update the current state:
1. SATA SSD Bay1 (Catalina OS installed and success boot from boot menu)
2. Intel NvME SSD (Catalina installed from 1 OS use upgrade from Mojave) (Open core EFI contained)
3. Kingston SATA PCIE SSD (contain Data and Catalina installation program)
4. USB drive with Mojave installation program
1. Open Core boot menu exist, can see the boot option
Boot Menu
-1. SATA SSD Bay1 (Catalina OS installed and success boot from boot menu)
-2. Recovery of 1
-3. Intel NvME SSD (Catalina installed from 1 OS use upgrade from Mojave) (Open core EFI contained)
-4. Recovery of 3
-5. Reset NvRAM
2. The EFI folder in drive 2, edited Config to allow installation of Catalina
3. Boot from SATA SSD of Catalina is success
4. Boot from Drive 2 Intel SSD fault to boot and freeze in apple logo like above image
Installation process:
1. Open core installed in drive 2 as it is original Mojave boot disk.
2. fault boot from drive 2, remove all drive rest NvRAM and boot from Mojave USB
3. install Mojave in Drive 1 (SATA SSD Bay1)
4. Edit config file Upgrade Drive 1 to Catalina (SATA SSD upgraded to Catalina)
5. keep config setting, upgrade Drive 2
6. Drive 2 still boot fault, freeze after boot menu
Now I can use open core to boot to SATA Bay, what should I do if I can boot from NvME SSD?
I have seem the Preboot of Drive 2 in CoverConfig
Please advice if I have done anything wrong