Two weeks ago I had my 2nd interview!
So despite getting turned down for Spanish AHA, I was afterall referred to an English speaking AHA position, and had my "second" interview. Here are the questions she asked me:
1. What is an OS?
"This is the software that allows the user to fully interface with the machine and use it." She liked that answer.
2. How would you make a computer more secure? I answered with the process of running malware detection, antivirus, and possibly installing a firewall if necessary. This wasn't the answer she wanted, so she suggested something simpler. She hinted to a passcode. So, I told her "Oh well, yeah there is that too. You can password protect your machine from unauthorized users."
3. Describe a time you troubleshot your own computer. I intricately told her about a time I had to run MemTest diagnostic on my failing pc to discover I had a faulty memory stick. She was impressed.
4. A customer does not have internet connection and he does not know if it is wireless or hardwired. What would you suggest?
If there was a connection prior, I would have him check to see if there is connectivity to the router. If there is not, restart router and computer. If yes, restart router. If it is hardwired, check connection at computer and router. If it is wifi, again, restart both router and machine. If there was no previous connection, I would have him make sure he has the proper network name and credentials to log in and connect (get the right password for the network). She liked this answer.
She was pleased, and I moved onto round 2. I am waiting for my scheduled interview.