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Okay so do to a unexpected move I had to change to the July 8th class. Anyone else with me?

Pretty sure I'm in that one if everything pans out OK. May have to get mine moved back depending on how long all of this takes though. I'm not gonna quit my current job until I (hopefully) get that offer call. Then I'll need to do a two weeks notice.
My training is apple training I worked for one apples vendors so I have already been through apples training

Excellent! I guess my point, for others mostly, is that compassion and wanting to help is priority, they'll teach us the rest.

Hopefully, you, I and jinxy will be in the same class !!! Wouldn't that just be the bomb diggity! :D *squeeeee*
woot :D

Starting 6/17, CPU class.

Did the whole I9 thing yesterday, man, that was a bit of a pain! Bank of america forgot to put the issuing authority for my ID's the first time so they had to do it again. Heh.
Hey everyone I just updated my Résumé & Cover Letter....think I have a chance??

Not sure if trolling, or not...

If you're not trolling:

I quote my previous post and say any sort of answer your seeking is pure speculation. While it is with great sincerity that we do hope you get the job, there is simply no way to tell you "Yeah" or "Nah", mostly because you neglected to tell us what exactly you updated, and the other part of that being that we're not recruiters and are in the same exact lineup you are. Best of luck, though.
Thank ! You ! nonforprofit!!! Seriously. I just took for granted the customer service that was implied yet, it was not stated. And, there ya go! I couldn't be more thrilled, nor thankful! <3 Thank you again for the simple nudge in the right direction.


Thank you for your advice iCaramba! I so can empathize as I am not sure I can encounter a situation that I haven't experienced myself. AND, AND, internet/technology problems are the ONE most frustrating issues in my life. I totally understand how it is a lifeline. Thanks again for your suggestions. Duly noted :)

I need to clarify, I haven't been in IT Customer Service for 20 some odd years, I've been in Sales and Service for 20 some odd years. I'm not set in any method of doing or handling any situation but what I am natural at is people, emotions and situations. I can find something in common with just about anyone. So, however Apple wants it done, I'm there to put a couple sprinkles on top :) .... Thanks again for your suggestions iCaramba! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

I've been doing AHA for 9 months now and I can tell you that a sales/customer service background will be far more useful than any kind of tech background. My 2 decades of IT experience has been of little use outside of fixing a few of the more obscure networking problems.
I've been doing AHA for 9 months now and I can tell you that a sales/customer service background will be far more useful than any kind of tech background. My 2 decades of IT experience has been of little use outside of fixing a few of the more obscure networking problems.

That's reassuring! I am in Apple support as was advised and I am telling you, the information is daunting! I am hoping she just wanted me to get familiar with the site and not specific issues. The site is super user friendly, well organized and short/precise, other than that, not sure what "issues" I should study.

I had the CPU, harddrive and RAM questions in the first interview. Memorizing the email categories. I know how to answer the printer and warranty questions. Other than that and what I am gathering from this thread is soft skills and displays of empathy and understanding. I guess what I am saying is that the interview doesn't get too techy does it? as I'm a pc person, not by choice, but circumstance.

AngryGerbil, while I'm here, I want to tell you just how entertaining your posts have been to me. ... I've found myself saying to my dogs "Now get off my lawn!" lol
AG's posts may be entertaining but they also hold a wealth of knowledge when you look past the snide remarks ;)

Snide remarks? Me? Never! I guess since I can't be too snarky with customers I take it out on the forums posters instead.. not that some of them didn't deserver it :)

Anyway, despite the fact that I made it clear to the powers that be that I do not want to go to Tier 2 they decided that I deserved to get promoted regardless :(

Come hell or high water I'm not doing T2 iOS... They'll have to pry the Tier 1 headset from my cold, dead hands.
Snide remarks? Me? Never! I guess since I can't be too snarky with customers I take it out on the forums posters instead.. not that some of them didn't deserver it :)

Anyway, despite the fact that I made it clear to the powers that be that I do not want to go to Tier 2 they decided that I deserved to get promoted regardless :(

Come hell or high water I'm not doing T2 iOS... They'll have to pry the Tier 1 headset from my cold, dead hands.

"Hell just froze over" comes to mind. I'm not sure whether to Congratulate you or send my Condolenses :D
I applied at the end of March and didn't hear anything until this past Wednesday - I got the email with the questions and it took me by surprise! I sent my answers on Thursday morning and later that afternoon I got a call, which was a short 10min interview. Now I have my facetime interview on Monday and I'm so nervous!! If I get hired, I will be in the 7/15 training class.
So Nervous

Gone through three interviews, first one was a phone interview, barely ten minutes. Second interview was also over the phone, and the third was over facetime. I think i did well, I hope I did anyway! I haven't gotten the BGC email yet but it is the weekend :cool: If I do ill be in the 7/8 class!
Guys, I have a question about the background check. I recently moved a couple of months ago. My new home is only 5-10 minutes from my old one and I still get mail at the old place. The background check asked me what my current mailing address was, so I put my old home. It didn't ask me for my current address or anywhere else I've lived though. Think that will be all right? Or should I probably email Hire-Right about it?
Guys, I have a question about the background check. I recently moved a couple of months ago. My new home is only 5-10 minutes from my old one and I still get mail at the old place. The background check asked me what my current mailing address was, so I put my old home. It didn't ask me for my current address or anywhere else I've lived though. Think that will be all right? Or should I probably email Hire-Right about it?

If that is where you receive your mail, then that is your current mailing address. People receive mail at various other places due to all kinds of reasons. Personally, I would let it stand.

I've been on here all morning researching the interview questions, etc., and came across HireRights background disclosure. I was under the impression from other posts that credit didn't play a part in the hiring process but, as I had read it, the whole HireRight disclosure is about credit.

If that's the case I am screwed. Unless they go back 6 months from the divorce where it was 720 but now it's tanked and solely due to the divorce and circumstances thereof. How is credit taken into consideration by Apple? Is this a deal breaker?
There wasn't anything showing on my bgc about credit, whether they ran it or if it is part of the ssn verification I don't know, but my credit is good. It verified my ssn and matched it to my address. It also verified my last place of employment and salary. I was at my last job for 12 years and since I guess since they only go back 7 years, my other 2 places of employment stated did not need to be verified as per Apple's guidelines. They also ran criminal checks in all states but looked like more in depth ones in all of the counties I have ever lived in. If you use the link in the Hire Right email and log in, it will tell you if your bgc is complete and when it there will be a link to view your report.

Sounds like it's not a deal breaker then! I can simply explain to them what happened. I had perfect credit for 20 years and anyone can see the exact month it flatlined. Took decades to build it and minutes to tear it into smithereens~

I still have to make it through the rest of the interview process. 1 down, 2 to go. I have been studying several hours a day. If they stick along the lines of pc's, I wouldn't worry so much but I don't know squat about Apple products. Won an iPod mini once but that's about it.

Thanks for sharing! Looks like Congrats will be in order for you very soon ;)
Yes I also am waiting on the offer call and scheduled to be in the July 1 class. I had my 3rd interview on Tuesday, May 28th and recieved the Hire Right email that night. I immediately filled it out and submitted it. My bgc was completed and sent to Apple last Tuesday, June 4th. It is 100% clean. I was hoping to get the offer call before the weekend but no such luck. I did notice on here that the last offer calls seem to have all gone out last Monday and Tuesday. So possibly ours will be tomorrow. I'm still however jumping out of my skin every time my iPhone rings. Hopefully we get our calls tomorrow. Thanks for your post, knowing I'm not the only one still waiting on the offer call for the July 1 class is reassuring. Please post when you get your call and I will do the same. Good Luck.

My BGC was completed the 21st of May, so its been quite awhile since I last talked to anyone from Apple. Good to know there are still people waiting. Good luck and I'll be sure to post the second I hear anything!
Finally got offer call

Here is my timeline for those who were freaking out like me thinking that they may not have gotten the position...

I actually filled out the application in November 2012 and totally forgot about it. May 14 I got the first e-mail and after answering the questions I got my first interview within 20 minutes of hitting the reply button. My second interview was May 15 and my third interview was May 16. I was on Skype waiting for about 30 minutes (the interviewer totally forgot about a previous meeting so missed our interview) So I had the third interview later that day to which it only lasted about 5 minutes because he was apologizing excessively. He didn't ask very many questions and I believe it was because he felt bad for making me wait so long. I received my HireRight link within 2 hours of the last interview and completed the application. My background check wasn't complete until May 22. I finally just got my offer call on Jun 7, which totally scared me. Even though my interviews went well and my background check was clear I thought that I didn't get it because people who were posting that their background check was completed after mine were getting calls before me. I guess it just really depends on your recruiter. I had also emailed my recruiter, his secretary twice, and the original interviewer for an update and no one had replied to my emails. I guess they were just busy. I don't mind waiting on the official email now that I know I got the position.
Current Update

4/27 - Applied in one location in my state
5/10 - Applied to the 2nd location in my state
5/15 - Rec'd the initial call to set up first interview
5/17 - 1st Interview (phone, 25 min)- told I was being sent straight to final interview
5/22 - Final Interview (Skype, 29 min)- Got background check email 1 hour later which I submitted within 30 minutes
5/28 - Background check completed
5/29 - Got the call at 2:22 PM offering me the position
6/4 - Official Offer letter email arrived - also got email to select paperwork sessions
6/7 - Soft copies of New Hire Paperwork arrived via email
6/10 - Scheduled New Hire Paperwork session (New Hire packet expected to arrive as well today but will probably not arrive until after the call

Just wanted to provide an update to my timeline for those still waiting. I am in the 7/1 class :)
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