Tried flipping back and forth between AM and GM last night on my way to the airport with some interesting results as well as continuing to be amazed at some of the detail AM provides during routing.
The lane guidance info provided in the detailed maps is pretty amazing. Turning South off 42nd street, Maps knows you won’t (or shouldn’t) turn wide into the left lane, but does let you know early on that you should move left since you will need to turn left a few blocks up to head through the Midtown Tunnel.
AM actually kept proper positioning through the tunnel…not always as good as it was this time, but it does show movement. I have to assume they use some sort of algorithm to measure traffic speed as there is definitely no GPS signal in there.
Google still sits near the entrance to the tunnel where it loses the signal and then suddenly catches up when exiting.
Hmmmmm…We hit traffic and Apple Maps is saying I’ll arrive at 6:21 pm still and Google says 25 minutes later…I wonder which one will end up being correct??
And I don't want to start a whole thing again about Google traffic red versus Apple red, etc., but my opinion, Apple’s yellow here is more representative of what I was experiencing….traffic, yes, but moving along. Red to me really means “stop and go”. Google shows red nearly the entire trip and I don;t think we even stopped due to traffic except when everyone was cutting over to exit certain roads.
Also, love how this pic shows not only the detail I love so much, but Apple’s way of showing more of the actual route versus Google’s “always pointing in the same direction so you are now seeing a lot of the map that has nothing to do with your route” method.
Both do a good job of providing terminal choices when selecting directions, so they both got me right to where I needed to go…Google gets a half point more for defining departures versus arrivals, but I don’t think that is needed in most cases since that is usually the last “split” in the road when arriving at the terminal.
I was also having some conversations with co-workers about AM versus GM, and two of them said they don’t use AM still because of the horrible launch…when it first came out! I told them to open it and look…and look out the window…and check the subway stations they use. Needless to say, they were blown away.
I think once LookAround has wide release in the USA, Apple needs to go on a PR spree with commercials and everything so people at least see what they are missing.
EDIT: Yes, GM did update it's ETA down to closely match AM, but still a couple of minutes later. But if you look at my first pic with AM right after I left on my trip, AM shows 6:24 ETA. The only reason we arrived closer to 6:22 was my crazy taxi driver staying left up until the exit a couple of times and then cutting across 3 lanes to squeeze in like a jerk...hah!