Hi guys
Connect to express via LAN
select join existing wireless network, enter network details,
Enables AirTunes, deselect AirTunes over Ethernet
Save settings
Unplug express from wall
Unplug Ethernet from express
Plug express into wall (Do not connect Ethernet cable)
Wait for light to go green
"Yeh, he did all that to start with, and everything worked and connected and streamed music - iPhone, wireless laptop, etc. Except the wired PC. It is getting the wired PC to have the little airplay icon in ITunes that we're trying to solve."
His pc was connected to the express by Ethernet.
PC (the wired one with the iTunes library on) has never been connected to the AE by ethernet.
The only device that has been connected to the AE via ethernet is my wifi laptop.
I ran a lead direct from laptop to AE to configure.
I really have lost track of what I've tried, what configuration etc etc now.
Anyway, I still really want to crack this!
I've just done another factory reset and I'm going to set it up again.
Should I?
1. Have an ethernet lead in it and configure it by IP from my desktop PC (using the Airport Utility).
2. Confgure it using my wireless laptop, finding it by doing a scan from the Airport Utility?
3. Connect an ethernet lead between my wifi laptop and the AE configure it?
I'm started with number 2 and the 1st thing that happened is that the Utility asked me if I want to "switch networks".
So I said yes and I'm on page 1 of the setup.
Airport Express Name= Azzin's AirPortExpress.
AirPort Express Password=********
Step 2:
Do I want :
1. To create a wireless network?
2. Replace an existing base station or wireless router with Airport Express?
3. Airport Express to join my current network.
I'm going with "Join my current network".
Step 3:
Do I want:
1. Airport Express to wirelessly join my network?
2. Connect AE to my network using ethernet to extend my current netowrk or create a second network?
3. Disable the wireless network on the AE and connect it to my network using ethernet?
I'm going with the 3.
Saved and updated....
Logged in to AE from wired desktop PC using manual I.P ( and password in Airport Utility.
If I go to "Music" tab, Enable Airtunes is ticked (no over ethernet option present).
Now what?
That's right, off to iTunes on my wired desktop PC-That's right-no Airplay icon.
Wifi laptop-no Airplay icon.
iPhone-no Airplay icon.
I'm beginning to think this is a router related issue, as I can't currently get the "Remote" app to connect to my library.