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I'm bed ridden with the flu for the second day and popping in here a few times and I have to say the pictures are makin me laugh!!!

Here is what I got today:
Thank you for pursuing a career opportunity with Apple. I want to personally thank you for investing the time to speak with us. At this time, however, we have chosen to move forward with other candidates.

Again, we appreciate your interest in Apple. We wish you the best in your future endeavors.

What to do what to do.
Here is what I got today:
Thank you for pursuing a career opportunity with Apple. I want to personally thank you for investing the time to speak with us. At this time, however, we have chosen to move forward with other candidates.

Again, we appreciate your interest in Apple. We wish you the best in your future endeavors.

What to do what to do.

hold on, you foreal?? the nerve of these ****ers

weren't you the apple certified tech????
Paid Holidays?

Anyone know how may paid holidays apple has per year? It didn't really say in the packet, their sick and vacation time is generous, just curious about the holidays.
hold on, you foreal?? the nerve of these ****ers

weren't you the apple certified tech????

Yep. Dont know what to think. Should I reapply? Told yall I had a jack up interviewer. He looked like Shreks brother. Should I use another apple id?


Yep. Dont know what to think. Should I reapply? Told yall I had a jack up interviewer. He looked like Shreks brother. Should I use another apple id?

I bet I dont spend another $150per test. I dont get it. You could tell this guy had never interviewed before. He was having to look up the questions and then stared at the answers about 5 min after I answered. :confused::mad: What an ass!
Anyone know how may paid holidays apple has per year? It didn't really say in the packet, their sick and vacation time is generous, just curious about the holidays.

Originally Posted by misfitmonroe
My former roommate held this position and I can offer some realistic advice. The perks are discounts, great benefit package, working from home, cool management and saying you work for apple.

First off, stop talking about the job online. Its a BIG no no with the company. Training is intense and participation is major. You will be tested on the material and quite a few do not make it through. Either they fail the tests or crack under the pressure and quit. Drink the kook-aid. Its a must.

The job is not easy. Its all about the numbers. You have to complete a call within a specific time frame and its not long. Around 13 minutes. Doesnt sound too bad until you got grandma on the line that barely knows how to turn on her computer and you have to walk her through something intense. Everything is how you can do better even when you are doing really well. This is a somewhat typical call center job. The only diff is you are at home. You have to sell applecare and a certain amount per month. What most customers do not realize is that it is a paid support line. It can be a pretty tough sell when you got a customer that is already going off about how much they paid for such and such and now they have to pay for support. You have to get high surveys. Some customers fill out surveys because they are pissed at Apple and not you. Some dont fill them out at all and its your fault. Doesn't matter, it hurts your numbers. You dont meet the numbers then there is talk of write ups and termination.

Make sure your internet connection is up to snuff. If you are having problems on your end, its not good. Sometimes their own glitches are blamed on you. I remember when our power went out after a tropical storm. My roommate was losing his mind freaking out he was going to get fired. The first day they are cool about it, second day not so much. You will work every Christmas. Its mandatory. My roommate didnt mind because he hated his family and it was a good excuse not to go home. For others, its a real bummer. Hours are wacky and the only way of getting out of them is doing a swap with another advisor.

Be a self learner. Training is more about talking to the customer than it is about trouble shooting. If you think they are going to teach you everything you know. Forget it. The discount is offered for a reason. They want you to buy stuff so you learn. You will be thrown on the phone before you are ready. That is usually when a new wave of people quit. There is a high turn over rate. Lots of competition among advisors. He did move up rather quickly but he had a degree in computers. He said most of the people he worked with that struggled weren't tech savvy. They were hired because of their personality. You need both to make it.

I wish you all luck. It can be a dream job or a nightmare depending on perspective.





that's like cutting in line for the iphone 5 release and saying .. "what? i was suppose to get here 2hrs ago anyway so dont blame me if i get the last phone" ... there's only an X amount of people they're hiring for

i hope someone in dallas that got rejected or never got a response is looking at this ..

@sk2bbb: There you go again with the 101 Psychology! You crack me up! You're hilarious! I love your images too ..... wish we were on the same team!
Here is what I got today:
Thank you for pursuing a career opportunity with Apple. I want to personally thank you for investing the time to speak with us. At this time, however, we have chosen to move forward with other candidates.

Again, we appreciate your interest in Apple. We wish you the best in your future endeavors.

What to do what to do.

That stinks! What was your timeline?
But I will be thinking of you guys on Dec 25..:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

... another perk of the other at-home customer service job with a reputable company (that I'm interviewing for on tomorrow) is: work holidays, except Xmas and Thanksgiving... but the medical benefits with Apple won me over for sure! It's customer service duties and not tech support.
... another perk of the other at-home customer service job with a reputable company (that I'm interviewing for on tomorrow) is: work holidays, except Xmas and Thanksgiving... but the medical benefits with Apple won me over for sure! It's customer service duties and not tech support.

What are the medical benefits? PM me the details.
I did my 2nd interview with Brian. Will I have another?
I've read some of the post, do they really tell you not to use the computer for personal use? We won't be working 24/7.
What is the company discount? Can I buy an IPhone?
I'm nervous about HireRight. Anyone have in formation on their process that could ease my mind.

They make it very clear on the first day that you are not use the computer when you are not working your shift. Very easy for them to know if you logged into your computer outside of your working hours. Not worth chancing.

Huh. I can understand the reasoning, but it kinda bites. Guess I won't be looking into a DisplayPort adapter to hook my nice AOC 22" monitor to it.
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