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macrumors G5
Nov 7, 2007
New Sanfrakota
Wait so someone is not suppose to come onto a forum to discuss an issue they have with a company that they were previously employed with? I mean he is not saying Apple is trash, he just wanted to tell a story and ask advice. I don't understand the problem with that.

You need to read further down regarding the misleading post.


Feb 14, 2013
Atlanta Ga
No, because, taken seriously, it reflects poorly on Apple. The OP didn't make it clear that it was a joke. Another member even asked for a link to that.

You have got to be kidding me. Heaven forbid Apple look bad in this situation. They should for the whole thing, but if you have anything to say about they won't. Apple is not perfect, and they make CS mistakes. This might be one of them. At least the customer can joke around about it. I would be pissed.

Night Spring

macrumors G5
Jul 17, 2008
No, because, taken seriously, it reflects poorly on Apple. The OP didn't make it clear that it was a joke. Another member even asked for a link to that.

Well, while it's true that I couldn't figure out whether it was a joke or not, part of the reason why I had trouble was because I saw your serious reaction to it at the same time.
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macrumors newbie
Sep 20, 2016
I'm actually glad he brought this to light..

Wait so someone is not suppose to come onto a forum to discuss an issue they have with a company that they were previously employed with? I mean he is not saying Apple is trash, he just wanted to tell a story and ask advice. I don't understand the problem with that.


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jul 9, 2008
Well, while it's true that I couldn't figure out whether it was a joke or not, part of the reason why I had trouble was because I saw your serious reaction to it at the same time.

This is a good example of why I was wrong here. Funny, maybe to some but it is a perfect example of one of those things Apple considers damaging to their brand and reputation when a customer recounts a fake-scenario even if it was a joke.

I should have added some sarcasm tag or something. Looks like we all are on the same page but let's move on so mods don't lock the forum before I go up on Saturday and pickup the watch.


Feb 14, 2013
Atlanta Ga
This is a good example of why I was wrong here. Funny, maybe to some but it is a perfect example of one of those things Apple considers damaging to their brand and reputation when a customer recounts a fake-scenario even if it was a joke.

I should have added some sarcasm tag or something. Looks like we all are on the same page but let's move on so mods don't lock the forum before I go up on Saturday and pickup the watch.

Oh my gosh Adam. Seriously it's ok to have a little fun. Seriously when does Apple get to decide what people put on a forum? I have seen much, much worse writes about other companies as joke as well as for real. People need to live a little. #yolo

I will stop because I don't want this to be locked, but I don't think you did anything wrong.
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macrumors 603
Oct 23, 2014
Port Moody, BC, Canada
I've said many times - we need a de-facto, cross-platform sarcasm font. :) Too many times people are making light, only to send the person on the other end's head spinning. :D (and if it's your significant other, then it can get expensive) ;)
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macrumors G5
Nov 7, 2007
New Sanfrakota
Oh my gosh Adam. Seriously it's ok to have a little fun. Seriously when does Apple get to decide what people put on a forum? I have seen much, much worse writes about other companies as joke as well as for real. People need to live a little. #yolo

I will stop because I don't want this to be locked, but I don't think you did anything wrong.

The OP gets it. You don't.


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jul 9, 2008
I've said many times - we need a de-facto, cross-platform sarcasm font. :) Too many times people are making light, only to send the person on the other end's head spinning. :D (and if it's your significant other, then it can get expensive) ;)

My GF and I speak extensively over text throughout the day. This happens a LOT. Hasn't cost me any money (yet) but it's very easy to miscommunicate when facial expressions & body language isn't present.


Feb 14, 2013
Atlanta Ga
The OP gets it. You don't.

I think his "getting it", is more of he doesn't want the thread lock then he thinks what he wrote was that bad.

Apple is not this untouchable company that it, and many people like you think that they are. What the OP wrote represented an actual conversation he had with CS in which they asked if he was threatening them. That is ridiculous, and Apple should be called out for it. Again they are not this untouchable company that can control everything that is said about them. Just because they have you, does not mean everyone else has to play by their stupid rules.
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Night Spring

macrumors G5
Jul 17, 2008
I think his "getting it", is more of he doesn't want the thread lock then he thinks what he wrote was that bad.

Apple is not this untouchable company that it, and many people like you think that they are. What the OP wrote represented an actual conversation he had with CS in which they asked if he was threatening them. That is ridiculous, and Apple should be called out for it. Again they are not this untouchable company that can control everything that is said about them. Just because they have you, does not mean everyone else has to play by their stupid rules.

I doubt Jay is saying OP shouldn't have reported the initial conversation with customer service. Even if Jay is saying that, I'm sure OP doesn't think he was wrong to start this thread and keep posting updates here. The only problem was that Twitter joke, which, while funny, wasn't clear if it was a joke or a representation of an actual exchange on Twitter.
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macrumors G5
Nov 29, 2011
Boston, MA
Dang. You have more patience than I do lol. I come back here only to be disappointed to lack of resolution. I can hardly think how it feels like to you, the person who actually has something to gain/lose.

Also, here is the scenario, as I've understood it, so far:

Apple screws up. Has yet to apologize. OP makes a joke (all be it in poor taste and inclear it was a joke) and the forum guilts him into apologizing. Did I get that right? Kind of baffling but, hey, maybe it shouldn't be.
Last edited:


Feb 14, 2013
Atlanta Ga
I doubt Jay is saying OP shouldn't have reported the initial conversation with customer service. Even if Jay is saying that, I'm sure OP doesn't think he was wrong to start this thread and keep posting updates here. The only problem was that Twitter joke, which, while funny, wasn't clear if it was a joke or a representation of an actual exchange on Twitter.

I know Jay may not be saying the whole thread is a waste, but the joke was just that a joke. The problem I have with Jay getting his panties in a wad over the joke, is that it was the same conversation he had with CS on the phone. Even if it wasn't true, it was the exact conversation he has with Apple CS. I am sure he would get the same response from Twitter Apple support.

This is the only reason I question Jay about the entire thread. Making a joke about Apple CS is funny to me. In this situation they have truly blown it, and I feel he has every right to make jokes. To me he could totally run their CS through the mud because they have been garbage on this. I know I have had some terrible experiences with the Mall of Ga Apple Store. Their CS is terrible, and I have let the forum know it, as well as support. Support even apologized for them, as well as me emailing Tim Cook. Again Apple is not this god people like to think they are. They are not perfect, and they need to me called out sometimes. A joke here and there should be completely fine.

Night Spring

macrumors G5
Jul 17, 2008
I am sure he would get the same response from Twitter Apple support.

No, this, I'm not sure about. Private phone conversation is one thing, but if they did this on Twitter, then it would be out there for all the world to see. If a company did this on Twitter, I'd REALLY be worried about the state of their customer service and public relations department.
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Feb 14, 2013
Atlanta Ga
No, this, I'm not sure about. Private phone conversation is one thing, but if they did this on Twitter, then it would be out there for all the world to see. If a company did this on Twitter, I'd REALLY be worried about the state of their customer service and public relations department.

Wait so you think Apple allows their CS agents to talk to customers like that on the phone, but to save face they would never do that on Twitter? If that is the case, that gives me an even worse view of them. If you are willing to say that on the phone, then you better be willing to say that one Twitter for the rest of the world to see. That is like a person that is one way around friends, but is something completely different with his/her family. People call those type of people fake.

Night Spring

macrumors G5
Jul 17, 2008
Wait so you think Apple allows their CS agents to talk to customers like that on the phone, but to save face they would never do that on Twitter? If that is the case, that gives me an even worse view of them. If you are willing to say that on the phone, then you better be willing to say that one Twitter for the rest of the world to see. That is like a person that is one way around friends, but is something completely different with his/her family. People call those type of people fake.

I actually think it is wrong for Apple to have their CS say that on the phone. But to do it on Twitter would compound the problem. In my opinion, while it is not ideal to behave one way in private and another way in public, if one is going to be "fake" as you call it, then it's smarter to fake it when the situation calls for it.
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Feb 14, 2013
Atlanta Ga
I actually think it is wrong for Apple to have their CS say that on the phone. But to do it on Twitter would compound the problem. In my opinion, while it is not ideal to behave one way in private and another way in public, if one is going to be "fake" as you call it, then it's smarter to fake it when the situation calls for it.

I agree with most of that. I don't think they should ever say that on the phone, but there is no way Apple is not aware CS agents are saying this. As Adam said, he found this has happened before enough that it would be on a Google search. My problem is, if you are willing to let CS say that on the phone, then you better own that s*** on Twitter, and do it there too. I don't want want to support a company that will say one thing to me for the world to see, but tell something completely different on the phone. I find that very discomforting.
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