I haven't heard anything. I have checked through my E-mail. No rejection E-mail yet, but since it has been a week and a half since the second interview, I highly doubt I got the job. It seems that most of those who did get the job were offered a third interview with the hiring manager during the second interview. I'm wondering if not having skype hurt my chances. Also, the person interviewing me had a lot of background noise and I was having a hard time hearing her.
How long does it normally take to get the rejection E-mail? And if you get rejected should you apply again immediately, or wait a while? Would you apply through this other company (Kelly) instead?
The questions I were asked were "What is a hard drive?", "What is hardware? Software?", "If a customer called up and said their wifi was not working, how would you help them?", "If a customer called and said their printer is not working, what would you do?".