So, for those of you who went with Dekoni, how long do they last for you? They do give better isolation (so more bass and better ANC), and I can even get the fit test to pass (doesn't happen with stock tips), but they lose their memory properties quickly. After about 2-3 weeks they just stay in the "inflated" shape, they feel "springy", but don't really compress for longer, like they did when new. And I'm not a heavy user - about 1h daily on average. I tried cleaning them with water and drying, but that didn't change a thing, so out of curiosity, I tried cleaning with alcohol (hoping to remove sweat residue) - the filter came unglued and they started to crack. So, I'm happy with the way they sound, but it seems I'd have to buy a new 3-pack every 2 months. Is such a short lifetime normal with these?