Went to the store today, talked to one of the people in charge for the event tomorrow, and he said he's hoping that the store can be opened again at around 2pm. But from what I see here, it's probably NOT going to happen. However, what wonders me is what's taking SO LONG?
Form 10am to 4pm?
That's uhhh, pretty hefty...
Even 10am to 2pm is a lot.
Anyway, I bet O2 will be there to talk and convince whoever needs to be convincing they were the right choice for Apple and the iPhone. I'd LOVE it simply LOVE it if Steve would come by and hand out the paper saying as of tomorrow we'll launch Leopard ahead of time and people who buy the iPhone in the UK can do so from next month and as an extra treat he's gonna bump up the 8GB iPhone to 16GB for the European market.
That's not gonna happen...
Byt then we'll all know tomorrow what will...
I'm waiting for my iPod Touch, but I've seen too much horrible news to freak me out with the negative Black Screens!!!
APPLE! WAKE UP and don't release hardware and software with such major flaws!!!!