.0.0 x86_64
RAM                            128.00 GB
Model Identifier               iMacPro1,1
CPU                            Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           X5690  @ 3.47GHz
Intel Generation               ???
Platform ID                    0x00000000
Board ID                       Mac-7BA5B2D9E42DDD94
FW Version           
Serial Number                
Hardware UUID                
System ID                    
ROM                            70CD6093A784
Board Serial Number          
VDA Decoder                    Fully Supported
Serial Info
Country                        China (Quanta Computer)
Year                           2019
Week                           03.19.2019-03.25.2019
Line                           837 (copy 1)
Model                          iMacPro1,1
Valid                          Unlikely
GPU Name                       Ellesmere [Radeon RX 470/480/570/570X/580/580X/590]
GPU Device ID                  0x67DF1002
Quartz Extreme (QE/CI)         Yes
Metal Supported                Yes
Metal Device Name              AMD Radeon RX 480
Metal Default Device           Yes
Metal Low Power                No
Metal Headless                 No

g5@G5 ~ % ioreg -l |grep \"PerformanceStatistics\" | cut -d '{' -f 2 | tr '|' ',' | tr -d '}' | tr ',' '\n'|grep 'HW\|Command'
"HWChannel KIQ
Commands Submitted"=0
"HWChannel VCE
Commands Submitted"=0
"HWChannel sDMA0
Commands Completed"=6542
Commands Completed"=0
Commands Submitted"=0
Commands Submitted"=0
Commands Completed"=0
"HWChannel GFX
Commands Completed"=2733
"HWChannel Compute1
Commands Completed"=5810
"HWChannel Compute1
Commands Submitted"=5810
"HWChannel UVDEnc
Commands Completed"=0
"HWChannel UVDEnc
Commands Submitted"=0
Commands Submitted"=0
Commands Completed"=0
"HWChannel UVDDec
Commands Completed"=1177
"HWChannel KIQ
Commands Completed"=0
"HWChannel GFX
Commands Submitted"=2733
"HWChannel Compute0
Commands Completed"=0
"HWChannel sDMA1
Commands Submitted"=10347
"HWChannel UVDDec
Commands Submitted"=1177
"HWChannel Compute0
Commands Submitted"=0
"HWChannel UVDEncLLQ
Commands Submitted"=0
"HWChannel Compute2
Commands Completed"=0
"HWChannel VCE
Commands Completed"=0
"HWChannel sDMA0
Commands Submitted"=6542
"HWChannel Compute2
Commands Submitted"=0
"HWChannel UVDEncLLQ
Commands Completed"=0
"HWChannel sDMA1
Commands Completed"=14746
g5@G5 ~ %
Videoproc reports H264 @4K only. I only inserted the board ID to my original file.

Your PSX1 to GFX0 isn't working yet. That's why you can't get HEVC.

Please replace your patch in the config.plist by
            <string>PXS1 to GFX0</string>
Your PSX1 to GFX0 isn't working yet. That's why you can't get HEVC.

Please replace your patch in the config.plist by
            <string>PXS1 to GFX0</string>
That is what I have. At some point I made a mistake but I corrected it. So I was testing with "UFhTMQ=="
which is PXS1. Tried it with and without this patch.
That is what I have. At some point I made a mistake but I corrected it. So I was testing with "UFhTMQ=="
which is PXS1. Tried it with and without this patch.
My RX-580 is PXS2, slot-2, I can get HEVC working with Mojave or High Sierra using iMacPro1,1 config and UFhTMg==
My RX-580 is PXS2, slot-2, I can get HEVC working with Mojave or High Sierra using iMacPro1,1 config and UFhTMg==
I got an expansion chassis, but now I moved all the Nvidia cards there. Anyway acceleration is only for the AMD so I have disconnected the chassis during the tests. In the registry they are hooked under "display" and PXS2 in the root, but Hackintool sees it under "display" whereas first slot is directly under PXS1.
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