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macrumors G5
Nov 7, 2007
New Sanfrakota
I agree with most of that. I don't think they should ever say that on the phone, but there is no way Apple is not aware CS agents are saying this. As Adam said, he found this has happened before enough that it would be on a Google search. My problem is, if you are willing to let CS say that on the phone, then you better own that s*** on Twitter, and do it there too. I don't want want to support a company that will say one thing to me for the world to see, but tell something completely different on the phone. I find that very discomforting.

A good joke should not need explaining. It's even funnier in light of the fact that it went so far over your head, it probably brushed the moon

In case you don't know, those in customer services are taught to cease all communication once the customer "threatens" the company. So, yes, "Are you threatening [insert name of company]?" is a common question asked by real CS reps when the customer appears to making threats, but the point is the OP made no such threat even in his phone conversation.

This is also why it's never a good idea to threaten a company when things don't go your way, because it'll defeat the purpose of eventually getting what you want.


Feb 14, 2013
Atlanta Ga
In case you don't know, those in customer services are taught to cease all communication once the customer "threatens" the company. So, yes, "Are you threatening [insert name of company]?" is a common question said by real CS reps when the customer appears to making threats, but the point is the OP made no such threat even in his phone conversation.

Yes that is what I am telling you. He never threaten the company, so saying this was completely uncalled for. I get threaten by a customer almost everyday with the company I work for. If they don't get what they want in my store, they threaten our company. I am not any way shape or form allowed to asked if they are threatening us. I simply try to move the conversation in another direction, fix the issue, or tell them the conversation is over. Never should it be ok to ask if you are threatening said company, and then you will end the conversation. CS is a huge part of a company, and Apple has built a best in business. I would hate to think that is only for the happy customers and in front of the public eye. Apple should be the same in private as well.

I think the "Are you Threatening Apple?" topic should be its own thread not because it's toxic and I don't want to participate (I do) but because it seems unique to Apple (in my experience) and while legally, it's very intelligent for Apple representatives to cut off a discussion if there's an inkling of a dissatisfied customer going a legal route to find a resolution, I think the approach is very un-Apple.

Why I think it deserves its own thread is because it's completely against what I was taught way back in 2005 that I hear is still in use today:

  • Approach customers with a personalized warm welcome
  • Probe politely to understand all the customer’s needs
  • Present a solution for the customer to take home today
  • Listen for and resolve any issues or concerns
  • End with a fond farewell and an invitation to return
Taking a fun conversation with a customer (which I was having) to "are you threatening apple?" in a stern serious voice took me off guard and made me feel like I had made a mistake. We were always taught to never use negative words like if a customer asks a question, "no" or "not" or "unlikely" were to be used minimally because it makes a customer feel vulnerable, wrong, or uncomfortable.

If a customer says, "I heard the new iPod will have video" don't reply with "that's wrong" but instead saying, "in the current iPod, that functionality isn't available but it has some great features that I"d like to show you"

That CS' statement made me very uncomfortable. I'd prefer if the rep asked, "I'm required to inform you that if you have an intent to take legal action against Apple, Inc. we'll have to end our call." I'd have said "I do not" and we could have proceeded.

but I really would prefer we stay on topic. I don't see anything wrong with those of you passionate about the subject starting your own thread. I hope that's a fair compromise.

Sorry to take your thread off topic. I just feel customer service is very important, and being in the retail industry for over 12 years, I am really passionate about it. Apple has been the gold standard for the last 20+ years for CS. This conversation just does not play like that. For that matter to get back on topic. I don't think this whole situation is typical Apple CS. I feel like they have really dropped the ball. I have faith they will make it right, but it's differently worth pursuing.

I guess I get tired of people always defending Apple, when in fact they do make mistakes. I think they have here.
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macrumors G5
Nov 7, 2007
New Sanfrakota
I get threaten by a customer almost everyday with the company I work for. If they don't get what they want in my store, they threaten our company. I am not any way shape or form allowed to asked if they are threatening us. I simply try to move the conversation in another direction, fix the issue, or tell them the conversation is over. Never should it be ok to ask if you are threatening said company, and then you will end the conversation. CS is a huge part of a company, and Apple has built a best in business. I would hate to think that is only for the happy customers and in front of the public eye. Apple should be the same in private as well.

Go ahead and make a "joke" regarding your company on a public forum (without any indication that it's a joke), and see how well that goes over for your company ;)


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jul 9, 2008
Ways that Apple CS is or has been good to me though and why I didn't make this the topic of the thread because it was just a minor oddity to me:

  • Replaced 2 devices (iPod & an iMac) out of warranty due to multiple in-warranty issues that lead to repairs before Apple replacing them out of warranty under what seemed to be an internal (lemon-law) kind of situation where if enough of a computer gets repaired over and over, just replace the whole thing
  • Upgraded me from an iBook G3 to an iBook G4. G3 was a month from being out of warranty and I had sent it in 10 times for repairs (4 logic boards, RAM sticks, failed HDD, failed display, failed USB ports)
  • Replaced iPods dozens of times for failed hard drives. In-warranty, no questions asked replacements. Those hard drives tended to fail and I ran a lot growing up and moving parts + running don't mix
  • Implement Phone-pass or whatever they call it where when i call from my phone Apple answers immediately with "hello Adam. which of your devices are you calling about today?" This is SOOOO cool.
  • PeopleSoft, I don't know why it hasn't been changed in years but every thing about me from my first iBook to my latest phone call with Apple is all in one section. Granted, I had a genius 8 years ago clean up my account because there were multiple instances of me and he merged them all for me but the fact that Apple has 18 years of my warranty history in one area is pretty amazing.
  • Apple has almost always respected me. With computer issues, I start not by bragging but mentioning my credentials and what steps I took on the device before calling. Apple employees generally appreciate that and immediately escalate me to someone at level II for further diagnosis and I don't have to repeat myself. I've always enjoyed this repeating myself on phone calls after being transferred is horrendous experience
  • Overnight shipping to and from Depot and apple pays shipping both ways. really amazing
  • up to date repair status online
  • Buy AppleCare in person, at order time or over the phone (if device isn't too old and if it is, Apple has remote diagnostics to make sure hardware is in working order before selling me apple care)
  • Apple follow up via email w/ their email address and direct number. The only other company that did this was Dell and only if you bought a small business or enterprise machine (like an OptiPlex or Server). Apple seems to do this always and it makes getting resolution with the person you worked with so easy.
  • I call one phone number for all of my issues, iTunes, hardware, software, services, iPod, keyboards
  • Remote assistance. I haven't done this in a while but apple does a good job of setting up screen-shares and walking me through things
  • The double click to copy serial number in iTunes and about my mac is so awesome for starting repairs...i kind of wish Safari detected the serial automatically but there are security issues there I'm sure
  • AppleCare+ Is amazing when it's applied. I had an iPad that had a shattered screen an the incident cost was insane compared to the old out of warranty replacement cost
  • The move to almost no moving parts on all machines (aside from fans and some remaining HDDs) has to help bottom line AppleCare claims and is just smart. lots of companies are still replacing gobs of moving parts that fail easily
  • The price of AppleCare on devices hasn't changed in years. I'd assume they'd have increased it a long time ago on the iMac
  • Everyone I've spoken to at apple is in Texas or California and english is their first language.

Just wanted to write this out because I buy a new computer from apple every other year a maxed out iMac or a maxed out MacBook pro. iPad and iPhone every year and back in the day, a new iPod every year. I have had nothing but great experiences with apple since the late 90s. I'm still in touch with the guy Chris who worked at CompUSA in Jacksonville Florida who was the on-site Apple employee there. He was still with apple until a few years ago. Apple employees that work in support aren't temp workers, these are career apple employees who really do care about customer satisfaction. (again, just my opinion from my experiences as a customer)


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jul 9, 2008
The last time I checked, Adam does not work for Apple.

but I stated very early in the thread that I still have dealings with them professionally so when people told me to take them to small claims court if I don't get resolution, I was clear that my main income is not worth getting an Apple watch replaced. I have no ill-will against them at all.


macrumors 604
Jun 19, 2009
Los Angeles, CA
Let's all take a step back and realize this is a forum. One that anyone can post on. They can write anything they want. If Apples image is tarnished by a joke post read by a small subset of potential customers that was clarified ad-nauseam for the next three pages, then their image isn't all that great.

Keep us updated on the watch OP.


macrumors 68040
Jul 6, 2007
tl;dr due to shear number of responses on this thread. Anybody want to summarize this thread in few sentences? :)

As an Apple Watch + AppleCare owner I would like to know.


macrumors 68040
Feb 28, 2009
Let's all take a step back and realize this is a forum. One that anyone can post on. They can write anything they want. If Apples image is tarnished by a joke post read by a small subset of potential customers that was clarified ad-nauseam for the next three pages, then their image isn't all that great.

Keep us updated on the watch OP.

would you please stop making sense.


macrumors G5
Nov 7, 2007
New Sanfrakota
tl;dr due to shear number of responses on this thread. Anybody want to summarize this thread in few sentences? :)

As an Apple Watch + AppleCare owner I would like to know.

1. The OP learned that his AC+ was canceled due to "third party modification" on his AW and immediately made a thread without knowing anything else. Sort of jumping the gun especially considering that he's a former Apple Store employee.

2. He received paperwork meant for the iPhone without any explanation for reason(s) for the return of his AW, indicating that it was most likely a mix up.

3. He showed his AW to Apple Store employees who agreed that his AW wasn't modified. They asserted him that they've restored his AC+, but this is not yet showing online for him. The AW was sent out to the depot again for a repair.

4. To be continued (as he hasn't received his AW back).


Feb 14, 2013
Atlanta Ga
but I stated very early in the thread that I still have dealings with them professionally so when people told me to take them to small claims court if I don't get resolution, I was clear that my main income is not worth getting an Apple watch replaced. I have no ill-will against them at all.

Oh I completely understand that. My point being I don't think they handled this properly at all. I would still shop with them, and would hold no ill will. I just think they have handled it poorly. In terms of the joke, I don't think it's something that should be taken seriously and has no bearing on your employment. The comment you quoted me on was in reference to Jay saying I would not be making public jokes about the company I work for. He is right, but my point is that you are not employed by them and I would be happy joke publicly about my company if I no longer worked for them. Obviously my way of making a living is much more important then making jokes.

would you please stop making sense.

I hate people that make sense on this thread.

Let's all take a step back and realize this is a forum. One that anyone can post on. They can write anything they want. If Apples image is tarnished by a joke post read by a small subset of potential customers that was clarified ad-nauseam for the next three pages, then their image isn't all that great.

Keep us updated on the watch OP.

Could not agree more. Sometimes I get passionate about a product or two, but I have to realize it's just a phone, a watch, computer, or whatever tech I am using. The company that made it is not perfect, and it's ok to be critical of them and their products from time to time. All in all who gives a s*** in the grand scheme of things. It's Apple, and it's an AW. Apple is making billions upon billions of dollars, and their imagine will not be hurt in any way shape or form by Adam on MR. Just saying.
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macrumors 68040
Jul 6, 2007
1. The OP learned that his AC+ was canceled due to "third party modification" on his AW and immediately made a thread without knowing anything else. Sort of jumping the gun especially considering that he's a former Apple Store employee.

2. He received paperwork meant for the iPhone without any explanation for reason(s) for the return of his AW, indicating that it was most likely a mix up.

3. He showed his AW to Apple Store employees who agreed that his AW wasn't modified. They asserted him that they've restored his AC+, but this is not yet showing online for him. The AW was sent out to the depot again for a repair.

4. To be continued (as he hasn't received his AW back).
Thanks! I knew about 1 & 2 (other than former employee part), but not the rest. I guess this thread is long due to all the in-fighting :)


macrumors 68000
Apr 22, 2009
Ways that Apple CS is or has been good to me though and why I didn't make this the topic of the thread because it was just a minor oddity to me:

  • Replaced 2 devices (iPod & an iMac) out of warranty due to multiple in-warranty issues that lead to repairs before Apple replacing them out of warranty under what seemed to be an internal (lemon-law) kind of situation where if enough of a computer gets repaired over and over, just replace the whole thing
  • Upgraded me from an iBook G3 to an iBook G4. G3 was a month from being out of warranty and I had sent it in 10 times for repairs (4 logic boards, RAM sticks, failed HDD, failed display, failed USB ports)
  • Replaced iPods dozens of times for failed hard drives. In-warranty, no questions asked replacements. Those hard drives tended to fail and I ran a lot growing up and moving parts + running don't mix
  • Implement Phone-pass or whatever they call it where when i call from my phone Apple answers immediately with "hello Adam. which of your devices are you calling about today?" This is SOOOO cool.
  • PeopleSoft, I don't know why it hasn't been changed in years but every thing about me from my first iBook to my latest phone call with Apple is all in one section. Granted, I had a genius 8 years ago clean up my account because there were multiple instances of me and he merged them all for me but the fact that Apple has 18 years of my warranty history in one area is pretty amazing.
  • Apple has almost always respected me. With computer issues, I start not by bragging but mentioning my credentials and what steps I took on the device before calling. Apple employees generally appreciate that and immediately escalate me to someone at level II for further diagnosis and I don't have to repeat myself. I've always enjoyed this repeating myself on phone calls after being transferred is horrendous experience
  • Overnight shipping to and from Depot and apple pays shipping both ways. really amazing
  • up to date repair status online
  • Buy AppleCare in person, at order time or over the phone (if device isn't too old and if it is, Apple has remote diagnostics to make sure hardware is in working order before selling me apple care)
  • Apple follow up via email w/ their email address and direct number. The only other company that did this was Dell and only if you bought a small business or enterprise machine (like an OptiPlex or Server). Apple seems to do this always and it makes getting resolution with the person you worked with so easy.
  • I call one phone number for all of my issues, iTunes, hardware, software, services, iPod, keyboards
  • Remote assistance. I haven't done this in a while but apple does a good job of setting up screen-shares and walking me through things
  • The double click to copy serial number in iTunes and about my mac is so awesome for starting repairs...i kind of wish Safari detected the serial automatically but there are security issues there I'm sure
  • AppleCare+ Is amazing when it's applied. I had an iPad that had a shattered screen an the incident cost was insane compared to the old out of warranty replacement cost
  • The move to almost no moving parts on all machines (aside from fans and some remaining HDDs) has to help bottom line AppleCare claims and is just smart. lots of companies are still replacing gobs of moving parts that fail easily
  • The price of AppleCare on devices hasn't changed in years. I'd assume they'd have increased it a long time ago on the iMac
  • Everyone I've spoken to at apple is in Texas or California and english is their first language.

Just wanted to write this out because I buy a new computer from apple every other year a maxed out iMac or a maxed out MacBook pro. iPad and iPhone every year and back in the day, a new iPod every year. I have had nothing but great experiences with apple since the late 90s. I'm still in touch with the guy Chris who worked at CompUSA in Jacksonville Florida who was the on-site Apple employee there. He was still with apple until a few years ago. Apple employees that work in support aren't temp workers, these are career apple employees who really do care about customer satisfaction. (again, just my opinion from my experiences as a customer)
Do you think Apple CS (not the in-store experience) and AppleCare has gotten worse over the years, especially after Steve? IMO, they're are still better than the others, but heard they don't go above and beyond what they are supposed to provide like they used to … meaning Apple would do more than they were legally held responsible for in the past. I'm so surprised that Apple hasn't resolved this one way or the other. In the scheme of things it's a small issue for Apple, one that a mid-manager could rule on. It's not like the VW diesel scandal where the whole C-suite need to be involved.

Sort of off-topic: Why doesn't Apple just extend their standard warranty to 2 years and charge a bit more. A 1 year warranty like what everybody else offers, does not announce a quality product.

Btw, IMO, the in-store experience has gone way down to the point it's like any other store experience, but that's another topic. :)
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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jul 9, 2008
Do you think Apple CS (not the in-store experience) and AppleCare has gotten worse over the years, especially after Steve?

Not at all. I call Apple far-less than I did pre-2010 but I've had great experiences with them no matter what era of Apple. AppleCare has always treated me well. Maybe the only negative is how persistent phone reps are to get me to bring my machine in to them. The nearest store is almost 2 hours away and every time I mention this I'm told "no way that's correct" and they ask for my zip code anyway.
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Feb 14, 2013
Atlanta Ga
Not at all. I call Apple far-less than I did pre-2010 but I've had great experiences with them no matter what era of Apple. AppleCare has always treated me well. Maybe the only negative is how persistent phone reps are to get me to bring my machine in to them. The nearest store is almost 2 hours away and every time I mention this I'm told "no way that's correct" and they ask for my zip code anyway.

Same happens to me. I live an hour away from my Apple Store. I really wish they would get one closer.

Night Spring

macrumors G5
Jul 17, 2008
Same happens to me. I live an hour away from my Apple Store. I really wish they would get one closer.

Living in NYC, I have multiple Apple Stores within an hour's travel time, but the wait at Genius Bar has gotten insane. You arrive on time for your appointment and still have to wait at least 30 minutes to see a Genius.
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macrumors 68040
Feb 28, 2009
Living in NYC, I have multiple Apple Stores within an hour's travel time, but the wait at Genius Bar has gotten insane. You arrive on time for your appointment and still have to wait at least 30 minutes to see a Genius.

2.5hrs for me. :(
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macrumors 68040
Jul 6, 2007
Lucky me. I have 3 Apple Stores within 20 min driving distance, but none of them are the nice big ones :(


Moderator emeritus
Mar 7, 2007
I think it's obvious what happened here:

1. Apple tech expected to receive an iphone, but got something else to repair.

2. The device he received has obviously been modified, since it is far too small to be an iphone.

Someone should explain to the tech what a watch is.


macrumors G5
Nov 29, 2011
Boston, MA
I think it's obvious what happened here:

1. Apple tech expected to receive an iphone, but got something else to repair.

2. The device he received has obviously been modified, since it is far too small to be an iphone.

Someone should explain to the tech what a watch is.
You bring joy and light to this dreary thread.

Wait. This was sarcasm right? We can't be too sure here. ;)
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macrumors newbie
Jul 13, 2015
Same happens to me. I live an hour away from my Apple Store. I really wish they would get one closer.

Would love to being able to get to an Apple Store at all. We don't have an Apple Store at all in my country, and have to make it work with ****** 3rd party retailers.
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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jul 9, 2008
I reached out the store and I was told the replacement was covered under AppleCare. I still have to work with them on re-instating the 'expired' service showing on my profile and I don't know if it's a $99 charge or comped but I don't mind paying for the replacement service.

Thanks for your patience.


Feb 14, 2013
Atlanta Ga
I reached out the store and I was told the replacement was covered under AppleCare. I still have to work with them on re-instating the 'expired' service showing on my profile and I don't know if it's a $99 charge or comped but I don't mind paying for the replacement service.

Thanks for your patience.

Are you going to talk with the store about getting it reinstated, or Apple support?
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