This forum thread and the one previous to it have been so helpful in my AHA journey. So has the website Glassdoor, it has a wealth of interview questions and the process. I filled out my first application in October 2013 for my state. Then I applied in January twice. Then in February I decided to try something different. I applied to several open positions at once in bordering states around mine. Two weeks later I received my first email from an Apple recruiter. I answered back with the requested information. Less then an hour later I received my first phone call. It lasted 10 mins and went well and I was set up for my second interview. I had my second interview via FaceTime on March 5. It was for about 30 mins and also went well. I then set up for my third and final interview yesterday. For some reason we could not connect via FaceTime. The team manager informed me he had experienced this previously with another interviewer and it was no big deal, so we moved forward on the phone. I feel like my third interview went okay but I'm not as confident about it as the first 2. During my final interview, I was really confident at times and others I stumbled so I'm unsure. He told me that they were still going through the process with other candidates and that a recruiter would update me with my status. Today was my first full day of waiting. It's been hard from what I've heard most good news usually comes in the first 3 days. If I make it training for my group would start April 7. Has anyone made it into that training session yet? I'm anxiously waiting with all fingers and toes crossed! I want this sooo badly!! Btw I'm going for the Part time AHA postion. Good luck to everyone else as well!
I got my rejection letter in 3 days. I was the same I nailed my first and second ones and third one I stumbled and just knew it wasn't good. I hope for better news for you.