I like you. You're real. I'm starting on August 26 in iOS, and I feel like there's so much hype to work for Apple that people start to have unrealistic expectations, thus the high turnover rate.
I come from a social work background, and for the last seven years have worked with people who live in poverty and suffer from severe mental illness. Part of my job was obtaining different community/government services for them, and when things didn't go according to plan, listening to them threaten me and call me all kinds of pretty names. I had to go into some extremely unsafe neighborhoods, into homes that were infested with lice, bedbugs, fleas, etc.
Apple will definitely be a step up from that and I'm grateful for it. But, as with anything, a job is a job is a job. It's about level of expectation, energy put into it, and keeping all things in perspective.
I'm feeling chatty this morning. So..sorry about the lengthy post! Just wanted to say that I think you share great perspective and provide a level of realism that is needed.