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i think it is funny that Apple wanted the laptop hunter ad's pulled, but has the great ad's of their own poking fun at PC's with virus's, crashing, errors and vista.

while i am soundly in the mac camp, its hard to expect no response. so... do what you do, cut your price to compete better. finally.
You guys kill me.

I've had 15 years of Microsoft, HP, Dell, IBM and even an Acer.

I've had 3 years of Apple.

How about some real world experience, buy a few computers, get a few users, follow them around, report back. Then switch the computers, follow them around, report back. See what they have to say!!

Buy what makes you happy! I don't care about the guy next to me and his *(&(&^^*, I didn't buy it!!

Who cares if Apple called MS. I don't really care, don't believe it and I don't care. That's like saying Did Angelia call Jennifer.

You gotta find something better to occupy your time with. Basket weaving has may provide you hours of fun. How about using that fantastic computer your so proud of and do something productive to be proud of. HP, Dell, MS, and Apple would rather you vote with your Dollars, Euros, Yen, Visa, AMEX and MasterCard. They're not reading forums trying to get a feel for your thoughts!

If anyone had/has a "perfect" anything, everyone who can afford it has one or wants one. For those things in various levels of "less than perfect" find the one that suits you best and roll with it.

Basket weaving? I would rather spend time on this forum than basket weaving, anything but basket weaving....
Repair permissions is not needed. You can do it if you want, but it's not required.

since we are talking about false advertising I have to call foul on the above.

sometimes repair permissions is needed. in fact it is often the second troubleshooting tip on an apple support document, right after rebooting

i like Pc hunter adds...... it made apple lower their laptops.
Its a win win for me

Are you so sure about that. are you certain that the drop wasn't actually caused by lower prices for components and the general economy.

Apple's problem is simply any Microsoft add can make them look expensive as their prices start at US$600 for the mini and no other model starts below $999.

which is why it is so funny that Microsoft is balking. so what they have to revise the audio in an ad to change the price. the laptop they went out with was under $1000 so they still win. they could still say 'see Apple lowers their prices but it's still way more than ours'

You know what's funny about this??

The chick (and her heavy mom?) are standing in front of a bimmer.

no, you know what's funny. the ads are by Crispin Porter & Bogusky. why is that funny?

Apple has been telling bare faced lies in it's "I'm a mac" adverts for years.

Oh man. It's funny that these ads STILL get the Apple fans all riled up. For years, Apple had been telling bold faced lies in the "Get a Mac" campaign and Apple fans ate it up.

examples. please

Now that Microsoft is running true ads showing the real picture, its blasphemy! Apple and the fans can sure dish it out but they certainly can not take it at all.

but they aren't. they are lying.

since you don't like the whole car thing, here's one perhaps you can appreciate.

this is not unlike the whole Steve Jobs is a Very Sick Man thing. Apple could argue that they don't have to say anything because Jobs' illness doesn't affect his ability to do his job. Okay. Fine. but if they say something they have to tell the truth. This is what the SEC is investigating. When it was said back in January that everything was fine, it was a little simple thing blah blah, did they in fact know that Jobs needed a new liver, was so sick he shot to the top of the list etc.

Microsoft saying they are better priced than Apple fine. But the moment they started naming prices and components they are obligated to be truthful. If the price drops, they should pull the ad and correct it or trash it. we barely see faces until the end so a little ADR ain't that hard

as for the whole 'over spec' claim. get real. if you are going to take price you have to be looking at comparable items. at the least in terms of processor speed, graphics card, ram and hard drive. which these ads rarely do

Oh I forgot you get a USER REPLACEABLE battery.

and how long is that battery supposed to last. for the average user. one year, two years. will it be replaced for free after that time. or do you have to buy a new one.

like it or not the built in batteries Apple is using are designed for 4-5 years of use (for the average user). double the old ones. and the cost to replace is the same as what you would have paid for a new battery to put in yourself. probably something you can have done in the 15 minutes you'd have a genius bar appointment. and possibly for no labor charge. we'll see in a couple of years.

The Advertising Standards Agency demanded they take it down.

yes in the UK they are much more strict. And Apple obliged.

And for years, Apple has been perpetuating myths about PC's in their 'I'm a Mac' adverts. Adverts that have NEVER EVER honestly represented PC's.

okay so PCs never get viruses, I can walk in and there are trailers at every PC store to teach me how to use my computer, there are company certified techs to fix my machine, etc.

Apple hasn't been perpetuating myths. they have been responding to long standing complaints. yeah, they didn't mention that Apple ain't perfect. but Microsoft isn't so upfront either time a "Get a Mac" ads begin their run pointing out a flaw in Windows and Microsoft changes with a service pack update to address it, Apple should pull all those ads immediately? Please stop believing that Apple is so honorable and noble.

I doubt you could find one example of such an update.

but lets say you did. lets say that with Windows 7, the system is now as closer to virus safe as Apple. but Apple runs old ads saying Windows is highly prone to viruses. Do you think Microsoft isn't going to scream foul. of course they will.

I hope MS keeps these adds going! Apple has been pretty lazy with their laptop and iMac designs. We are paying a premium and Apple is not adding features that have been in the PC market for quite a while!

and they should, why? because you and perhaps 5% of the Apple market want them.

In the end, much of what you are screaming for is tricks and babbles to make PCs look better but either cuts into an existing product/service by Apple, too pricey even by Apple's standards or just wouldn't be needed by that many folks and those that do need it can find support by other means, like adapters, external drives etc.

oh and the HD files are 720.

I can't wait for MS to setup stores right near Apple stores.

well from the talk it's going to be more of an in store ad and outside of perhaps the Zunes and a bit of software, you can't walk out with anything.

So you won't do the data transfer for her because she bought, gasp, a PC? Quite a friend you are.

you ever tried to do a PC to Mac transfer. it ain't as easy as a firewire cable and target disk mode

In fact, I don't think windows has anything like repairing permissions.

no it doesn't. the whole permissions thing is part of the Nix substructure.

as for the repairing permissions doesn't fix everything comment. no, but it can fix a lot. and it doesn't hurt to try it before doing something drastic like a full install
Neither am I

Am I the only one doubtful this even happened in the first place? I'm just not buying it.

I would imagine Apple has bigger fish to fry.

I googled some of the keywords to find other articles, and they ALL read pretty much verbatim. I just don't buy it. Imagine how the conversation (If real) took place with this "Apple legal guy" :

This is Mr Kevin Turner, What can I do for you?

This is Apple Legal, we want you to stop with that strangely insulting reality mini series you call laptop hunters. We are scared it will hurt our business! Stop!


Yeah right. Some bozo called claiming to be "Apple Legal", or this just did not happen.
This may have already been answered before, but what is MS planning on selling in these new stores that they are putting up? These commercials dont make a huge amount of sense when you think about it. Windows is an OS not a computer as MS doesn't make a computer... So how are these stores going to compete with Apple if they dont sell computers...and if they do sell computers which brand? And then why would MS do this if they are selling other people's computers?
i think it is funny that Apple wanted the laptop hunter ad's pulled, but has the great ad's of their own poking fun at PC's with virus's, crashing, errors and vista.

while i am soundly in the mac camp, its hard to expect no response. so... do what you do, cut your price to compete better. finally.

I agree. There's nothing wrong with these ads. Apple has been taking their shots at MS for a long time.
Vista's about 70% of Snow Leopard technologically and capabilities.

Display Postscript was co-developed by Adobe and NeXT with Adobe holding the bulk of the patents.

Upon merging with Apple Adobe wanted a $10/copy fee which for a consumer priced OS was a large raping [people bitched about $1 for firewire].

Apple then developed Display PDF with all patents being owned by them and continue to extend it with Adobe opening up PDF as an ISO standard.

Apple Display PDF has influenced the creation of Cairo [] on the Free Desktop Org group, for one example.

It's a subjective thing. I boot between Win7 x64 and 10.5.7 routinely. IMO the end user experience is closer to 90 for your average run of the mill user. There are some demographics where that will shift radically for or against Apple. For example, someone more interested in Gaming would find a Mac severely lacking. For someone like me (UNIX Sysadmin), I find the BSD subsystem in OSX extremely usefully. But I have to think there are more of *them* than there are of *me*.
A little truth...

So Microsoft says Apple called and said "stop the ads, we dropped the price $100."

Microsoft is revisiting its "Microsoft stores" idea.

Microsoft is trying to recreate the Zune.

Microsoft is attacking Apple specifically with the "Laptop hunters ads."

What I see here is Apple likely called and said "this component of your ad is deceptive against a laptop that has seen a price point drop."

The rest is just Microsoft emulating Apple. If Apple is so "bad," why is EVERYONE trying to be like them? Apple releases a home computer with a GUI (Lisa 1983). Microsoft releases Windows (1985).

Let's talk about Packard Bell. 1986 to 1996 (before Stronbow took over) they were a major desktop seller in the U.S. They had a philosophy that made business sense. Find the lowest cost components, put them in a computer, put windows on it, and sell it. The problem was they couldn't support the endeavor. Often, hardware was incompatible. Several times customers got free upgrades because of this oversight. Companies don't make money giving things away.

When was the last time hardware caused a significant (note that word) problem in the Mac world? Apple designs their systems from the ground up. You could throw in an NVidia problem here, or a modem problem there. I completely agree. Look at the stability over time.

Personal experience: I started working with computers at age 8. I learned Turtle Logo on a C64. I had worked with Apple II's and PC's by the time I was 11. I enjoyed programming (yes, in BASIC on DOS 2.0) the PC my dad bought. Since that time I've worked with every distro of DOS (MS) and Windows I've heard of (including Win286). I had spent hours and even days at a time diagnosing and repairing PC's. To be fair I had a job or two doing this for a while. This has totaled years of time out of my life.

In 2005 I bought my first Mac. It was a used iBook G3 (almost 5 years old). I installed 10.4 on it. It worked just fine. I've never had anything go wrong with it. Period. I maxed out the memory and HD. I upgraded to an iBook G4 in late 2006. I maxed it out at a Gig more of memory and run 10.5 on it. Now I have a 15" unibody and look forward to 10.6. Long story short: I've spent 1 hour fixing my 3 Mac's. 1 hour in 4 years, and one Mac is 9 years old. I'd have killed for reliability like that from a PC. Any PC.

I've installed Windows 7 Beta on my Unibody. It works great. I have no complaints. I look forward to its release and plan to install it on a Netbook I was given as well. My Mac is my work computer. I can depend on it all the time. As a network engineer down time would cripple me.

My Mac is my play computer. I installed Win7 and play games on it. I enjoy it. I've had no problems from Win7 so far.

I spent a little extra money, and I sleep very well at night. When it's time to play games, I play games instead of fixing computers. When it's time to work, I work instead of fixing computers. And when 10.6 comes out, I won't NEED MS software on my computer anymore (Exchange compatibility). I'll have MS software (Win7) strictly for recreation. That's it. I choose to pay for dependability instead of gamble with it. Some like to gamble. God bless 'em.

I already know Packard Bells philosophy doesn't work. I know why it doesn't work. I won't go back to fixing a computer, to use a computer. My time is worth more than the "Apple Tax." Most peoples is. Many have been fooled in to believing otherwise. Some like being a backyard mechanic. Great. I got tired of it. So, to make it simple... Windows... sure for gaming. To depend on? Make mine a Mac.
I already know Packard Bells philosophy doesn't work. I know why it doesn't work. I won't go back to fixing a computer, to use a computer. My time is worth more than the "Apple Tax." Most peoples is. Many have been fooled in to believing otherwise. Some like being a backyard mechanic. Great. I got tired of it. So, to make it simple... Windows... sure for gaming. To depend on? Make mine a Mac.

Well put. I spend my day at work fixing Windows computers. I can install XP with my eyes closed and have the product keys memorized because I type them in so much. When I get home I don't want to spend my free time fixing my computer, screwing with the OS, or doing whatever else needs to be done. I want it to just work. In steps Mac. I also now use a Mac at work for programming and what not, and I feel I am more productive. Each to his own I guess, but these are MY experiences.

the ad said that the screen was too small and it was a thousand dollars,
their budget was about $700.

lol, apple's greatest weakness "i can't afford a mac"

the ads message was "a pc to meet any budget"
don't you love how MS ads are "buy a PC" when MS is a software company.
TO: Microsoft
From: Apple

Hello Microsoft...

Please stop stating facts in your advertisment! PLEASE!!!!

Good luck with that APPLE i think Microsoft finally found a way to compete with your Attacks against Microsoft and all the bugs it has.. you dont hear them knocking on your door to stop the ads'

They are just working round the clock to fix the problems

Maybe you should Lower your Prices Apple!?!? LOWER YOUR PRICES!!!
You guys kill me.

I've had 15 years of Microsoft, HP, Dell, IBM and even an Acer.

I've had 3 years of Apple.

How about some real world experience, buy a few computers, get a few users, follow them around, report back. Then switch the computers, follow them around, report back. See what they have to say!!

Buy what makes you happy! I don't care about the guy next to me and his *(&(&^^*, I didn't buy it!!

Who cares if Apple called MS. I don't really care, don't believe it and I don't care. That's like saying Did Angelia call Jennifer.

You gotta find something better to occupy your time with. Basket weaving has may provide you hours of fun. How about using that fantastic computer your so proud of and do something productive to be proud of. HP, Dell, MS, and Apple would rather you vote with your Dollars, Euros, Yen, Visa, AMEX and MasterCard. They're not reading forums trying to get a feel for your thoughts!

If anyone had/has a "perfect" anything, everyone who can afford it has one or wants one. For those things in various levels of "less than perfect" find the one that suits you best and roll with it.

Yeah you really drove your "occupy your time with something else" point home when you posted it on a forum. :rolleyes:
Is this even true? A rare blink from Cupertino??

The REAL phone call probably went like this:

"Hi, this is Apple Legal. Not to interrupt your 'race to the bottom' approach here, but you MIGHT want to pull those Laptop Hunters ads. I mean, you're only helping us, and we're starting to feel guilty about it. To compete with us, you're just devaluing your own product in the mind of the customer! Actually, scratch that, you're not even devaluing your own product, you're technically devaluing your partners' products. So, you know, thanks and all, but we're just starting to feel kind of, you know... sorry for you. Please pull 'em. For the love of God."
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7A341 Safari/528.16)

Maybe Apple did it as a joke. I can see them all sitting there laughing at the fools at MS now. Gee...what can we call them about tomorrow? Ha!
This is true...

Two weeks ago I crank called Kevin Turner, saying, hey — this is a true story — saying, “Hey, you need to stop running those ads, we lowered our prices.”

Then he says, "Is this a joke? Who are you?"
Then I was like, snicker, "The Apple legal department."
Then he says, "Who?"
Then I said, "Uh, like, the Apple lawyer, uh, people place..?"
Then he says, "Why are you breathing so heavy?"
Then I yelled, "You're a f@g!", and hung up the phone.

It was the greatest single crank call in the history that I’ve ever made in business.
but they aren't. they are lying.

They're not lying, relax man. Microsoft is just hitting back. It's competition. This is a good thing.

Most commercials tell half truths anyway. The other side of the MS's coin is best explained by Apple's "mac/pc" commercials.

Just like the other side of Apple's coin is (often) the premium price.

Apple still doesn't have Blu-ray. For shame. Apple users (including me) have a complete hi-def workflow in final cut studio, but no Apple made way to get it to the only disc based hi-def format.
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