Did you enable AirTunes on it while you were setting up?
I want to just set it now to grab an IP via DHCP, but I can't get rid of the .99 address I entered manually.
Did you enable AirTunes on it while you were setting up?
I want to just set it now to grab an IP via DHCP, but I can't get rid of the .99 address I entered manually.
I want to just set it now to grab an IP via DHCP, but I can't get rid of the .99 address I entered manually.
Try restarting AE, router, admin util.
And plugging it in next to stereo and adding audio cable for good measure.
I think you're almost there. Probably.
It's got a DHCP address via ethernet (.83) and that's confirmed int he router (I've also reserved that address).
But I'm back to no iTunes Airplay icon.
The only time I've had an Airplay icon is wirelessly and even then all I can stream is what's on my iPhone or my Ipad, not from my wired desktop PC that has my library.
*Bangs whole body on floor*
Ethernet, audio, then plug into wall and wait for it to start.Doing that now.
I'm just going to plug AE into wall-no ethernet cable-correct?
Or use an existing ethernet cable that I have in the living room?
As an aside, did you try the Remote app? That lets you connect to the pc from the iPad/phone and play the music on the pc to the AE. V. cool. If it works, obviously
Ethernet, audio, then plug into wall and wait for it to start.
Ethernet, audio, then plug into wall and wait for it to start.
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=390ms TTL=255
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=255
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=255
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=255
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 390ms, Average = 97ms
Tracing route to base-station-004f57.lan []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms base-station-004f57.lan []
Trace complete.
Ok this is progress. Basically, if you can see it in Util from your wired pc, and you can check that box described above, it's gonna work I think. Set it up as per option 3, turning off the wireless and enabling AirTunes - using the wired pc to do it.
For Remote to work, you need to turn on home sharing in iTunes on all your devices, and have iTunes running on the comp you're trying to play from, and then it'll work.
A seriously confusing thread but from what I read you only have one wireless device (excluding iphone and ipad). You need two wireless devices:
- an AExpress, AExtreme or other wireless router
- the AExpress to act as a receiver(client)
A wireless router connects to the network and gets its ip address from the modem that's using dhcp and broadcasts the network. The AExpress acts as a client (join an existing network) and the hifi cables plug into it.
It sounds like your wired network is independent of your AExpress because if you set up the AE as the network, it will create its own dhcp ip addresses and that is why your wireless devices connect to it?
Do you have a wireless network other than the single AExpress?
My setup is similar to Omne666. I have a modem running dhcp, an AExpress connected to it and setup as the wireless router which all wireless devices connect to
and another AExpress as a client connected to my hifi and joined to an existing network. I can output from any device (ipad, notebook, iphone).
But, I have the notebook on the wireless not hardwired so instead of plugging your ethernet into the modem maybe it should be plugged into the wireless router.
OK, that makes more sense and is good.I have a wireless N ADSL modem/router and a wireless N Airport Express.
Yep, you got it.I think I follow you here-you have a standalone broadband modem (as opposed to my combined ADSL modem/router), with an Airport Express connected to it via Ethernet-and it's the Airport that does the wireless broadcasting?