Usually not a good idea. With the side cover on, air is pulled across all the parts in the chassis and blown out the back.
With the cover off, there is no organized air flow.
It may be true on your high end PC. But I actually ran some tests on my Mac Pro 5,1.
CPU temperature is not affect.
GPU is actually 3-5C cooler (depends on GPU and cooler type ) with side panel off.
Other components (PSU, HDD, NB, etc) also not affected. So, for cMP, side panel is more like for purely “good looking”. Very Apple style indeed

Are RX 580 owners also experiencing "High Sierra 10.3.2 Broke Sleep?"
10.3.2 broke sleep on my RX 460.
The 460 is quite “hit or miss”. It was supported, then suddenly not supported, and the support come back again, and now it breaks sleep…
IMO, if go for AMD because prefer OOTB solution. It’s better to go for Sapphire PULSE RX580 (or at least reference RX580) regardless if you need / want the power.
Unlike Nvidia card, if Apple pull the support for a particular AMD GPU. It is dead. And on driver supporting, Nvidia’s actions and history is way way better than Apple. Apple can ban web driver, but why? And how? Apple did license to release some Mac Edition Nvidia graphic card. And the work station cards need web driver to use ECC or CUDA. TBH, the chance of Apple ban Nvidia web driver is virtually zero to me.
But if you prefer AMD route. It’s better ether to stay at 7950 (if you want something has similar processing power as RX460, or relatively low real world power consumption). Or go for the 280X or RX580. And other AMD card may suddenly not working after any OS update. And it did happens more than once already.