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So I went through a few rounds of interviews and wound up getting the dreaded Thanks for your interest email. I've decided that I"m not going to give up so in the words of Steve Job's I've decided to "Think Different". I know that linking this reveals who I am but I want Apple to see me because I don't intend to talk about their policy's online or anything else. I just want them to see how serious I am and I know they check these forums.

Come on Apple! Let me show you what i've got!

Damn I would of thought you would of been hired.... They really are picky. I got denied to but got through all three interviews. My experience is no where close to yours. I wish I was denied after the first interview so they didn't lead me on. a little misleading to go through all three interviews in hopes to hear back. I sent the a "will you reconsider" letter don't know if it will hurt or help me but I am looking everywhere for work now. Only time will tell
well i wanted to know do you think a cover letter would really help if i already got the email below?

and also, can i get the name of a hiring manager so i can wirte a formal letter?



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Is there a thread specifically for the college AHA like part 1 of this thread? Looking through this thread, I realized that my experience so far has been completely different from everyone else.

Regardless, I start tomorrow and could not be any more excited. Good luck to everyone applying!
well i wanted to know do you think a cover letter would really help if i already got the email below?

and also, can i get the name of a hiring manager so i can wirte a formal letter?


a cover letter is always helpful before getting an interview... I am sure many people here have spoken to different people so I believe you would say "to whom it may concern"... Also on the application process there is a spot to type up a cover letter. Good luck to you. They seem to be very selective. It will also take a while to hear back from them. I by the way did not get hired on but hoping in a couple months I can be reconsidered
Is there a thread specifically for the college AHA like part 1 of this thread? Looking through this thread, I realized that my experience so far has been completely different from everyone else.

Regardless, I start tomorrow and could not be any more excited. Good luck to everyone applying!
I start tomorrow too!!!!!​
When was your 3rd interview? It is a strange place to be in. I am really trying to be patient!

Just really frustrated lol Gonna vent.

I got tossed around like a ping pong for different AHA positions. I breezed through 3 interviews for ios support. Then I was told they'd like to put me in maps, which would require all new interviews. lol

So after 2 more successful interviews, they told maps applicants "class is filled up for Nov. Wait till January." Still nothing. Emailed recruiter and was told that they're still waiting from the powers-that-be to tell them when a new maps class would open up.

Well, I'm going to assume that maps is scrapped or they just were not interested in hiring me.

Original application in August. Interviewed all through August and September.

Any other Maps hopefuls feel free to PM me.
Is there a point?

I want to apply for the chat position but they clearly aren't hiring for that now. Would I be shooting myself in the foot to submit my resume without applying for a specific position and if they contact me let them know what I'm interested in?
March 3rd AHA Class

Being interviewed for AHA position starting March. Anyone know what that class will be for? iOS, OS X, etc.....?
Just really frustrated lol Gonna vent.

I got tossed around like a ping pong for different AHA positions. I breezed through 3 interviews for ios support. Then I was told they'd like to put me in maps, which would require all new interviews. lol

So after 2 more successful interviews, they told maps applicants "class is filled up for Nov. Wait till January." Still nothing. Emailed recruiter and was told that they're still waiting from the powers-that-be to tell them when a new maps class would open up.

Well, I'm going to assume that maps is scrapped or they just were not interested in hiring me.

Original application in August. Interviewed all through August and September.

Any other Maps hopefuls feel free to PM me.

Hey man, hope you got a call today too. My recruiter called and offered me an aha position. I'm reinterviewing though. My first interview is Thursday. Sounds like they're not using skype this time. I'll be prepared for both but she just said she'd call. I know it's frustrating, but there's finally a light at the end of the tunnel. Good luck!
AHA March

I applied on the 21st for the AHA pro position. Got my callback on Monday. The lady asked some very general questions:
1. A customer falls and skins her knee and breaks her phone. What is the first thing you ask? I answer see if she is alright after taking a spill. (The lady loved this answer).
2. She asked what an operating system was and to explain it to a five year old: I used Lincoln logs as an example. All of the individual logs are pieces that fit together to make one big house (operating system).
She said she really liked me and scheduled a Skype interview next week. I am so nervous!!!!!


Hey! I am newbie and I have a question. Do you know how many cities I should be applying too? Do you think applying to the cities across the whole east coast a bit much? I went ahead and applied (I do not see any limits on the job description like previously mentioned regarding 100 miles). :confused:

I applied to literally every listing in the tri-state area. I got a call, so no I don't think it hurts your chances. The same recruiters don't look at all the apps.
Hey I'm new here but I start my aha position in march ��

Congratulations on the position!!!! How detailed was the background check. I have my second interview on Tuesday and I am super nervous. I have a couple speeding tickets :/ that won't kill my shot will it?
A little CONFUSED????

Just had my FaceTime interview, for the March 17th class (don't know what it's supporting). Went great and should have another interview with a hiring manager soon, but the recruiter said the class could last up to 9 weeks. Most of the classes I have seen are 4, maybe 5 weeks. Anyone heard of a 9 week class?
Just had my FaceTime interview, for the March 17th class (don't know what it's supporting). Went great and should have another interview with a hiring manager soon, but the recruiter said the class could last up to 9 weeks. Most of the classes I have seen are 4, maybe 5 weeks. Anyone heard of a 9 week class?

I was wondering the same thing actually. The recruiter I talked to last week said training would be 5 to 9 weeks, but only said its for a position that starts in March. Not sure which day...

I think iOS is 4 weeks training but I'm not positive.
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I don't have a cover letter. But I doubt that would stop me from even getting a message from a recruiter or something.

I submitted one with my resume over the weekend and received a call Monday morning (mid Jan,). I emphasized the customer service aspect of my work history. I think there is a wide range of wait times between submission and contact, I think your resume (possibly cover letter) gets their attention and then they focus on your personality. I highly recommend it as well as putting effort in the way your resume is laid out.


Yes, I really hope they call me back for re-hire. I know there are classes starting in January, and now February because of this great thread. I hope to get into any AHA training session available, but I would prefer iOS. I was so close before. :) I hope I don't have to wait 12 months!! :)

The policy is that an employee wait at least 6 months before reapplying.
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