Much of the features that we see lately are nothing more than taking work away from our brains.. which makes our brain work less, and that is not a good thing. if we take all of the work away from our brain and put it on technology, what happens when that technology suddenly disappears through catastrophe or disaster? AI-enhanced technology is only going to create a society wherein mankind can no longer take care of itself. I saw this firsthand last year when our neighborhood lost power for most of the day, my roommates couldn’t function when their Apple devices no longer functioned. Relying too much on technology is a weakness, a weakness that anyone can easily exploit to control the population.
Apple Intelligence is nothing more than apple branded AI, and AI is nothing more than gathering information from the Internet - which was populated by people.
Do you really want to live in society where you are told what to do by machines? Because, in case you haven’t been paying attention, that is where we are slowly headed.. and people are eating it up like a chocolate eclair..