So you have no control over the hours they assign you? That sounds kind of unbelievable considering part time jobs usually have to work around schedules (hence the term part-time work). Do you at least get to choose a time of day to work... And are there night shifts?
not sure what to tell you .. it says it clear as day you have to be available at all times during their working hours because their shifts change depending on call volume
Okay so I had my final interview on Thursday and I thought I was answering everything pretty well... Then it got to the end and he was kinda short with me and just told me I would hear something SOMETIME before the date training starts from my recruiter. I immediately felt like he had said "Look for your rejection letter!" But then less than 2 hours later, I received my HireRight email. So my fingers are WAY crossed.
On another note, my fiance applied a few days ago, received his questionnaire, first phone interview, second interview, official application, and scheduled his final interview all within 2 days. Definitely different than the process I went through!!!
did he apply to the dallas area?