No, you don't get paid for the paperwork session. The first pay day starts on the first day of training.
Good to know!
I guess I will post my timeline so far.
February 26th, 2014- I applied for a ton of jobs online, including apple. Did it early AM. Another job I applied for called me in for an interview, offered me a job and I accepted it. I figured I wouldn't hear back from Apple in awhile so no point in waiting. I was wrong.
February 26th, 2014- Same day, later in the evening. I was at dinner with my husband to celebrate landing a job so fast, and Apple called and left a voicemail.
I decided not to return the call because I didn't want to go back and decline my new job.
March 25th, 2014- New job is a freaking joke, very dissatisfied. I emailed the recruiter that left me a voicemail and asked him if it was too late. He called me 30 minutes after I sent the email. We spoke for about twenty minutes and this was how it went.
First, he stated the position started the first week of May, and pay starts at $16 + an hour. He asked if I was still interested, and I accepted. We continued our convo. He asked what would I say to a customer that called in upset, stating they were out jogging, they injured themselves and now their phone is frozen. I said that first I would ask the customer if they were alright, and that I am sorry to hear about their injury. As I went on to say I'd educate the customer to hold down power and home key, the recruiter interrupted me and said I answered perfectly. The next question was how to fix the frozen phone. The last question he asked me was how to explain what an operating system is to a customer. I dumbed down my answer and said "I'd tell them its the system that keeps the computer running"
Then he scheduled me for my 2nd interview for Tuesday, April 1st. I went and filled out the rest of the application and provided him with my FaceTime ID.
Is anyone else starting around this time? I have no idea what the offer is for. I am wondering if it is a comprehensive job because the pay is pretty high from what I have noticed. Even on Glassdoor, is says the average is 11-15 per hour.