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the only other step was to name the airtunes speakers and set a password if required.

fingers crossed for you

If I could get back in, I would do that. :confused:

on your laptop airport setup does it now show or do you still need to change networks.

It doesn't show if I click "Scan" and there's no other networks visible (other than my neighbour's!).
you can see the express wirelessly from the wired pc?

if so cool, run the airport setup and configure the airplay page, speaker name and password if req
Jeez, you're still at it at 4am!?!

Oh bizarre, times gave all just skipped forward 5 hours. More reasonable!
you can see the express wirelessly from the wired pc?

Yes-I used the Utility on my wired PC (File>Configure Other) and just entered the IP and new password.


if so cool, run the airport setup and configure the airplay page, speaker name and password if req

Done and saving now.

Progress!!! :D

On my iPhone, I now have the Airplay icon:


I have also installted iTunes in my wifi laptop (no library on there though) and I have the AirPlay icon!



No Airplay icon in iTunes on my wired PC. :(

*Sobs uncontrollably*

I can now see my wired PC's iTunes library (and my Wife's too for that matter on her wired laptop)!

But no Airplay option...

So here's where we are...

  • I can stream music that is on my iPhone to the Airport Express in the Living room.
  • I can stream music that is on my iPad to the Airport Express in the living room.
  • I presumably could (if there was music on it) stream music from my wifi laptop to the Airport Express in the living room.
  • There's no AirPlay Icon on my wired PC's iTunes.
try connecting your laptop to the switch by ethernat, diasble its wifi and see if the air play option remains.
do you have the remote app and can you control your wired pc's library with it, either ipad or iphone
Looks like this could be a contender for "biggest thread ever" ;)

Anyway, a couple of things that I don't think have been covered before:

  • On your O2 box, do you have MAC address filtering enabled to restrict wireless access to known clients? If so, it's possible that the reason you can't see the Express on the router when you add it to your existing network is that the router is denying it access because you haven't registered the MAC address with the O2 box. I think your box is a later one than mine (mine is b/g only) but on mine you can register new clients either through the web interface or by pressing the button on the front of the router, which automatically lets any client that tries to connect within the next 30 seconds register.
  • Is your wired PC's firewall blocking the ports needed for Airplay?

Finally, this has been covered before but it bears repeating: the Express is designed to either connect by Ethernet to your wired network and create its own wireless network that all your wifi devices connect to, or to connect to your existing wireless network, extend it (if it's an Apple device generating the existing network) and act as a sort of remote wired connection for devices that don't have wifi built in themselves. It isn't designed to connect to your existing network both wirelessly and via ethernet, I don't think that will work! In your situation I think client mode is the one you want. See pages 16 and 30-31 here.
Looks like this could be a contender for "biggest thread ever" ;)


On your O2 box, do you have MAC address filtering enabled to restrict wireless access to known clients?

No, and the AE is now visible in the router (after a router reboot) and has an IP of

Is your wired PC's firewall blocking the ports needed for Airplay?

Firewall on wired PC is completely off.

Finally, this has been covered before but it bears repeating: the Express is designed to either connect by Ethernet to your wired network and create its own wireless network that all your wifi devices connect to, or to connect to your existing wireless network, extend it (if it's an Apple device generating the existing network) and act as a sort of remote wired connection for devices that don't have wifi built in themselves. It isn't designed to connect to your existing network both wirelessly and via ethernet, I don't think that will work! In your situation I think client mode is the one you want. See pages 16 and 30-31 here.

It is doing what it should do (kind of!) currently, as I can stream music to it from my wifi laptop, iPhone and iPad (only music that is stored locally on those devices), but I cannot for love nor money stream music from the iTunes library on my wired PC. :confused:
try connecting your laptop to the switch by ethernat, diasble its wifi and see if the air play option remains.


I have the AirPlay icon in iTunes on my laptop!!!!

The laptop is connected via ethernet and the wifi is turned OFF!!


So the issue is with my wired PC....:eek:
It is doing what it should do (kind of!) currently, as I can stream music to it from my wifi laptop, iPhone and iPad (only music that is stored locally on those devices), but I cannot for love nor money stream music from the iTunes library on my wired PC. :confused:

The other thing worth having a read of is the guide to designing airport networks here.

One thing I'm not sure of - in the AE manual i linked to above, on page 30 it says:

Connecting to an Existing Wireless Network
You can use the AirPort Utility to join an existing wireless network. When you connect your AirPort Express to your home stereo, computers on your wireless network can use AirTunes to play music on the stereo from iTunes. If you connect a USB printer to your AirPort Express, all of the computers on the network can print to it.

(emphasis mine). I'm not sure if that means that computers on a wired network using the same ip address range as the wireless one actually can't stream music to the AE, or whether it's just the way they've phrased it (assuming that all your clients will be wireless). Might be worth a quick call to Apple support to clarify that?

EDIT - ah, progress! You completely sure that firewall's off? ;)
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